| - <SPACE> The space over Coruscant had become what some may call superheated. Fleets of proportions that boggle the mind have been engaging, pulling back, and taunting each other for the good part of a week. The war had raged and raged; thousands if not millions have died in all the fighting. But it was not over, not yet. There was one final move to be made when each fleet met, lashing out with the full and deadly force each was capable of. Many more would die, many others would be wounded. Such was war and battle. Heros were made from those who survived, others would be engraved in the annals of time. Such were battles like these that songs were written and talked about for all time. The epic battle tension is about to be released, each side can sense it is coming. Anticipation has all the fighter and bomber wings on each side out and about, poised and ready to attack. It seems surreal how it all happens, a fighter from one side strays too far from the main group, flashes of light flicker. The little lights turn from a localized incident to the entire sky lighting up with deadly fire - the battle starts its slow eruption. Soon the fate of a planet would be decided. <Broadsword> Standing on the bridge of the Broadsword and finishing off a joint comm conference between the commanders of the Prowler, Pillager, the acting captain of the Malevolence and the squadron leaders, Captain Caiton finishes outlying the battle plan and finishes up with a few choice words of instructions. "No battle plan ever survives the first encounter with the enemy. And the enemy, a we all know, is comprised of some of our best and brightest, swayed to the side by promises of grandeur and circuses. Our plan is flexible, be adaptable, nimble, think on your feet, expect the same of your officers and help them live up to their very best, for we accept nothing less. You have your orders, and I expect to see all of you on Coruscant before this night is through." Receiving the replies via comlink, Caiton turns towards her chief navigator and extends one hand to Lt. Nelhrn, "It's an honor to serve with you, Lt. Nelhrn, happy hunting." With the rest of the task force, the Imperial Fleet, surrounding Coruscant and engaged in multiple battles in the immediate space. The Broadsword with her escort of Prowler and Pillager are, in turn, escorted by the Malevolence. With the death of Grand Admiral Danik Kreldin the crew of the Malevolence is uniquely focused on the task at hand, that being: evict the Rebels from their foothold on Coruscant and chase them back into the fringe worlds to scrape away once more. "Lieutenant," Captain Caiton orders, "take us in." Keline nods in answer to her captain's commands before she keys in the sequence on the board in front of her. The Braoadsword's main engines flare into life before the ship itself moves forward toward the enemy force for the final bout. She is as composed as the rest of the crew on the task in front of them. <Aramis for the New Republic Fleet> There is no way, by any calculation, on any scale, that the New Republic can afford to hold Coruscant. Far away, forces are being assembled for one final push. Down on the planet, the ground forces fight to get every being that desires to leave to one base, one base that will be the last point to be held on the planet. The fallback is carefully organized, staggered waves that peel away the Republic's presence. That not all are sorry to see them go is obvious enough. Aboard the Reprisal and the Fusillade, two of the star destroyers present still in the system, all fighters are scrambled. Gunships are withdrawn from their defense of the planet's space platforms, pulling back with the other corvettes to rendezvous near the massive capital ships still holding the line of the New Republic's defenses. There is no hiding preparations this large, for either side, and the New Republic races time to get their people assembled and prepared to flee before the Empire chooses, out of boredom or spite, to attack. As the sun breaks the far horizon, the first jewel of it showing against the planet's edge as seen from the Reprisal, the remainder of the New Republic reinforcements come shimmering out of hyperspace and into place among the standing fleet. "Reprisal to Fleet," comes the command from the Bridge. "Proceed with Operation Anti-Twilight." <Jal'Dana for Combat Group 1> There are hundreds of ships in the space over Coruscant, each grouped with it own mission. Some to attack, so to defend, yet all have one thing on their