| - "Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex" is a 1971 essay in which science fiction author Larry Niven details the problems that Superman would face in Sexual intercourse and reproducing with "a human woman designated LL for convenience," using arguments based on humorous reconciliation between physics, Biology, and the abilities of Kryptonians as presented in Superman comic books.
- Whenever a character with the Powers Of A God (tm) hooks up with a mere mortal, there is nearly always a bit of lurking Fridge Logic which may or may not get addressed in the show itself, especially not if the show is aimed at kids. (Expect fanfic to address it, quite a bit, regardless of who the show is aimed at.) Namely, there is a very wide gap between one partner's physical strength and the resilience of the other's flesh, which can be an important factor during particularly, hm, intimate encounters between the two. Contrast Power Perversion Potential. Compare Hot Skitty-On-Wailord Action.
| - "Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex" is a 1971 essay in which science fiction author Larry Niven details the problems that Superman would face in Sexual intercourse and reproducing with "a human woman designated LL for convenience," using arguments based on humorous reconciliation between physics, Biology, and the abilities of Kryptonians as presented in Superman comic books.
- Whenever a character with the Powers Of A God (tm) hooks up with a mere mortal, there is nearly always a bit of lurking Fridge Logic which may or may not get addressed in the show itself, especially not if the show is aimed at kids. (Expect fanfic to address it, quite a bit, regardless of who the show is aimed at.) Namely, there is a very wide gap between one partner's physical strength and the resilience of the other's flesh, which can be an important factor during particularly, hm, intimate encounters between the two. Regardless of the trope title, any gender combo can be involved, though the Steel/Kleenex problem generally comes up in pairings where the 'steel' member is male. For some reason, 'Man of Kleenex, Woman of Steel' usually isn't considered as much of an issue. Less likely to be an issue when an actual god is involved, because, well, he's a god, he can do what he wants! Contrast Power Perversion Potential. Compare Hot Skitty-On-Wailord Action. Examples of Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex include: