| - The Imperial Engineer, also known as the Imperial Gunner or the Imperial Pilot (SWBFI), is the repairman unit for the Empire. His gun shoots a wide spray of shots that will kill easily from short range. The big advantage to him is his Fusion Cutter, which allows the engineer to repair damaged tanks, health and Ammo Droids, turrets and also grants them the ability to slice other people out of tanks. With the ability to dispense health and ammo as well, the Imperial Engineer is a very important part of the Empire's team, and there should be at least a couple on your team at any given time. (Equivalent- Engineer Droid, Rebel Smuggler, Clone Engineer)
- Imperial Engineer is a character that appeared in LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy and LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga.
- Imperial Engineer is a specialised Empire trooper designated for support functions. It is identical to other engineer units in equipment, armed with a shotgun, fusion cutter, 5 health and ammo resupplies and 3 detpacks. Like other engineer units, it can bypass mines and has higher speed and lower health than the soldier class, but it is still slower and tougher then the Scout Trooper.
- These dedicated men come from the socio-economic caste of Japanese citizens dedicated to the nation's pursuit of higher technology. They do not receive any military training and are, in fact, banned from physical exercise (apart from basic calisthenics). In spite of this fact, they are expected to serve in the Imperial military before achieving a higher position. However, the fact that they are uniquely able to secure buildings for the Empire boosts their enthusiasm.
| - Imperial Engineer is a specialised Empire trooper designated for support functions. It is identical to other engineer units in equipment, armed with a shotgun, fusion cutter, 5 health and ammo resupplies and 3 detpacks. Like other engineer units, it can bypass mines and has higher speed and lower health than the soldier class, but it is still slower and tougher then the Scout Trooper. Their shotgun has 320 shots and fires in green blasts. It is a devastating weapon at short range, but it has low rate of fire and thus requires good accuracy on the part of the user, as you’re completely defenceless in between the blasts or when it reloads. If you manage to kill 8 people with it in one life, it will be replaced by the Flechette Shotgun, which has 252 shots and fires purple blasts that do more damage and don’t scatter as much, meaning that it’s effective at medium and short range. The fusion cutter is used to for repairing or rebuilding turrets, medical and ammo droids as well as friendly vehicles. They can also be used to safely deactivate enemy mines or detpacks. Using the fusion cutter on the enemy vehicles will initiate slicing procedure, which will eject the enemy crew from their vehicle after the several seconds of uninterrupted slicing (if you lose contact midway, the slicing percentage will start dropping down at about 5%/second) The vehicle remains unusable for several seconds, so that the enemy crew cannot instantly go back in. This also gives you Technician achievement. The detpacks are remote-controlled explosives and are quite good for killing clusters of enemies at the expected chokepoints or getting rid of enemy turrets. It isn't as useful against the AAC-1, because it has too much health and moves too fast for you to be able to safely deposit enough detpacks to destroy it. The refills, however, are extremely useful, largely because you can pick them up yourself, providing you with instant, powerful healing when your health drops low, effectively providing you with 5 extra lives. They can technically be used to heal the allies, but they will ignore them unless you push them into it and they will usually die anyway, so it’s a waste of resources. Since those refills are replenished by the ammo droids, it is a good strategy to crouch behind those and shoot the enemies, repairing the droid when it gets severely damaged and indefinitely healing yourself as needed. The AI-controlled engineers of any class are arguably the most dangerous opponents in the game. Their shotguns are always dangerous at close range and they can even kill full-health heroes in one blast at point blank. They will occasionally use fusion cutters to repair turrets and attempt to slice into enemy vehicles (something they almost always fail at). They often tend to run with those cutters for no clear reason, allowing the player to kill them easily. They almost never deploy refills or detpacks, and are usually unable to take advantage of them (although allied engineers can drop them to aid the player if needed.)
- The Imperial Engineer, also known as the Imperial Gunner or the Imperial Pilot (SWBFI), is the repairman unit for the Empire. His gun shoots a wide spray of shots that will kill easily from short range. The big advantage to him is his Fusion Cutter, which allows the engineer to repair damaged tanks, health and Ammo Droids, turrets and also grants them the ability to slice other people out of tanks. With the ability to dispense health and ammo as well, the Imperial Engineer is a very important part of the Empire's team, and there should be at least a couple on your team at any given time. (Equivalent- Engineer Droid, Rebel Smuggler, Clone Engineer)
- These dedicated men come from the socio-economic caste of Japanese citizens dedicated to the nation's pursuit of higher technology. They do not receive any military training and are, in fact, banned from physical exercise (apart from basic calisthenics). In spite of this fact, they are expected to serve in the Imperial military before achieving a higher position. However, the fact that they are uniquely able to secure buildings for the Empire boosts their enthusiasm. This enthusiasm earns engineers the ire of regular Imperial troops, who consider their "sniveling, groveling, selfish" behaviour annoying and affecting morale. Likewise, the engineers dislike the brutish, callous nature of the soldiers.
- Imperial Engineer is a character that appeared in LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy and LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga.