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  • PvE
  • PvE
  • PVE
  • PvE
  • PvE
  • PvE
  • PvE
  • PvE
  • PvE
  • PvE
  • PvE
  • PvE
  • Pve
  • Player versus Environment, röviden PvE. Angol kifejezés, szó szerinti jelentése "Játékos a Környezet ellen". A legtöbb játékban azt jelenti, hogy a játékos által (általad) irányított karakter a játék környezetével, illetve az abban található, a program által irányított ellenfelekkel harcol. A PvE orientált játékos a világban található NPC szörnyek és raid bossok kivégzésére öszpontosít, szemben a PvP-vel, ahol egy másik játékos karakter a célpont. A Blizzard a PvE orientált szervereket "Normal" szervernek jelöli.
  • Le PvE, ou joueur contre environnement, est un style de jeu où les joueurs jouent ensemble (en composant une équipe pouvant contenir jusqu'à 8 personnes) contre l'ordinateur (qui contrôle les créatures). Il est le contraire du PvP, où les joueurs jouent les uns contre les autres. Le PvE dans Guild Wars s'apparente a un jeu de rôle.
  • PVE servers (also known as normal servers), refer to servers that follow a special set of rules that do not allow Player vs Player combat, even in contested zones. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Аббревиатура от Player versus Environment. Означает Игрок против Окружающей среды. Применяется как обозначение сервера, где игроки могут нападать друг на друга только по договорённости или в специально отведённых для этого местах. Противоположность PvP. Категория:Сокращения
  • Player versus Enviroment. Pelaaja suorittaa tehtäviä, joita antaa pelin hahmot, jotka eivät ole oikeitten ihmisten ohjaamia. Luokka:Termit
  • Acronym for Player versus Environment
  • Darkfall has also a large number of quests for players to complete, they mainly consist in killing a certain number of NPC's or even player characters, harvesting certain resources or crafting determined items, etc.. It has been stated that as of September 2007 there were 706 complex quests implemented in the game.
  • PvE means Player versus environment. PvP means Player versus player. Sometimes reference is made to PvE system or PvE/PvP system.
  • PvE, Player versus Environment heißt auf deutsch übersetzt Spieler gegen Umgebung. Es bezeichnet die Spielart, in der Spieler miteinander gegen Nicht-Spieler-Charaktere, wie Monster oder Computergesteuerte Gegner (NSC's) antreten. * Quest & Storyline * Kreaturen
  • PvE stands for Player versus Environment. PvE means fighting mobs/monsters (everything other than other live players).
  • PvE ( Player versus Environment , zu Deutsch: Spieler gegen Umwelt) beschreibt das bestreiten von Einzel-oder-Mehrspielermissionen, gegen NPC's ( z.B.: das Zwielicht ) .
  • PvE is the abbreviation for Player vs Environment in MMORPGs and other games. PvE pretty much includes fighting monsters, questing, interacting with NPCs, anything that is part of the game's environment, rather than competing against other players. Competing against other players in game is called PvP (Player vs Player).
  • PVE stands for "Player vs Environment". It typically denotes any game play that involves players competing against the game itself (the "environment"). It is in contrast to "PVP" which is "player vs player", which involves game play where players compete against each other. As per the description of Civony on its online forums by the game developers, Civony is considered a PvP game. There are some elements of the game that can be considered PvE, mainly due to the inclusion of barbarian towns.
  • PvE- gra fabularna polegająca na robieniu zadań, questów i misji. Nazwa pochodzi od angielskiego Player versus Enviroment czyli Gracz kontra Otoczenie. W przeciwieństwie do trybu PvP (Player versus Player - Gracz kontra Gracz) przeciwnikiem nie są tu inni gracze lecz potwory i inne przeciwności generowane przez samą grę.
  • PvE gameplay, or Player Versus Enviroment, is used to discribe when a player is fighting NPC Monsters, as opposed to PvP, in which other players are being fought.
  • While the game is set in an open world PvP setting, PvE fans should not worry about lack of PvE content. We are developing an MMOPRG and will cover all good aspects of such game. There will be lots of PvE in Earthrise. Battle skill advancement will not be possible without PvE, monsters and NPC enemies will drop crafting components and other items, quests will also require PvE involvement. There will be numerous PvE opponents, inhabitants of Enterra island such as mutated animals, robots and aggressive human factions.
  • È l'acronimo di " player versus environment ". Questa espressione viene utilizzata per indicare la modalita di gioco nella quale il giocatore combatte contro nemici controllati dal computer, quindi Istanze e Quest.
  • player versus environment 対NPCやモンスターのこと。またはNormalサーバーのことPvEサーバーと呼びます。
  • PvE or Player Vs Environment refers to players whom fight against monsters out in field maps. Players test their strength on monsters out in the game's environment either training or gathering items to sell or even both!
  • Player Versus Environment (PvE) to refer to fighting Non-Player Character enemies(NPC) —in contrast to PvP (player versus player). Usually PvE can be played either alone, with human companions or with AI companions. PvE may contain a storyline that is narrated as the player progresses through missions or missions that may be done in any order.
