| - Taal is the god of nature, governing the natural forces beyond Human control. He is the power behind the wind and rain and the force which drives waterfalls and rapids, avalanches and landslides. He is lord of the beasts and master of the forests and mountains. All the wild areas of the Old World come under his control and he expects those who venture into his domain to show him proper respect. Taal is normally portrayed as a powerfully-built man with long, wild hair, dressed in animal skins and wearing the skull of a great stag as a helmet, but it is said that he can also take the form of a great bison or bear.
- Ontelbaar veel gesproken, geschreven en gebaren talen worden gebruikt door de rassen en culturen in het universum. In het algemeen weet de universele vertaler de taalbarrière te doorbreken. Het is echter niet altijd succesvol.
- In Christopher Bennett's novel Watching the Clock, this species (or an amazingly similar one) is identified as the Shirna: a race of time travelers who are the sworn enemies of the Vorgons. Kal Dano, the mysterious creator of the Tox Uthat, belonged to this race. This is all officially non-canonical.
- Lydenia is een eiland wat bestaat uit 4 taalregio's. Dit zijn het Nederlands, Frans, Duits en Engels.
- Zie Vlaams. Verwante talen:
* Nederlands en Afrikaans zijn zeer verwante talen
* Duits staat ook dicht bij het Vlaams, maar iets verder
* Frans heeft veel invloed gehad op het Vlaams
* Engels is de huidige wereldtaal, en heeft dus ook wat invloed, maar niet zoveel als op het Nederlands
- Taal is usually depicted as a huge, muscular man with a long beard and antlers upon his head. His second most favoured form is that of a mighty stag. Taal's holy symbols include antlers, deer skulls, and stone axes.
- Titolo : Dio della Natura e dei luoghi selvatici Allineamento : Neutrale Puro Classe : Ranger - Druidi Razza : Umani Descrizione: Taal è il dio della natura, e domina le forze naturali al di là del controllo umano. E' il potere dietro al vento e alla pioggia, la forza che spinge le cascate e le rapide, le valanghe e le frane. E' il signore di animali, foreste e montagne. Tutti i luoghi selvaggi del Vecchio Mondo sono sotto il suo controllo, e Taal si aspetta il dovuto rispetto da chi li attraversa. Questo dio è solitamente rappresentato come un uomo molto grosso e potente, con i capelli e la barba lunghi ed incolti, vestito di pelli di animali e con il teschio di un grande alce come elmo. Si dice che possa anche prendere la forma di bisonte o di orso.Il simbolo di Taal come signore degli a
- Tala (also written as (‘’Tal’’) in Indian music and Gurbani Kirtan refers to a complete and complex system for the execution and transcription of Rhythms and Beats. There exist over 20 different ‘’Talas’’ or ‘Beat Patterns’. The most common Tala in Classical Indian Music is the Theen Tala. This beat has a cycle of 16 beats divided in 4 sectors. Sectors 1,2 and 4 are full while sector 3 is empty. These beat patterns can also be played at different speeds. The basic concepts of tal are: tali or bhari, khali, vibhag or (ang), matra , bol, theka, lay, sam and avartan.
- Taal was a planet in the Orsa system, located in the Tabula Rasa. Taal possessed vast quantities of dilithium; it was said to have more dilithium than Coridan. At some point in the past, Taal had been settled by the Taubat, one of the indigenous species in the Tabula Rasa. The actions of the Taubat on Taal were later disavowed by their government; they claimed that the transition from the pocket universe of the Tabula Rasa into real space had maddened the population of Taal and turned them violent. The Klingon High Council accepted this explanation, with reservation.
- Taal - jest bogiem przyrody, rządca sił pierwotnych natury. Sprawuje władzę nad zwierzętami, wiatrem i deszczem, wszystkim tym, czym dla nas jest przyroda. Jest panem lasów i gór, wszelkich dzikich obszarów Starego Świata. Znaczna część jego wyznawców pochodzi z północnych i wschodnich terenów Starego Kontynentu. Taal przez wyznawców jest przedstawiany jako potężny mężczyzna odziany w zwierzęce skóry, zaś jego symbole to czaszka jelenia i kamienny topór, którym według legendy wywołuje pioruny, błyskawice i lawiny, uderzając w szczyty górskie.
| - Tala (also written as (‘’Tal’’) in Indian music and Gurbani Kirtan refers to a complete and complex system for the execution and transcription of Rhythms and Beats. There exist over 20 different ‘’Talas’’ or ‘Beat Patterns’. The most common Tala in Classical Indian Music is the Theen Tala. This beat has a cycle of 16 beats divided in 4 sectors. Sectors 1,2 and 4 are full while sector 3 is empty. These beat patterns can also be played at different speeds. Ghar is a musical sign, used at the top of the Shabad in the SGGS. It gives a hint to Raagees as to what musical clef (beat) to sing the Shabad in. In other words, "Ghar" binds music and poetry in their metrical-form. There are up to seventeen "Ghar" mentioned in the SGGS. Musicologists have different interpretations of this term. But the consensus seems to be that it denotes the parts of a Taal (beat). Following is a list of seventeen Taals used in Indian Music with their respective "Ghar". A close observation of the following list indicates that the majority of the modern Raagees generally seem to sing only in the first three or four. The basic concepts of tal are: tali or bhari, khali, vibhag or (ang), matra , bol, theka, lay, sam and avartan.
* Tali - Tali is the pattern of clapping. Each tal is characterized by a particular pattern and number of claps.
* Khali - Khali is the wave of the hands. These have a characteristic relationship to the claps.
* Vibhag (Ang) - Vibhag is the measure. Each clap or wave specifies a particular section or measure. These measures may be of any number of beats, yet most commonly 2, 3, 4, or 5 beats are used.
* Matra - Matra is the beat. It may be subdivided if required.
* Bol - Bol is the mnemonic system where each stroke of the drum has a syllable attached to it. These syllables are known as bol. It is common to consider the bol to be synonymous to the stroke itself.
* Theka - Theka is a conventionally established pattern of bols and vibhag (tali, khali) which define the tal.
* Lay - Laya is the tempo. The tempo may be either slow (vilambit), medium (madhya), or fast (drut). Additionally ultra-slow may be referred to as ati-vilambit or ultra-fast may be referred to as ati-drut.
* Sam - Sam is the biginning of the cycle. The first beat of any cycle is usually stressed.
* Avartan - Avartan is the basic cycle. The main instrument for keeping rhythm in Indian Music is the Tabla In connection with Tala or musical beats/rhythms and the ‘Ghar’ in the SGGS, the following can be concluded. The main instrument for keeping rhythm in Indian Music is the Tabla. In connection with Tala or musical beats/rhythms and the ‘Ghar’ in the SGGS, the following can be concluded.
* GHAR 1 - DADRA TAAL (There are 1 Taalis and the Beat has 6 Maatraas)
* GHAR 2 - RUPAK TAAL (There are 2 Taalis and the Beat has 7 Maatraas)
* GHAR 3 - TEEN TAAL (There 3 Taalis and the Beat has 16 Maatraas)
* GHAR 4 - CHAAR TAAL (There are 4 Taalis and the Beat has 12 Maatraas)
* GHAR 5 - PUNJ TAAL (There are 5 Taalis and the Beat has 15 Maatraas)
* GHAR 6 - KHUT TAAL (There are 6 Taalis and the Beat has 18 Maatraas)
* GHAR 7 - MUT TAAL (There are 7 Taalis and the Beat has 21 Maatraas)
* GHAR 8 - ASHT MANGAL TAAL (There are 8 Taalis and the Beat has 22 Maatraas)
* GHAR 9 - MOHINI TAAL (There are 9 Taalis and the Beat has 23 Maatraas)
* GHAR 10 - BRAHAM TAAL (There are 10 Taalis and the Beat has 28 Maatraas)
* GHAR 11 - RUDRA TAAL (There are 11 Taalis and the Beat has 32 Maatraas)
* GHAR 12 - VISHNU TAAL (There are 12 Taalis and the Beat has 36 Maatraas)
* GHAR 13 - MUCHKUND TAAL (There are 13 Taalis and the Beat has 34 Maatraas)
* GHAR 14 - MAHASHANI TAAL (There are 14 Taalis and the Beat has 42 Maatraas)
* GHAR 15 - MISHR BARAN TAAL (There are 15 Taalis and the Beat has 47 Maatraas)
* GHAR 16 - KUL TAAL (There are 16 Taalis and the Beat has 42 Maatraas)
* GHAR 17 - CHRCHARI TAAL (There are 17 Taalis and the Beat has 40 Maatraas)
* Taalee is the pattern of clapping. Taals are typified by a particular pattern and number of claps.
