By the Sword(剣によってTsurugi ni Yotte), also known as Yô, Yo-u, Yo-u - The Moegi and 妖 -YO U-, is a Japanese manga series created by Sanami Matoh, who is also the creator of -FAKE-.
By the Sword(剣によってTsurugi ni Yotte), also known as Yô, Yo-u, Yo-u - The Moegi and 妖 -YO U-, is a Japanese manga series created by Sanami Matoh, who is also the creator of -FAKE-.
By the Sword(剣によってTsurugi ni Yotte), also known as Yô, Yo-u, Yo-u - The Moegi and 妖 -YO U-, is a Japanese manga series created by Sanami Matoh, who is also the creator of -FAKE-.