| - About 4/5 of the rooms one opens in Daemonheim contain one or more monsters. A party with one person will encounter a maximum of three monsters in a room, and this number is increased by one for each additional party member. Some rooms (like several puzzle rooms, and occasionally normal rooms) do not contain any monsters at all. Monsters are determined by several factors listed below. The only doors in Daemonheim that require all monsters in the room to be killed are marked as Guardian doors. Players often kill them, however, for their drops, including food, herbs, charms, and experience.
| - About 4/5 of the rooms one opens in Daemonheim contain one or more monsters. A party with one person will encounter a maximum of three monsters in a room, and this number is increased by one for each additional party member. Some rooms (like several puzzle rooms, and occasionally normal rooms) do not contain any monsters at all. Monsters are determined by several factors listed below.
* The player's combat level - A level 4 player won't encounter a level 100 zombie, but a level 100 player might encounter a level 4 zombie, although rarely on its own, unless, for example, the player encounters the spikes room, which strangely makes all the monster have extremely low levels. This is because players will get annihilated by ranging/maging monsters while traversing the deadly spikes.
* The dungeon complexity, size, and depth - On complexity 1, even a level 100 player will rarely encounter a monster with a level higher than, for example, 60, particularly on earlier floors. Bigger dungeons tend to yield higher level monsters, as do larger complexities and deeper floors.
* The number of monsters in the room - If there is only one monster, it would have a high combat level (say 100 for a level 95 player). The more monsters there are, the lower their levels are (for that same player a level 6, level 45 and level 29 combination would be appropriate).
* The number of players in the dungeon - Players will tend to encounter stronger monsters in dungeons designed for more people. Players may on rare occasions even run into monsters stronger than the boss.
* The type of room - An empty room would have stronger monsters than a room with a puzzle that requires reflexes and similar things. The only doors in Daemonheim that require all monsters in the room to be killed are marked as Guardian doors. Players often kill them, however, for their drops, including food, herbs, charms, and experience.