* Maatraa is the beat, which may be subdivided if required. There are many other Taals that may or may not have the same number of Taalees and/or Maatraas. For example Punajabi Taal, Chhotee Teen Taal, and Thumri all have the same number of Taalees and Maatraas as the Teen Taal. Both the Jhap Taal and Sool Phaak Taal have 3 Taalees as in Teen Taal but only 10 Maatraas. Both Dhamar Taal and Chnachal Taal have 3 Taalees as in Teen Taal but have only 14 Maatras. Ik Taal has 4 Taalees and 12 Maatraas as in Chaar Taal. Aadaa Chautaalaa, Bhaan Matee Taal (Chaar Taal Dee Savaaree), Jagg Paal Taal, and Jai Taal all have 4 Taalees as in Chaar Taal but not the same Maatraas (14, 11, 11 and 13, respectively). Sikhar Taal has 3 Taalees as in Teen Taal but 17 Maatraas. Talwaaraa Taal has 2 Taalees as in Roopak Taal, but 8 Maatraas. Indra Taal has 6 Taalees as in Khatt Taal, but 19 Maatraas. Deep Chandee or Chaachar Taal and Jhumraa Taal have 3 Taalees as in Teen Taal, but 14 Maatraas, and so on. Evidently the Indian music has developed and expanded in such a disciplined way that it has Taals of a just a few Maatraas to many Maatraas. Not only music, Taal also pervades every movement of the entire Creation. Days, nights, weeks, months, years, seasons, movement of the planets in orbits, constant spinning of electrons around the center of the atom (called the nucleus where the protons and neutrons are located) etc. are a few reminders. Other Musical Instruments that are used in Indian Classical Music for Rhythm are Tabla, Dhol, Mridang, Dholki, etc
- Taal is the god of nature, governing the natural forces beyond Human control. He is the power behind the wind and rain and the force which drives waterfalls and rapids, avalanches and landslides. He is lord of the beasts and master of the forests and mountains. All the wild areas of the Old World come under his control and he expects those who venture into his domain to show him proper respect. Taal is normally portrayed as a powerfully-built man with long, wild hair, dressed in animal skins and wearing the skull of a great stag as a helmet, but it is said that he can also take the form of a great bison or bear.
- Ontelbaar veel gesproken, geschreven en gebaren talen worden gebruikt door de rassen en culturen in het universum. In het algemeen weet de universele vertaler de taalbarrière te doorbreken. Het is echter niet altijd succesvol.
- Taal - jest bogiem przyrody, rządca sił pierwotnych natury. Sprawuje władzę nad zwierzętami, wiatrem i deszczem, wszystkim tym, czym dla nas jest przyroda. Jest panem lasów i gór, wszelkich dzikich obszarów Starego Świata. Znaczna część jego wyznawców pochodzi z północnych i wschodnich terenów Starego Kontynentu. Taal przez wyznawców jest przedstawiany jako potężny mężczyzna odziany w zwierzęce skóry, zaś jego symbole to czaszka jelenia i kamienny topór, którym według legendy wywołuje pioruny, błyskawice i lawiny, uderzając w szczyty górskie. Jego wyznawcy są zobowiazani do życia w zgodzie z przyrodą. Taal nietoleruje okrucieństwa wobec zwierząt; nie należy polować dla przyjemności zabijania, a po to by przetrwać. Kult nienawidzi wyznawcow bogów Chaosu i sprzeciwia się wszelkim jego przejawom.
