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- El dos cientos cincuentaitres (253) es el número natural que sigue al 252 y precede al 254. Categoría:Números
- Lena gibt endlich zu, dass sie sich in Ingo verliebt hat. Dennoch betont sie, dass sie nicht mit Ingo zusammen sein will, um Annette Gefühle nicht zu verletzen. Nun ist Annette ratlos. Nach einem Gespräch mit Diana trifft Annette eine folgenschwere Entscheidung. Jenny muss zähneknirschend erkennen, dass Axel sie auch weiterhin in der Hand hat und sie nach neuen Wegen suchen muss, will sie der baldigen Vermählung entkommen. Als Simone und Richard im Zentrum zusammen mit der Belegschaft die Einstellung des Verfahrens feiern wollen, kommt es zu einem erneuten Eklat zwischen Simone und Nadja. Unterdessen findet Jenny eine Lösung für ihr Hochzeitsproblem. Nina ist mit der Führung des eigenen Haushalts vollkommen überfordert. Vor ihren Freunden schwärmt sie zwar über die tolle Selbständigkeit, d
- In the Old House cellar, Maggie is still locked inside an old room. She is no longer wearing Josette's finery, but instead is clothed in a plain brown dress. Maggie determines not to surrender to Barnabas' desire for her to become Josette. Barnabas unlocks the door and comes in; Maggie screams at him to stay away.
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- Lena gibt endlich zu, dass sie sich in Ingo verliebt hat. Dennoch betont sie, dass sie nicht mit Ingo zusammen sein will, um Annette Gefühle nicht zu verletzen. Nun ist Annette ratlos. Nach einem Gespräch mit Diana trifft Annette eine folgenschwere Entscheidung. Jenny muss zähneknirschend erkennen, dass Axel sie auch weiterhin in der Hand hat und sie nach neuen Wegen suchen muss, will sie der baldigen Vermählung entkommen. Als Simone und Richard im Zentrum zusammen mit der Belegschaft die Einstellung des Verfahrens feiern wollen, kommt es zu einem erneuten Eklat zwischen Simone und Nadja. Unterdessen findet Jenny eine Lösung für ihr Hochzeitsproblem. Nina ist mit der Führung des eigenen Haushalts vollkommen überfordert. Vor ihren Freunden schwärmt sie zwar über die tolle Selbständigkeit, doch dann entdeckt das Chaos in ihrem Zimmer und stellt sie zur Rede.
- El dos cientos cincuentaitres (253) es el número natural que sigue al 252 y precede al 254. Categoría:Números
- In the Old House cellar, Maggie is still locked inside an old room. She is no longer wearing Josette's finery, but instead is clothed in a plain brown dress. Maggie determines not to surrender to Barnabas' desire for her to become Josette. Barnabas unlocks the door and comes in; Maggie screams at him to stay away. Barnabas wonders why Maggie is so frightened of him when she was the one who tried to kill him. She lays her cards on the table, unwilling to keep up the pretense any longer. Maggie knows what Barnabas is trying to do to her and she refuses to become his vampire bride. But Barnabas insists that she will and plays Josette's music box for her. Maggie threatens to smash it, but Barnabas snatches it from her. As he offers her one more chance, a plan begins to form in Maggie's mind and she agrees to allowing the music box staying with her. She promises to cooperate if Barnabas will return her ring, a gift from her father, to Sam as a sign that she is alright. Barnabas agrees... but he will only do so after Maggie becomes his bride. She pleads with him to no avail. At Collinwood, David has finished his studies and wants to go outside and play. Victoria doesn't like the idea at all because it is after dark, but she reluctantly gives in once David promises to stick close to the house. He is wise to the fact that the search for Maggie has turned up nothing. Meanwhile, Willie has brought Maggie some dinner but she is unable to eat much. She attempts to give Willie her ring and suggests he pawn it. He takes it, already imagining how much the ring might be worth. Like a moth drawn to a flame, David goes down to the Old House and finds the door locked. He sneaks in through a window and calls out for Josette. Willie catches him and starts to throw him out of the house. But Willie is alarmed when David claims he knows that he and Barnabas are doing something to Josette. However, David is not speaking of Maggie, he is talking about Josette's ghost. Having had enough, Willie manhandles David and literally hurls him out of the front door. David finds Maggie's ring, which Willie dropped during the scuffle. He tries to return it, but Willie orders him to go away. Victoria scolds David for breaking his promise after he returns to Collinwood. She notices the ring and wonders where David found it. Victoria examines it and finds a tiny inscription. But before she can read it, Barnabas pays a visit. He apologizes to David for Willie's behavior, only to be stunned when Victoria produces Maggie's ring. After David explains how and where he found it, Barnabas claims he had given the ring, a family heirloom, to Willie to sell with some other items. Later, Barnabas returns to the Old House cellar where Maggie is pretending to cooperate by listening to Josette's music box. Barnabas produces her ring and congratulates Maggie on her improvement on her attempt to escape. He denies her sympathy for her lack of success. Barnabas leaves Maggie in despair.