| - Obligatory "why the F do people keep nominating Guybrush?" Coming into this match, most people expected Gordon Freeman > Ike. There was also a lot of hullabaloo about Duke possibly sneaking into second place. Yes, people had faith in GFNW getting first place. "lol" I know Half-Life 2 and all, but still. Then the match pic came out and people started freaking out about the Greg House picture, plus Duke looked like a total badass. What was a match with an expected first place winner immediately became a debated match, and what followed was perhaps our best match of round 1. Guybrush sucked early and ended in last place he's Guybrush. Why do people keep nominating this idiot? But other than him, this was a cool match. In the first five minutes, we had 3 characters with 15 votes of one another. And the leader was.... Duke Nukem?! WTF?!?! And it would get even more hilarious. Next update, Gordon took a 50 vote lead on THE DUKE for second place. It wouldn't last more than 15 minutes though, as Duke would slowly but surely gain control of things overnight en route to one of the most surprising first place finishes ever. There was a lot of fluctuation with how big the first place lead was -- it ranged from 300 to 1000 and everywhere in between depending on when you checked -- but Duke was never really threatened once the morning vote hit. Gordon was also never really threatened by Ike for second place, but Ike was perhaps the star of the match even in losing. I'd like to think Fire Emblem deserves the credit for this, but we all know it was the Brawl announcement. Ike fell behind the pace by more than 100 votes 45 minutes in, never to come close to second place again. However, his trends in this match were totally nuts. First off, the guy was down by nearly 1000 headed into the morning vote, and cut that thing down to 700 in a flash before the brats went to school. Then the ASV hit, and he cut a 2100 vote lead all the way down to under 900 before ultimately losing by 1045. It's a shame these three weren't closer, because this wasn't far off from being a truly classic match. As is, we had three characters very close but 1 through 3 weren't that much in doubt once the morning vote hit. Unfortunately this meant nothing for the next round, since Sonic and Sub-Zero are total monsters.