collective minds. And that is the death or destruction of their enemy. For the Imperial fighter group, they have another goal, to break through the New Republic picket line creating a fighter gap in the line for the fleet to exploit. The Pilots they face just want to stop that from happening, and are equally willing to fight tooth and nail to stop the Imperial threat. The Leader for the Imperial fighter corps is Commander Jal'Dana Rall, bull headed and aggressive she has no illusions as to what they must achieve this day, the very balance of the battle hinges upon her success. Failure is not an option, just death or success. The losses in this campaign to gain back the Imperial Center have been staggering on both sides, The Republic forces hoping to exploit the loss of Grand Admiral Kreldin are in for a shock if they think the Imperial Battle Group is going to roll over and quit. TIE fighter pilots represent the elite of the Imperial Navy, having undergone grueling physical and psychological testing to achieve their ranks. Only 10 percent of prospective candidates are chosen for duty. Even fewer live through 10 combat missions, those that fly with Jal'Dana are a mix of combat veterans or raw rookies, on the Republic side, the mix is the same. The battle groups have TIE Bombers, X-wings, Interceptors, A-Wings and a menagerie of other craft destined to become wreckage. Tonight, everyone is the hero of their own story as the two fleets collide. Opening the communications frequency to her combat grouping Jal'Dana radios in a cool and collected voice, "It is well that war is so terrible; else we grow too fond of it. Let's make the New Republic loath the very thought of it. Our orders are clear, weapons hot, engage at will attack pattern Theta Theta Sigma" <Kyrin for Blue Squadron> Another day, another fight. Blue Squadron, a mixture of B-Wings and A-Wings, form in two separate ranks, the A-Wings holding back to let the slower B-Wings keep up for now. Blue Leader, riding one of the B-Wings, acknowledges the order from Reprisal and then orders the other five B-Wings to open their S-foils and increase speed. As they near the Imperials, the A-Wings dart forward and begin attacking any TIE Interceptors in their path. Meanwhile, the squadron leader finds himself a nice Interceptor target and locks on, firing upon it. <Beta-2> As for Krieg, the squadron seemed like it never stopped flying missions during this battle. There was always a demand for them, but the fact they were overtaxed never came into the equation. The loss of the grand admiral had an unforseen impact, negative at first. However, as the thought of the NR doing all this to the old man soaked in the thoughts of all the pilots turned to a rage. Each one of them was out for blood today. Taking Ensign Alex, Krieg calls the pilots. "Our mission here is to break through their battle lines and engage any ships that are trying to leave. Seems we'll be getting some stiff opposition, however, we do not need to destroy our targets, just disable. We'll be fighting our way through the entire time today; fly well. It's been an honor serving with you all." He takes his fighter and has the formation stay on him, moving in at high speed. Seems one of the other younger pilots got too far out today... It was bound to happen sooner or later. This battle needed to come to an end - fast. <Rasi - NRSD Reprisal> Seems his time has come yet again, although the last few times he's been on the bridge, there have been no battles, so he can't be the bad luck charm. But this day, clearly a battle to be remembered for the age will be fought, one whom many holonovels will be written about (who, hoping, Rasi will play a glorious non-fatal part), in other words, a huge battle. Rasi's at one of the secondary, if not tertiary, control consoles for some of the Reprisal's batteries. Prepped and ready to do some Imp-shooting as he's taken to calling it, but not his idea. <Alpha-4> Forming up with the rest of Black Squadron, Alex brings her TIE into formation on the wing of Shrike-lead. Running the pre-battle check is always fun when there are multiple targets to select from. With their orders relayed from the top of the food chain on down, their orders are clear, the computer enumerating the tactical readout and the targeting options available. "Alpha-4 to Shrike Lead," she begins, opening up the channel in reply, "it is an honor to serve with you as well. " With that, she remembers, disable don't destroy, disable don't destroy. If possible, that is. <Vengan> "Join