Rogue Shadow (Rōgu Shadou, ローグシャドウ?) is the leader of the revolutionary group Shadow Knights (Kage no kishi-dan, 影の騎士団?) and a former slave for the World Nobles.
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- Rogue Shadow
- Rogue Shadow
- Rogue Shadow
- Rogue Shadow
- Rogue Shadow
- Rogue Shadow
| - Rogue Shadow on Galen Marekin alus. Alusta ohjaa/lentää pilotti Juno Eclipse.
- Rogue Shadow (Rōgu Shadou, ローグシャドウ?) is the leader of the revolutionary group Shadow Knights (Kage no kishi-dan, 影の騎士団?) and a former slave for the World Nobles.
- Rogue Shadow var det skib Darth Vaders lærling rejste i. Designmæssigt lignede den mange andre Kejserlige fartøjer. Skibet blev fløjet af Juno Eclipse, som Vaders Sith lærling forelskede sig i.
- Die Rogue Shadow war das Raumschiff indem Darth Vaders geheimer Schüler Jacob Nion flog als er nach den letzten überlebenden Jedi suchte. Pilotin des Schiffes war Captain Juno Eclipse und auch der Holodroide PROXY war ein Mitglied der Crew.
- Renegade Nightmare's Flagship. It is a very massive ship that can take quite the beating. It has many Rail Guns and a single Dragon Cannon on the front capable of destroying many a battle ship. The ship was made on planet Oubliette Equipment: Rail Guns: 24 Shield Generators: 2 Dragon Cannons: 1 Engines: 10
- Batailles Affiliation Flotte(s) Groupe(s) d'attaque Propriétaire(s) Commandant(s) Membres d'Équipage [Source] Fabriqué pour le compte de l'Empire Galactique peu de temps après la chute de l'Ancienne République, le Rogue Shadow est un vaisseau-espion expérimental que Dark Vador donna à son apprenti secret pour que celui-ci remplisse les missions de son maître.
- Rogue Shadow was the space transport that Darth Vader's apprentice traveled in. It shared design elements with many other Imperial craft, including the Eta-2 interceptor and the starfighters of the TIE series. The ship was piloted by Juno Eclipse. The Rouge Shadow had an onboard meditation chamber which also serves as a training room, with a protocol droid designed to test the Secret Apprentice in many ways, including by attempting to kill him in training. The training room was created on Darth Vader's request, and the Secret Apprentice mostly used it to learn and practice new skills.
- Over the course of the Rogue Shadow's service, it lost seven pilots. By the time of Marek's hunt for Rahm Kota, the ship was piloted by Juno Eclipse, with whom Marek would eventually fall in love. She flew the ship to many locations, including the TIE Fighter Construction Facility over Nar Shaddaa, Raxus Prime, and Felucia, all in the course of ferrying Marek to the Jedi Vader had ordered him to destroy. Eclipse and Senator Organa later used the ship to return to Corellia to salvage PROXY, presumed destroyed during the attack on the Rebel leaders. The vessel's eventual fate is thus far unknown.
- The Rogue Shadow was a unique starship that served as the personal transport of Starkiller, the secret apprentice of the Sith Lord Darth Vader. In addition to its main occupants, the apprentice and his training droid PROXY, the vessel was piloted by eight Imperial officers in turn, including Captain Juno Eclipse, the leader of Vader's Black Eight Squadron. Built primarily for stealth and infiltration purposes, the Rogue Shadow incorporated state-of-the-art cloaking technology and a highly advanced hyperdrive engine in its design, thus allowing the apprentice to travel anywhere throughout the galaxy without risking detection.
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| - Rogue Shadow Imperial transport
| - *Infiltrateur
- Trasporto spaziale
shield gen
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| - *Ordine dei Signori dei Sith
*Impero Galattico
*Ordine Jedi
*Alleanza per la Restaurazione della Repubblica
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