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Though Attai was born on Kiffu, he was raised on the cloud-covered jungle planet of Mimban. He was born into a Junk Dealing family, brought up with a standard education albeit modified towards life surviving and scavenging junk accumulated in the Mimban jungle. His youth was spent watching debris fall from the misty sky as ship became trapped in the violent energy storms that plagued the planet. He was a typical child, other than the strange dreams that he often had, but many believed that they were nothing more than creations of a child's vivid imagination. By the time he had become an adult, Attai had grown into the profession of a Junk Dealing Merchant who traveled to various planets in his YT-2400 light freighter to sell, scavenge, and profit. His life was a simple one. That was until he watched a ship crash land deep within the Mimban jungle. At first glance the situation had all the signs of a routine scavenge as Attai and his family cautiously began to search the wreckage for valuable items. That was until he began to hear faint cries from within a section of the wreckage. He had found survivors. Men, women, and children with various wounds and injuries. As his family aided in their rescue, a savage group of Coway swarmed the wreckage climbing out from the ground through sinkholes like corpses awakening from death. They fought with primitive savagery, swining axes made of stone. Attai fought hard to protect his family with both vibrosword and blaster in hand, gunning down the primitive Coway. The confrontation halted when a single Coway approached Attai, challenging him to a dule. As the Coway only respected brute strength, his only way to save the lives of those around him was to fight. Both Coway, his family, and the survivors encircled the two combats to form a gladiatorial ring. Attai tossed away his blaster and faced the Coway warrior in single combat . He barely managed to find victory as he removed the Coway's head from its shoulders, watching the rest of the Coway crawl back into their holes. The dreams he had ever since his youth came back that night, except they were of unknown places, about things he never truly understood, but wanted too. All he knew was that he needed to find something on Yavin 8.Family
Mother: Uda Sata Konshi (deceased. During the Coway battle.) Father: Badin Sata Konshi (deceased. During the Coway battle.) Younger Sister:Mixiy Sata Konshi. (Alive, lost right eye during the Coway battle. Left Mimban to become a Junk Dealer on the Planet Abregoda Rea) Younger Brother- Avis Sata Konshi (Alive, lost right hand during the Coway battle. Living on Kiffu.) Sister In Law: Marida Sanders-Sata (Wreckage survivor of the Coway battle. Newly married to Avis Sata Konshi) Uncle- Balt Sata Konshi (deceased. Died During the Coway battle.) Aunt- Elea Sata Konshi (Alive. Lives on Mimban with various other Clan members.)