the Marines, they said. See the galaxy, they said." Vengan's lips compress into a thin line, so tightly that the blood is forced from them. He grins, feebly, at the attractive technician strapping him into place. "I'd rather be sailing. Any chance of a good luck kiss?" he asks, his voice nervous. The technician giggles, leaning down to brush lips against Vengan's cheek, before stepping away. "Oh, thanks!" Vengan calls insincerely, as the hatch closes. He tries to shift a bit. A screen near his face flickers on, barely an inch from his nose. "HOPEFULLY?" Meanwhile, a long, slender object is being loaded into a torpedo launch tube. The cylinder is roughly seven meters long and perhaps a meter and a half in circumference. Its tip is capped with a vicious looking conical spike, and it looks meant to do some damage. Inside it is one 2nd Lt. Vengan Draelis, firmly strapped in place and watching a countdown timer on the screen at his nose. A blue field shimmers into place around the man, utterly paralyzing him. Even his eyes cannot seem to twitch, albeit in the near absolute dark, that would be a difficult thing to discern. On the bridge, a gunner makes his target. "Alignment, positive. Inclination, positive. Target acquired. Target lock. Request go." Someone flashes a thumbs up. "Firing." In the vastness of space, amidst the raging space battle, a black torpedo is flung at incredible speed into space, screaming towards one of the Imperial Star Destroyers. It nears, closing the space in moments, angling to strike at the aft portion of the vessel. Once it strikes, however, there is no explosion. The hull ruptures, crumpling around the sleek tube as it firmly embeds itself in the side of the Destroyer like a great dart flung from a giant's hand. Air whooshes from the impact site, sparks fly, and a blue static field shimmers into place, sealing the breach. Inside of the torpedo, however, the smaller field deactivates, oxygen flooding the interior. Vengan comes awake in a rush, kicking off the access panel after a few panicked moments. The Marine clambers out of the tube, a heavy blaster in his hand and 36-T rifle and rucksack on his back. He wears Marine combat armor and a thick helmet, the kind designed for troops about to engage in vicious close-quarters combat. He flashes the corridor with the blaster barrel, looking for enemies, seeing none. Vengan consults a PAD, then maneuvers around the hull breach and starts jogging through an access corridor, moving into the Destroyer's heart. <Broadsword> Pulling up a battle schematic, Caiton outlines the formation that the quartet of ships will be approaching in, "The Prowler and Pillager are going to come in low, below the plane of the battle, engaging any bombers or attack cruisers that the rebels throw at us. The Malevolence will come in from this angle," she explains, highlighting the path of the Malevolence, "And we'll come in from this angle, taking the high road and engaging any ships that try to sneak up on the Malevolence from this vector." She calls up another screen and indicates one of the other assets of the battle plan, "Signal the captains of the shuttles to begin their approach vector. Keep low on the field of battle, do not engage, I repeat, do not engage enemy craft until ordered." Keline watches the schematic as Lynae points out the various paths, nodding as each as explains, before she turns back to her console. She keys in the nav path before she opens a communications channel before she broadcasts a message. "All shuttles, this is the bridge. You are cleared to begin your approach vector. You are ordered to keep low and do not engage. That is all." *She closes the channel and then turns back to the nav screen as she continues to make corrections to the Broadsword's course. <Ghost-7> For the Corellian piloting Ghost 7, the past days have been largely a blur. Little sleep and a lot of time spent in the cockpit, either supporting ground forces or tangling with the Imperial fleet. But having managed a few hours of sleep, the treating of some injuries, and the acquisition of a new flight suit, Kesander Beysarus once again finds himself launching into the star-spangled blackness of space. Forming up with Ghost Squadron and her sister squadrons, the Flight Office sets about the assignment he and his comrades have been tasked with: Protect the frieghters and the ships carrying those who are escaping this hellish maelstrom of battle. With a grim aspect, the pilot begins to scan his scopes, picking out the targets that begin to multiply like droplets in a rain storm. "Ghost 7 to flight leader. S-Foils locked and accelerating to attack speed on vector provided by Doomsday. Sandman, out." <Falcon-8> This would be Blake Hishinko's second real battle - And boy, it was a doozy. With numbers, Hishinko's Falcon 8 had been ordered to help bolster Blue Squadron's persuits, and the young man was quick to accept. Now, it was different, as the order is given to go forward. Much like his quicker companions, the Falcon8 speeds ahead of most of the Rebels, to engage in skimishing. "Come on baby," Blake whispers lowly, "Let's prove how quick you can be." It's not long for Blake to prove how quick that is, for soon blaster fire darts all around the ships, with Blake having to twist and weave just to avoid being collateral. After the initial hail ends, Blake makes his move, zeroing on a TIE Intercepter and letting loose with his guns. <<"Lets's go kiddies, show these dogs how the Republic fights!">> <Jal'Dana - Combat Group 1> The fight is joined and the TIEs and enemy craft mix in a deadly dance of lasers and afterburners. Jal'Dana has found herself with a green pilot form a brother flight on her wing, jerky and rushed his motions are of mild concern, however his fate is not. "Stay close, and you'll be fine" it was the best she could offer him, as her HUD registered a X-Wing sweeping into her kill zone perusing a TIE interceptor restlessly. Pushing down on the control stick, the TIE's solar panels dip, putting all tips on target with the Icom fighter. Green orbs seem to grow on the points for a millisecond before the streaks of light rush forward reaching out to touch the craft. <Aramis: Falcon-2> Falcon-2 drops out of the Reprisal in formation with the rest of the squadron, turns, and dives for the freighters labouring to clear atmosphere below. The Susshado and the Fen'tili are a pair of smuggling ships leading the breakout from below, carrying human cargo this time. Aramis saw them rigging up the safety netting in both ships on his last visit to the Starport. It was one thing to be escorting freighters in and out during Shado Kolpo - most of the lives on the line were abstract - but this is completely new. The freighters and their escorts from below look rather naked in the dawn light. Aramis targets an incoming Interceptor and breaks off from the group. "Falcon Two, intercepting incoming." <Aramis for the New Republic Fleet> The Fusillade, carrying a skeleton crew, is first into the fray. She is flanked by her gunships Dragoon and Harrow, above her comes the carrack Jack Cade, looking to avenge her sister, Red Star. "Fusillade to Cade," the captain says, some lightness in her voice. "Engage at will. Dragoon and Harrow, accompany. Dedication and Crux, approach on my mark." The large ships cruise into positions, looking ponderous even in the weightlessness of space. The Fusillade's fighter squadrons, adopted from the fallen Admiral Rishar for this fight, Eagle, Rapier, and Vega, are arrayed around her light flecks of silver snow, shining brighter as the sun rises. <Kyrin for Blue Squadron> Blue Leader's ship comes under fire, and one of the A-Wings, Blue 2, goes up in a fireball as incoming Imperial fire goes right up their guns and sets up a chain reaction. The B-Wing of the squadron leader shifts on its cockpit's axis as his shots go wide, and he mutters something. Behind him, Blue 3, another B-Wing, takes a hit on the long wing, but the female pilot within doesn't hesitate, thumbing the trigger upon another TIE Interceptor that's harrying her leader. <Falcon-8> Blake grunts his approval as his hud registers a hit, but frowns as the Intercepter doesn't expode. Oh, sparks were flying out of the NPC units, but it seems the Falcon 8's job isn't yet complete. About to sweep in to finish it off, alarms go off, and Blake barely pushes his stick up in time to avoid a hail of fire from an enemy TIE... this particular pilot seeming more skilled than ones before. "Crap... I'll deal with you in a minute, haus," Blake mutters, as if he expected the enemy to hear it, before veering suddenly. The next set of blasts are targeted at the still limping TIE, hopefully enough to bring it down before the Falcon 8 levels, again. All the while, explosions rock meters away from A-Wings and TIEs turning to scrap <Beta-2 (Krieg)> The battle heats, there are things going on everywhere. There is so much happening that he has barely time to think things over when the enemy fighters start to attack. He barrels in on the enemy, taking the fighter down into the atmosphere. He opens up with the lasers, engaging the front line of NPC rebel fighters. The targetting computer is going wild, he barely has time to lock and fire with all the commotion everywhere. As for his wingmen he calls, "Make sure to keep a good line of attack, don't worry about the fire. If you're going to get hit it will happen anyway." He darts in, charging the battle. <Rasi - NRSD Reprisal> As the Reprisal's command is processed by the Fleet, the Commander aboard the bridge moves back to his seat, smoothly sitting down on it and crossing his right leg over the other. The man, whoever it might be, is not as calm as he seems to be, but he knows that he must at least give the impression of doing that for his crew's sake. And it works on Rasi, the young gunner having taken a good, long look at him and relaxed whatever frayed nerves there were. A few calming breaths, and he is once again his usual self. Calm, cool, perhaps even cold as some call him, if not entirely collected. He waits but for one thing, the order to commence battle, for the Reprisal anyway, already working on firing solutions for all nearby enemy vessels. But the Reprisal does not move immediately into the thick of things, its Commander waiting to see how htings are before deciding on where the Cap is needed most. <Jal'Dana> The craft she was aiming for slips and dodges the TIE's shot, the lasers passing harmlessly by. That always seemed to be the way it worked for the imperial pilot, Jal'Dana never connected with her first shot. Flying less by sensors and move by sight, she looks out her front viewport, the large opening giving the woman a great field of vision, rolling her ship in a wide arc, she keeps pace with a nimble A-wing, darting through the Imperial formation. They are still on the outskirts of the picket line, and need to protect the bombers that will punch the hole through. Again, she depressed the trigger and like arrows the bolts shoot forth towards the intended target. <Ghost-7> Kesander's eyes view the collision of the opposing forces with something akin to a business-like interest. This fight has gone on too long for wonderment or awe. It's another slaughter; perhaps the greatest. "Well, I'll get my licks in, that's for certian," mutters the Corellian to himself as he and his flight sweep between the on-comming Imperials and the escaping frieghters. Picking the TIE that happens to be closest to the site reticle in his heads up display, the blond-haired flight officer switches to quad laser mode and squeezes his weapons trigger, sending a hail of hell-fire red laser bolts at his target. <Kyrin for Blue Squadron> Blue 4 goes up like a family's fireworks on holidays when Jal'Dana roasts it, the pilot within hardly having time to scream before becoming something less than alive. Blue Leader swears into the squadron comm and orders the ships to form up in pairs, the even-numbered ships linking up, pairs of A-Wings, the odd-numbered ships pairs of B-Wings. With Blue 3 on his wing, still limping along, the philosophical man chosen to lead the squadron spins his ship around, ignoring a shot on his short left wing that does little damage, barely getting through the shields. He continues firing upon the nearest Imperial ship, Jal'Dana's wingmate. <Lynae for the Imperial Fleet> With the tactical officer calling out the first attack on one of the ISD's in the fleet, Captain Caiton nods, having expected that sooner than later, and finds her expectations met accordingly. "As to be expected," she replies, pulling up the screen that displays the fighters from that particular ISD peeling off to meet the threat. Tracking the course of the Malevolence as it continues towards the Reprisal, Caiton speaks to Nelhrn once more, "Bring us in on this vector, keep us high, begin evasive maneuvers." She addresses the Tactical officer again, "Fire when ready," seeing the Prowler and Pillager already opening fire on their own. The Malevolence begins it's opening salvo on the Reprisal as both capital ships advance upon each other with the battle engaged on all sides. <Alpha-4> Alpha-4 grins suddenly, her sense of humor oddly piqued by combat, and guides her fighter into a neat roll and dives down beneath the nearest enemy, evading the incoming fire and continuing the roll to target the nearest A-wing on her screen. <Falcon-8> This time, the Falcon's blasts tear through the TIE's hull, turning it to scrap, which causes Blake to give a momentary cheer. "Oh hell yes!" He cries, before the warning sirens go off. Despite his relative inexperience, Blake had some good reflexes, and his training helps him again as he swerves to the side seconds before the energy would collide with him. "I guess it's time to play with you then, eh haus? Don't you know how hard Rabbit's are to catch when they got a mind to it?" The talking helped. It helped a lot. Silence reminded Blake too much that he was in a battle that could very well kill him. The talking provided some focus for the things he could control. And he could control returning fire. With a corkscrew and a sudden vert lift, Blake gets to the TIE's flank and fires a few blasts. <Aramis: Falcon-2> Aramis sets his sights on the interceptor coming toward him and, tipping on his side relative to the other, he puts his thrusters on full. Noone likes it when he does that in the sims, and less in person. "Come on, baby, do me right," he says to his little ship. He blows past the range at which he could be a target faster than most people can react and fires both guns at the Interceptor. The hit is perfect, solid and head-on. There's a flare of light that doubles as the shields blow and the arrays explode. As Aramis rolls head-down, he can see fire in the cockpit and the clear shielding starting to crack from the impact of his shots. "Good luck with that," he mutters, and pulls up. <Broadsword> Keline nods to show she heard her captains commands as she glances down at her screen, checking the ship's current course, as she adds more power to the engines as she continues to angle the ship up to the requested position while trying to keep the underbelly of the ship free from as much enemy fire as possible. <Rasi: NRSD Reprisal> It would seem that Rasi's pre-prepared targetting was a good thing, or perhaps he was just lucky, the young man inputting the command to fire, and his guns, along with all those that can target the Malevolence open fire on it. The guns unleashing a heavy barrage of red-coloured lasers much of them aimed at a single target. The oh-so exposed bridge of the ISSD. The Commander having issued the command to open fire with utmost calm, though his voice betrays the slightest tightness. In the same time, the vessel begins to slowly creep into a new positioning, attempting to keep the Malevolence between it and whatever incoming destroyers are headed its way. <Jal'Dana> The A-wings shields absorb the green lasers like dry earth takes on water, leaving no make of the passing. Yet the craft turns and fires directly on her craft. The unexpected move gives Jal'Dana little time to react and the red lasers rip through her shields, blowing out the controls on them and scoring pot marks up along the left solar panel. The jolt rattles the cockpit and snaps the woman's head around, but she regains focus quickly. With little choice she mashes down on the fire control, answering the A-wings volley with one of her own before rolling her scorched ship in another direction. <Kyrin for Blue Squadron> Blue 11, a B-Wing partnered with 9, scores some light hits on a TIE Interceptor, causing the pilot to cheer in his cockpit, but return fire from Jal'Dana and her peers is enough to cause that cheer to die in his throat. 11's cockpit seems to have gotten cracked in the fusillade on the squadron, and it's leaking air bad. Lead checks on them, but there's nothing to be done. 11 ejects safely, and the B-Wing explodes behind him. "They'll take it outta my paycheck..." the pilot laments within the lifesupport gear, praying to his favorite gods that he's not killed by stray fire in the deadly confrontation. <Krieg: Beta-2> Taking fire at the closest ships Krieg fires again, the first rounds sinking directly into an x-wing; blowing it into tiny pieces. There were too many targets here to be stopping, and so he continues to fire, making sure to get good lock. Moving from craft to craft and diving and spiraling in and out of danger he makes his way through, somehow to where the civilian ships are coming out. But there was too much protection to engage them just yet. His shields sizzle as another blast comes past, but he's able to make it out. There was heavy resistance; he was doing all that he could not to get hit while taking them full on. Capital ship fire almost takes him out, but he steers clear, keeping the power at max. <Aramis: New Republic Fleet> The Fusillade follows the Jack Cade into the fray, her smaller guns and her gunships Dedication and Crux keeping the bombers at bay while her big guns fill the sky