| - Transformers: Mosaic is an unofficial anthology of one-page comic strip stories started and overseen by Josh van Reyk and Shaun Knowler, who posted the first strip on IDW Publishing's official Transformers forum on June 18, 2007. Since then, the Mosaics, which are written and drawn by a large number of contributors (most of whom are fans, though a few pros have contributed), have expanded out to almost every Transformers forum online and been embraced by fans all over.
| - Transformers: Mosaic is an unofficial anthology of one-page comic strip stories started and overseen by Josh van Reyk and Shaun Knowler, who posted the first strip on IDW Publishing's official Transformers forum on June 18, 2007. Since then, the Mosaics, which are written and drawn by a large number of contributors (most of whom are fans, though a few pros have contributed), have expanded out to almost every Transformers forum online and been embraced by fans all over. Since October 2007 to May 2012, IDW has printed Mosaic strips as a backup feature in its Transformers comics. Published Mosaic strips to date include: At May 29th, 2012, it was announced on Seibertron that Transformers: Mosaic had ended [1] It was also announced on Transformers: Mosaic's official deviantART page [2]. It was then announced that it would be "replaced" with a new project founded by artist Brandy Dixon.
* Rain, featuring Hound (published in Devastation issue 2)
* Reason, featuring Beachcomber (published in Devastation issue 3)
* Ghost in the Machine, featuring Punch/Counterpunch (published in Devastation issue 4)
* The Curse, featuring Blurr (published in Devastation issue 5)
* Feeling Yellow, featuring Sunstreaker (published in Devastation issue 6)
* Rank, featuring Prowl (published in Spotlight: Grimlock)
* Break Away, featuring G1 Silverbolt (published in Spotlight: Cyclonus)
* The Wait, featuring Scorponok, and The Passenger, featuring Barricade (published in Saga of the Allspark Issue 1).
* Dark Visionary, featuring Megatron, (published in Saga of the Allspark Issue 2).
* More Than You Can Chew, featuring Grimlock, (published in The Reign of Starscream #5). In February 2008, Simon Furman produced a Mosaic titled Hail and Farewell, which he stated to be canon — the first Mosaic to be so. [3] However, that canonicity was eventually overridden by IDW, as well as stating that, "The Mosaics are all a lot of fun, but they're all not continuity tales." [4] [5] The stories seen in print so far further carry a disclaimer stating that they are "non-profit-making, independently produced stories by Transformers enthusiasts" and are "not affiliated with Hasbro or IDW Publishing".