| - Titan Maximum is an American stop motion animated television series created by Tom Root and Matthew Senreich. The series premiered on Cartoon Network's late night programing block, Adult Swim, on September 27, 2009, and was canceled after only one season. A teaser premiered during the "Robot Chicken on Wheels" tour and at the 2009 San Diego Comic-Con International. It is a parody of the "Super Robot" anime style produced using stop motion animation.
- Titan Maximum is a stop motion comedy from the creators of Robot Chicken.
- What would happen if the cast of Voltron started drinking, went on a binge, and pretty much threw up acid all over the place? Well, that depends on who caught it all on tape -- and in the case of Titan Maximum, the fine folks who gave us Robot Chicken ended up doing just that. What happened to Gibbs? During a televised interview, Gibbs reveals what he plans to do: "conquer the Solar System, crush all who oppose [him], and name [himself] 'Super King Big Nuts'."