  • Kategorie:Begriffe PvE = Player versus Environment Gemeint ist das Spiel gegen Monster bzw. NPC's im allgemeinen, im Gegensatz zum Spiel gegen andere Spieler. (vgl: Wikipedia:PvE )
  • Jogador vs. Ambiente (Player versus Environment) é a arte de fazer missões e lutar contra criaturas e personagens controlados pelo computador - conhecidos como mobs. O PvE no Warhammer Online tem seu foco principal nos tiers iniciais. Enquanto nestes tiers o PvE conta com 80% do conteúdo de missões - contra 20% de RvR - nas zonas de tier 4 ocorre o inverso, com foco muito maior no conteúdo RvR, justificado pelo objetivo final da campanha - a tomada da capital inimiga. Será possível ao jogador avançar por todas as zonas do jogo realizando uma campanha baseada exclusivamente em PvE.
  • PvE del inglés Player versus Environment o Jugador contra Entorno se le llama a los combates que realiza un jugador contra la máquina y no contra otros jugadores (lo cual sería PvP). Una mazmorra, una guarida, una misión o cualquier lucha contra un Npc.
  • The acronym PvE stands for Player versus Environment. Within the EQ2 universe, this refers to those servers that do not support PvP activities. You can find additional details about PvE and PvP at Wikipedia.
  • PvE Ist die Abkürzung für englisch "Player versus Environment", also "Spieler gegen die Umgebung". Bei World of Warcraft bedeutet dies, dass Spieler der gegnerischen Fraktionen Allianz und Horde aktiv einwilligen müssen, bevor sie sich im normalen Spiel gegenseitig angreifen können. Indiziert wird dies über die Farbe des Charakternamens: * Blau bedeutet, dass kein Angriff möglich ist. * Gelb bedeutet, dass ein Angriff möglich ist. * Rot bedeutet, dass ein Angriff bereits erfolgt ist. In der Realm-Liste des Spiels werden PvE-Server mit dem Begriff "normal" gekennzeichnet.
  • Player vs Environment (PvE), czyli gracz kontra środowisko. Termin znany w wielu grach, oznacza sytuację, gdy postać kontrolowana przez gracza walczy z postacią sterowaną w grze przez komputer. Jest to przeciwieństwo Player vs. Player (PvP). PvE potrafi być większym wyzwaniem niż walka z innymi graczami - zwłaszcza gdy walczy się z bossami w jakiejś instancji. System PvE opiera się na wielu skryptach. Walka z przeciwnikami to tak naprawdę sens całej gry w poziomach 1-60 (World of Warcraft), 1-70 (World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade), 1-80 (World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King), ponieważ zdobywa się przez to ekwipunek, doświadczenie, przedmioty, pieniądze. Po zdobyciu maksymalnego poziomu PvE staje się jedną z opcji rozwijania swoich umiejętności i postaci, ponieważ duże znaczenie z
  • PvE es un acrónimo que significa "Player Vs. Environment" utilizado en muchos MMORPG para definir un reino en el cual se pelea contra el entorno y no contra jugadores de la facción contraria. En otros juegos online también es conocido como PvM (Player versus Monster). Las siglas suelen venir traducidas como JcE en las notas de actualización de efectos en los parches de World of Warcraft. Bajo esta denominación, el sistema de juego se centra en la lucha contra mobs y la realización de Instances en lugar de luchar contra otros jugadores de la facción contraria. No obstante, eso no significa que no se puedan enfrentar la Horda y la Alianza en algún momento, simplemente que para que eso se produzca los jugadores deben habilitar la opción de mostrarse hostil mediante las conocidas como PvP flag
  • PvE (Player Vs Environment, referred to as Special Ops (Co-Op PvE) in-game) missions pit a small team of players against computer controlled NPC's that populate the mission area. There are many different types of enemies, but the mission generally starts with the weaker minions, followed by a few stronger ones and concludes with a powerful boss.
  • Le PvE ou PvM est le mode de combat du "personnage contre les monstres". Visée, clic, attaque. Combattre peut être aussi simple que cela. Cependant, vous pouvez utiliser vos nouvelles compétences et talents spéciaux pour anéantir votre adversaire. Une fois un nouveau talent appris, s’il ne s’agit pas d’un talent passif, vous pouvez le faire glisser jusqu’à la barre de raccourcis pour aller plus vite. (Vous pouvez également placer des objets dans la barre.) En montant de niveau, vous constaterez peut-être qu’une seule barre de raccourcis n'est pas assez. Nous avons pensé à vous. Cliquez sur le '+' de la barre de raccourcis pour en avoir une deuxième. Vous pouvez faire pivoter et glisser la barre où vous voulez.
  • Le PvE signifie Player Versus Environnement. Le PvE désigne le fait de combattre seul ou en groupe des monstres dirigés par l'ordinateur. (On utilise parfois en français les termes JcE/JcJ pour Joueur Contre Environnement/Joueur contre Joueur) Dans World of Warcraft, le PvE est le seul moyen de gagner de l'expérience. Le JcE/PvE est l'inverse du JcJ/PvP, ou des joueurs combattent d'autres joueurs.
  • Player versus Environment, röviden PvE. Angol kifejezés, szó szerinti jelentése "Játékos a Környezet ellen". A legtöbb játékban azt jelenti, hogy a játékos által (általad) irányított karakter a játék környezetével, illetve az abban található, a program által irányított ellenfelekkel harcol. A PvE orientált játékos a világban található NPC szörnyek és raid bossok kivégzésére öszpontosít, szemben a PvP-vel, ahol egy másik játékos karakter a célpont. A Blizzard a PvE orientált szervereket "Normal" szervernek jelöli.
  • