| - Michael Auronopoulos (3128 - 3175) was a Parsian/Ruthene descent, Efendi of Parsia and revolutionary leader of the first revolt in 3170 leading the Eleftherias Liberation Army, Michael is one of the espiritual founders of The Enosis with Ieremias Fasoulakis, the philosofical movement what culminates with the long civil war between the Parsian Empire and the revolutionary alliance ending with the creation of Ruthenian Empire Born into a wealthy family in Panaghia, Michael was named Efendi (a nobiliary title of the Parsians, meaning "sir") thanks to his services against eclessiastical revolts in Panaghia, but after having killed an Aga (local Parsian nobleman), his family fled across the Sava river into Maurian frontier. He rose to prominence in the Maurian army, participating in the liberation of the local commoners. He received a medal of honour for his efforts, and when the Maurian army was forced to retreat, and the Parsians re-occupied the frontier, he returns to Panaghia and begins the first Ruthenian revolt in the Parsian Empire. In the following years the local janissaries grew stronger and seized the frontier from the Sultan, imposing greater taxes and perpetrating violence against the population; as the janissaries feared the Sultan's retaliation as a possible task given to the rebels, they executed hundreds of prominent Selloi in what would be known as the Slaughter of the Douxs. Some 300 nobility assembled and elected Michael as leader (Prostatef̱tikós); The struggle begins and killing the local Pasha in Panaghia, the revolts continued as a wide-scale revolt, the First Uprising, in which several battles were successfully fought against the Parsians; a government was established and Auronopoulos was declared has the Prostatef̱tikós ton Ellinon, the liberator of the Hellenes. After the suppression of activities in 1813, Auronopoulos and other leaders went into exile, while in 3172 Manuel Eranakis, a fellow rebel leader, initiated the Second Ruthenian Uprising. The second uprising ended in 3175, when Eranakis signed a treaty with the Parsians and became the Pasha of Panaghia. Eranakis (who saw a threat in the possible return of popular Auronopoulos) and the Parsians (who despised him and feared more fighting) conspired and planned the assassination of Auronopoulos. When Michael returned in 3175 to start yet another uprising he marched with his army of mercenaries of Panaghia and Maurian volunteers to the Fields of Koronia (near Methonea), he was deceived by a friend and killed; his head was sent to Ostambal and Eranakis retained his leadership betraying the revolt and ending with the first revolution of the Hellenes. Auronopoulos was founded the first act of the Enosis and was the first revolutionary thought that the release of the Ruthenianns and the union of the Selloi and Maurians as "one people as Ruthenes"