| - Reese and Finch must protect Harper, a street-smart grifter, when her plan to steal cash from a medical marijuana dispensary goes up in smoke.
- Blunt is a quest. __TOC__
- Blunt is a constitution based weapon proficiency that is used when fighting with blunt weapons. Blunt weapons usually have high damage, low dice, and almost always 0% in penetration. This makes them universally handy for new characters and remain useful over the course of the game against low armored targets. For casters, blunt weapons (along with staff) also have the added bonus of training constitution.
* +1.5 to hit per level
* +0.1 damage multiplier per 10 levels
- Blunt is a term having to do with weapons having a a rounded, unsharpened shape. Mace-class weapons are blunt, as well as staves. Blunt weapons can be buffed for a period of 1 hour by using a Weightstone. This will not displace any permanent enchantment that the weapon may have on it. Oddly enough, fist weapons are considered a blunt weapon.
- Commodore Blunt was a Human Starfleet flag officer serving in the 23rd century. In 2269, Commodore Blunt was the commanding officer of Starbase 7 when the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) arrived at the base following the Mudd Affair. Blunt debriefed Captain James T. Kirk, but didn't believe the report and ordered an extensive psychological examination of Kirk. (TOS novel: Mudd's Angels)
- Blunt damage is one of three principal non-elemental damage types (besides Piercing and Slashing). Blunt damage is inflicted primarily by Clubs and Staves; Meelee attacks (unarmed attacks) inflict a very similar type of damage, which is however subject to its own calculations in many cases.
- Blunt weapons are a type of melee weapon featured in The Last Stand: Union City and The Last Stand: Dead Zone.
- Blunts get their name from their 'broad or rounded tip', and were named as such in the 1800s to differentiate them from other cigars with a tapered, pointed tip. Many marijuana smokers use a blunt to smoke marijuana by cutting it in the middle (from the part you light up to the part you smoke from), hollowing it out and filling it up with weed.
- Blunt is a spell in the Dragon Quest game series. It decreases an enemy's attack by up to two levels, both incantations lowering the target's power by 25%
- Once one's blunt skill reaches 70 or higher, NPCs may say: "You look like you've swung a mace or two in your time."
- Blunt is one of the villains from Armed Police Batrider. A highly-skilled hacker, who could invade and steal any kind of information he desired and use it for his own purposes. He was eventually imprisoned and sentenced to 325 years of hard labor, but escaped with the help of Gigayama Tiger and Envy, so that he could use his skills to help Gigayama's company, Gigantech Cybertron.
- Blunt is a passive Crusader skill, unlocked at level 65. The damage bonus is multiplicative to other modifiers. Crusader Skills Primary SkillsPunish • Slash • Smite • Justice Secondary Skills Shield Bash • Sweep Attack • Blessed Hammer • Blessed Shield • Fist of the Heavens Defensive SkillsShield Glare • Iron Skin • Consecration • Judgment UtilityProvoke • Steed Charge • Condemn • Phalanx LawsLaws of Valor • Laws of Justice • Laws of Hope ConvictionFalling Sword • Akarat's Champion • Heaven's Fury • Bombardment Passive SkillsHeavenly Strength • Fervor • Vigilant • Righteousness • Insurmountable • FanaticismIndestructible • Holy Cause • Wrathful • Divine Fortress • Lord Commander • Hold Your GroundLong Arm of the Law • Iron Maiden • Renewal • Finery • Blunt • Towering Shield RemovedNephal