over Coruscant with fire to cover Jack Cade, Dragoon, and Harrow. the captain calls. From the Jack Cade to the Dragoon and Harrow comes the call, When the smaller ships work in unison, they can provide some of the fire of the monstrosities with far more maneuverability. The three take aim for the Victory, the captain of the Cade laughing all the while. "Terrible name for a ship," he tells his first mate. <Falcon-8> In the battle of reflexes and heavy gunfire, it was impossible to remain unscratched. ALthough Blake has a moment of relief when he confirms a hit, the lax moment costs him a flick later, when laters penetrate through his shields and rupture the left wing. There's a momentary flicker of power failure, but Blake quickly readjusts his computers, and with a jolt, the thrusters return to full. <<"Falcon 8 to Blue Squadron. Just a rough shake up, I'm okay. How are you folks handling things?">> Even as he speaks, he's reaquiring that damnable pilot, leveling his ship for a good strike. "This guy's gotta be an ace or something," Hishinko to mutters, mostly to himself as he fires. After all, who else would stay so level after his first attack? <Ghost-7> Kesander's salvo lands solidly on a TIE interceptor, blowing through its shields and breaking off some bits of its wings. However, the Corellian does not have an opportunity to deliver the coup de grace on that poor bastard. Fire from Alpha-4 intended for one of the A-Wings in this scrap misses its intended mark and falls on Ghost-7 instead. "Aragh!" Barks the Flight Officer as the green daggers of death pound his shields, leaving dark carbon scoring on his hull. Some sparks from an instrument panel also cause some concern. "R2," says the pilot to his Astromech. "Keep track of powerlevels, bleed off any ionization we pick up. I don't wanna get roasted in here again." As the droid beeps it's acknowledgement, the X-Wing driver rolls and banks hard, comming around on a vector that puts Alpha-4 in front of him. Shooting on instinct as much as on the data in his heads up display, the blond-haired man squeezes his weapons trigger, letting his four laser cannon belch forth hot red bolts of death at the streaking TIE. <Alpha-4> Alpha-4 --Seeing her shot miss the A-wing entirely but hit one of the X-wings instead, Alex examines Ghost-7 with her sensors while beginning her evasive maneuvers. Tracing the path of Ghost-7 as he spins around and ends up behind her TIE, Alex listens to the sensor warnings of incoming fire and banks a hard roll to port, doing her best to evade the incoming fire with the hope of turning the same maneuver back on him. <Lynae: Imperial Fleet> Spotting the Cade, Dragoon and Harrow aiming at the VSD Victory, Caiton grins suddenly, "It's about time they pay attention," she says aloud. "Bring us about," she orders, "Open fire on the Fusillade," she says, issuing the order and letting her tactical officer take care of that while she signals the shuttles to advance again, sending the coordinates to advance to without speaking the order, just transmitting it this time. The Malevolence shifts fire to the Fullisade, away from the Reprisal, as those ships maneuver in the path of their incoming fire. "Concentrate fire on the Cade while the Malevolence takes care of the Fullisade." Opening the link to the Prowler and Pillager she continues, "Pick your targets, fire on the Dragoon and Harrow, clear the path to the Reprisal." <Kyrin: Blue Squadron> Aboard Blue One, the handsome squadron leader frowns. "We're fine, Falcon 8, keep yourself safe out there or Archilles will have my head on a pike." He lines up another member of Jal'Dana's squadron in the fight and blasts away, but the B-Wing coughs once before spitting out the stream of deadly lasers. Behind him, Blue 6, an A-Wing, twists and dives in an effort to evade an Interceptor on her six... to no avail. The Imperial zooms through the remains of the Republic ship as it explodes in incandescent fire and smoke. <Blake: Falcon-8> Brer curses slightly as his shots veer wide, but this time he doesn't keep his pants down, immedeatly pulsing his thrusters. The enemy was really good, but fate seemed to smile on Blake for just a moment. "Let's hope I can get lucky again," he mutters to himself breaking his contact at his nemsis just for a second to check the status on blue. Crap. The TIE squadron must have been damn good. "Can't say you guys are pansies," he admits lowering his visors again, trying to keep a steady track of that one pesky Ace, letting loose another volley.