| - Darkwing is a distant prequel to the Silverwing trilogy and follows the journey of Dusk, a Chiropter whose distinct differences from the rest of his colony serve as a depiction of an early ancestor to bats. The story is set in the early Paleocene epoch, shortly after the extinction of large reptiles and mammals begin to flourish as the primary species on the planet.
- File:Darkwing-Elph.gif Write the text of your article here!
- Darkwing is a fallen angel & member of the Chaotic Overlords.
- Darkwing was a Cybertronian and one of Blackout's soldiers. He and his brother Dreadwind served as Blackout's guards during his trip to Dragku. Much much later, he and his brother joined Starscream in his failed attempt to overthrow Blackout. He appeared out of a portal along with Thundercracker, Skywarp, Dirge, Thrust, Ramjet and Dreadwind and then was completely forgotten.
- Darkwing is a book written by Kenneth Oppel. It is in the Silverwing series, although the characters are different. The main character is Dusk.
- The Wings of Darkness Darkwing (闇の翼ダークウイング Yami no Tsubasa Dāku Uingu) is the Contract Monster of Kamen Rider Knight.
- Darkwing has just as dim a view of existence as his partner Dreadwind, he's simply more proactive about it. After all, he figures if everything is pointless, depressing, and inevitably leads to a life of painful and ceaseless suffering anyway, he might at least make sure others are getting it a lot worse than he is. You can always count on Darkwing to attempt to make a bad situation worse for everyone involved, and to complain about it all loudly while he's at it. He's binary-bonded to the hot-headed Nebulan thief Throttle. French name (Canada): Ailenoire
- Never has anything nice to say, but says it anyway. Believes that life is one long ordeal of pain and suffering and strives to insure that others experience more of it than he does. Armed with two laser-guided electro-kinetic blasters. Combines with Dreadwind to form the fearsome Dreadwing.
- Darkwing's Panavia Tornado GR1 fighter jet mode abilities mirror Dreadwind's almost exactly. Darkwing combines with Dreadwind to form the vehicle Dreadwing, so they are not so much two jets as two halves of the same jet. Fast and deadly, Darkwing is similarly laden with weaponry, the most deadly of which are his two laser-guided electro-kinetic blasters, which turn an enemy's power against its owner. The more powerful the foe, the more Darkwing can hurt him. Unlike Dreadwind, he is mobile and lethal in robot mode, specializing in hand-to-hand combat.
- thumb|350px|Storm Eagle modelo Darkwing y Mor Deythan. La cañonera Storm Eagle modelo Darkwing era exclusiva de los arsenales de la Legión de la Guardia del Cuervo. Estaba equipada con un abanico de valiosísimos y poco comprendidos sistemas, que iban desde blindaje cubierto por radiación a sus repulsores de campo cuántico, y que potenciaban las capacidades de sigilo de la aeronave. Estos sistemas adicionales requerían un grado superior de mantenimiento y parte del espacio interior era sacrificado para alojarlos, reduciendo ligeramente su capacidad de transporte. Dado que el modelo Darkwing solía ser utilizado para desplegar pequeñas unidades de guerreros de élite (generalmente Escuadras de Ataque Mor Deythan) en lo profundo del territorio enemigo, esto no era un grave problema, así que tod
- Mike Hardt was a member of the Bat family while Bruce and Damian were away dealing with Batman Incorporated after Bruce's return. While Bruce was away, Dick Grayson kept the mantle of Batman, and took Mike in as Black Robin. Being 19 at the time, Mike disliked the name Robin because he associated it with children, so he took inspiration from Tim Drake's Red Robin and became Black Robin. He first appeared in Batman: Black Robin #1. After the events of Near Death Experience, Mike is located in Stonehaven, searching for the first Dupe who killed his younger brother to bring him to justice.7