| - Que Sera, Sera is the fifth track from Live 05.
- NOSFERATU dropped through the white clouds and blue sky at a steady, controlled pace, closing on the automated beacon that marked the location of the spaceport/nearby town BADDAWG'S LANDING on the world bearing the same name. this was going to be NOSFERATU'S first time here, so hopefully the somewhat "colorful" rep of ship and crew had not preceeded her. the plan was to off load some cargo, allow the crew a long overdue dirtside liberty, fill some of the crew slots left vacant after the fiasco at the "lost asteroid base", as well as locating another cargo, maybe passengers, or even a charter to pay the bills.
- Kang Tae Joo es un empleado ordinario en unos grandes almacenes, es un mujeriego que vive de fiesta en fiesta en busca de mujeres con dinero. Conoce a Han Eun Soo una joven simple e inocente que busca a su hermana. El encuentro entre los dos es accidentado ya que la encuentra dormida en la puerta de su apartamento y se crea un malentendido. Al principio Kang Tae Joo la desprecia, pero conforme pasa el tiempo y se aclara el malentendido se divierte con ella y se van despertando sentimientos en ambos que no podrán impedir.
| - Que Sera, Sera is the fifth track from Live 05.
- Kang Tae Joo es un empleado ordinario en unos grandes almacenes, es un mujeriego que vive de fiesta en fiesta en busca de mujeres con dinero. Conoce a Han Eun Soo una joven simple e inocente que busca a su hermana. El encuentro entre los dos es accidentado ya que la encuentra dormida en la puerta de su apartamento y se crea un malentendido. Al principio Kang Tae Joo la desprecia, pero conforme pasa el tiempo y se aclara el malentendido se divierte con ella y se van despertando sentimientos en ambos que no podrán impedir. Por otro lado la mente de Shin Joon Hyuk estaba herida debido a problemas familiares pero tiene una buena apariencia y habilidad superior, es un hombre exitoso y trabajador, pero con su pasado y problemas de amor con la hija del hombre que lo adoptó vive confundido por lo que con el tiempo se aferra a Han Eun Soon pero siempre lleno de desconfianza, será esto lo que realmente lo hará feliz. Cha Hye Lin es la hija de un rico presidente de un centro comercial y aspira a ser una diseñadora con un gusto único y una apariencia elegante. A pesar de ser independiente, fuerte y mimada, no sabe hacer frente al amor. Después de ser traicionada por su primer amor, Hye Lin deja de creer en el amor verdadero, volviéndose una persona necesitada de amor por lo que hace que Kang Tae Joo esté a su lado. ¿Serán capaces de estar juntos Han Eun Soon y Kang Tae Joo a pesar de todos los obstáculos que se les presentarán? El destino hace que los cuatro se junten y se cree una red de mentiras, engaños, amor, desamor y pasión.
- NOSFERATU dropped through the white clouds and blue sky at a steady, controlled pace, closing on the automated beacon that marked the location of the spaceport/nearby town BADDAWG'S LANDING on the world bearing the same name. this was going to be NOSFERATU'S first time here, so hopefully the somewhat "colorful" rep of ship and crew had not preceeded her. the plan was to off load some cargo, allow the crew a long overdue dirtside liberty, fill some of the crew slots left vacant after the fiasco at the "lost asteroid base", as well as locating another cargo, maybe passengers, or even a charter to pay the bills. BADDAWG'S LANDING was one of those sparsely settled worlds near THE EDGE of known space, and supposedly was a place where "business" could be done without attracting the attention of local authorities, or having to payoff the local criminal element . the spaceport and town of the same name was allegedly the largest settlement on the planet ( according to the info satellite in orbit: it listed the name, size, port facilities, and location of all known settlements on world). as NOSFERATU orbited the spaceport and nearby town at 10,000 feet, TIGHT PANTS NANCE KENDALL let her first mate handle the ship, while she scanned the ID's of any/all other ships in port on her control station screen. NANCE blew a cloud of blue-gray cigar smoke at the overhead and grunted. there were four (4) other FTL vessels in port, and a pair of 100-MT shuttlecraft for shifting cargo/passengers from surface-to-orbit/orbit-to-surface. this last tidbit caused NANCE'S bushy red eyebrows to go up. apparently this place was accustomed to orbit-to-orbit shipping as well as atmospherically stream-lined vessels. not so much a backwater as she had originally thought. "GOOD! no one here that we know! take her down, MISTER!" the landing was accomplished without incident. as the main VTOL thrusters spooled down, NANCE unsnapped her safety harness, blew another cloud of cigar smoke at the overhead, stood, stretched luxurously and adjusted her gunbelt. "TIME to meet and greet the locals, MISTER! i will be in my cabin awaiting them!" exhaling another cloud of smoke that threatened to overwhelm NOSFERATU' S lifesupport systems, NANCE, strode from the bridge, cabin bound. behind her the MATE keyed the all hands's circuit of the intercom system. "STEWARD to the main cargo-lock to meet and escort official visitor's!" THIS is another scenario for use with THWG's 5150 sci fi rules, and is intended as a follow up to DEVILS IN THE DARK an earlier scenario NOSFERTU and surviving crew barely escaped from an unsuspected HAFER colony inhabiting a long abandoned asteroid base. and if the XENOS were not enough to deal with, there was the complication(s) resulting from the involvement of a vessel from a rival salvage/rescue company (SANFORD & SONS).