- Taal was a planet in the Orsa system, located in the Tabula Rasa. Taal possessed vast quantities of dilithium; it was said to have more dilithium than Coridan. At some point in the past, Taal had been settled by the Taubat, one of the indigenous species in the Tabula Rasa. In 2292, when the Orsa system, along with many others, were pulled into real space as a result of Project Shiva, the Klingon Empire chose Taal as the site of its first colony in the region due to its immense dilithium reserves. Soon after the colony was founded, the local Taubat attacked it in an attempt to drive the Klingons offworld. Unfortunately for the Taubat, their technology was primitive in comparison to the Klingons, and so their forces were quickly crushed, their settlements on the planet destroyed, and their temples looted. The actions of the Taubat on Taal were later disavowed by their government; they claimed that the transition from the pocket universe of the Tabula Rasa into real space had maddened the population of Taal and turned them violent. The Klingon High Council accepted this explanation, with reservation. In addition to the Taubat, an ancient fortress that was later determined to belong to the Hubrin was discovered on Taal during the initial Klingon occupation of the planet. (TOS video game: New Worlds)
- In Christopher Bennett's novel Watching the Clock, this species (or an amazingly similar one) is identified as the Shirna: a race of time travelers who are the sworn enemies of the Vorgons. Kal Dano, the mysterious creator of the Tox Uthat, belonged to this race. This is all officially non-canonical.
- Titolo : Dio della Natura e dei luoghi selvatici Allineamento : Neutrale Puro Classe : Ranger - Druidi Razza : Umani Descrizione: Taal è il dio della natura, e domina le forze naturali al di là del controllo umano. E' il potere dietro al vento e alla pioggia, la forza che spinge le cascate e le rapide, le valanghe e le frane. E' il signore di animali, foreste e montagne. Tutti i luoghi selvaggi del Vecchio Mondo sono sotto il suo controllo, e Taal si aspetta il dovuto rispetto da chi li attraversa. Questo dio è solitamente rappresentato come un uomo molto grosso e potente, con i capelli e la barba lunghi ed incolti, vestito di pelli di animali e con il teschio di un grande alce come elmo. Si dice che possa anche prendere la forma di bisonte o di orso.Il simbolo di Taal come signore degli animali è, di solito, il teschio di un alce, o una testa umana stilizzata e con grandi corna di alce. Nel suo aspetto di signore delle Tempeste il suo simbolo è una grande ascia di pietra che, si racconta, usa per creare tuoni, lampi e valanghe, colpendo la cime delle montagne. I suoi Chierici indossano vesti grigie, marrone scuro o verde opaco, i colori della natura, e portano uno o più dei suoi simboli. Tall è venerato principalmente nel nord e l'est del Vecchio Mondo, specialmente nell'Impero. La maggioranza dei seguaci di Tall è formata da Ranger o comunque, da chi si basa sulla natura per vivere, come contadini, cacciatori, pescatori, ecc. anche certi Elementalisti seguono la via di Taal, e il loro ideali è più quello di vivere in armonia con la natura che tentare di controllarla magicamente.Il culto di Taal è in buoni rapporti con quello di suo fratello Ulric e di suo figlio Manann ed è neutrale rispetto alla maggior parte degli altri culti. I seguaci di Taal sono in rapporti amichevoli con i druidi e con i seguaci dell'Antica Fede che adorano Rhya, la moglie di Taal. Taal è una divinità umana e c'è una certa antipatia tra i suoi seguaci e gli elfi, anche se il loro odio più profondo va ai seguaci del Caos, responsabili della distruzione di immense aree boschive.La principale festività della religione di Taal è l'equinozio di primavera, che segna la rinascita della natura dopo l'inverno. I giorni sacri di Ulric, sono considerati come festività minori dai seguaci idi Taal.I seguaci di Taal non sono, in genere, di origine cittadina. Il suo culto è particolarmente popolare tra i Ranger.
- Lydenia is een eiland wat bestaat uit 4 taalregio's. Dit zijn het Nederlands, Frans, Duits en Engels.
- Zie Vlaams. Verwante talen:
* Nederlands en Afrikaans zijn zeer verwante talen
* Duits staat ook dicht bij het Vlaams, maar iets verder
* Frans heeft veel invloed gehad op het Vlaams
* Engels is de huidige wereldtaal, en heeft dus ook wat invloed, maar niet zoveel als op het Nederlands
- Taal is usually depicted as a huge, muscular man with a long beard and antlers upon his head. His second most favoured form is that of a mighty stag. Taal's holy symbols include antlers, deer skulls, and stone axes.