| - Monkey Khan is a character in the Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Comic continuity.
- Monkey Khan, originally named Ken Khan, is a character that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spin-offs published by Archie Comics. He is a Mobian Chinese monkey with blue eyes and cybernetic implants that appears to be a rather erratic individual. In his early life he lived in a village of pacifists, wanting to distance themselves from the war between the Kingdom of Acorn and the Overlander city of Megaopolis. He wears a Power Ring headband, a red and blue vest, and also has a powerful staff and a flying cloud.
- Obwohl er es gut meint, ist Monkey Khan ein arroganter, aggressiver, rachsüchtiger Affe, der schnell welche beurteilt. Er mag Kämpfe und hält größe Stücke auf sich selbst. Obwohl er immer so voreilig ist, kann man ihn es ausreden und ihn demütigen. Er beschützt gerne andere und hasst es zu scheitern und will sich bei Dr. Eggman rächen für die Leben, die er beendet hat.
- Monkey Khan, originalmente llamado Ken Khan, es un mono chino marrón con los ojos azules con implantes cibernéticos que lo hace parecer un individuo más errático. En su juventud vivió en un pueblo de pacifistas, con ganas de alejarse de la guerra entre el Kingdom of Acorn y la ciudad de Overlander Megaopolis. Lleva una diadema de Power Ring, un chaleco de color rojo y azul, y también cuenta con un cetro personal de gran alcance y una nube voladora.
- Over ten years later, following the death of Robotnik, a band of Eggbots under the control of the incarcerated Snively were sent forth to track down the rogue wizard Ixis Naugus. Unknown to the Eggbots, or Snively, the power drill they were using contained a storage crypt that Monkey Khan was imprisoned in. When Sonic the Hedgehog, Princess Sally Acorn, and Antoine D'Coolette investigated the Eggbots' mission, NICOLE picked up another energy signal, leading Sally to discover what appeared to be a crypt. Forcing it open, she found, to her surprise, a person within. Freed, Monkey Khan soon saw the Eggbots unearth a large Power Ring, which they had mistaken for Naugus's energy signature, and summoned it to him. Khan made the ring a new headband, enhancing his abilities. Almost immediately, Kh