| - Jack O'Neill is a General serving in the United States Air Force, serving 8 years in the Stargate Program until he was transferred to the Pentagon. He was the original leader of SG-1 and Commander of Stargate Command.
- Compare come guest star piu' volte in Stargate Atlantis e in Stargate Universe. Nasce il 20 ottobre 1952. Militare spiritoso, ironico, apparentemente ingenuo, determinato, responsabile, generoso, coraggioso e amante dei Simpson diventera' Generale all'inizio dell'ottava stagione per poi essere promosso a capo dell'Homeworld Security all'inizio della nona.
- Commander of SG-1, later the SGC, and head of the Department of Homeworld Security.
- Jack O'Neill je fiktivní postavou v sci-fi filmu Hvězdná brána a navazující seriálu Stargate SG-1. Ve filmu jej hrál Kurt Russell (psáno jako O'Neil) a v seriálu Richard Dean Anderson. Jack O'Neill je generálem Letectva Spojených států, sloužil 8 let v Programu Hvězdná brána. Byl velitelem SG-1 a SGC.
- Jonathan Jack O'Neill, también conocido como Jack, era un soldado, que estuvo ocho años en el Programa Stargate hasta que fue transferido al Pentágono para convertirse en el jefe del Comando Stargate. Él era el líder original de SG-1 y más tarde se convirtió en el jefe del Comando Stargate. El maestro Bra'tac le llamaba "O'Neill de Minnesota".
- Gen. Jonathan J. O'Neill, also known as John--or more commonly, Jack--was an officer in the United States Air Force who served eight years in the Stargate Program until he was transferred to the Pentagon to become the head of Homeworld Security. He was the original leader of SG-1, and later became the commander of the International Stargate Command. Many of Earth's victories against its alien adversaries, namely the Goa'uld System Lords and the Replicators, can be attributed to Jack's skill as both a soldier and a tactician, and he continues to be widely-regarded as the most-heroic man of his day across the galaxy.