| - Race: elf Alignment: chaotic good Armor class: 17, 17, 20 Hit points: 8, 22, 57 Attack bonus: +7, +12, +22/+17/+12 Damage: d8 (longbow) Disarmed: d3+2 (unarmed strike) Hit dice (level): 1, 5, 15 Spellcasting: ranger n/a, 5, 15 Challenge rating: 1/2, 4, 11 Size: medium
| - armor proficiency (light), armor proficiency (medium), favored enemy , hardiness vs. enchantments, immunity to sleep, keen sense, shield proficiency, skill affinity (listen), skill affinity (search), skill affinity (spot), trackless step, weapon focus , weapon proficiency (elf), weapon proficiency (martial), weapon proficiency (simple)
- gained for the level 15: ambidexterity, animal companion, dodge, favored enemy , improved critical , improved two-weapon fighting, two-weapon fighting
- gained for the level 5 and above: favored enemy , point blank shot
| - Race: elf Alignment: chaotic good Armor class: 17, 17, 20 Hit points: 8, 22, 57 Attack bonus: +7, +12, +22/+17/+12 Damage: d8 (longbow) Disarmed: d3+2 (unarmed strike) Hit dice (level): 1, 5, 15 Spellcasting: ranger n/a, 5, 15 Challenge rating: 1/2, 4, 11 Size: medium Trained skills:(‡) animal empathy (3, 7, 17), discipline (6, 10, 20), lore (4, 8, 18), taunt (3, 7, 17) Feats: armor proficiency (light), armor proficiency (medium), favored enemy (goblinoids), hardiness vs. enchantments, immunity to sleep, keen sense, shield proficiency, skill affinity (listen), skill affinity (search), skill affinity (spot), trackless step, weapon focus (longbow), weapon proficiency (elf), weapon proficiency (martial), weapon proficiency (simple) gained for the level 5 and above: favored enemy (giants), point blank shot gained for the level 15: ambidexterity, animal companion, dodge, favored enemy (aberrations, dragons), improved critical (longbow), improved two-weapon fighting, two-weapon fighting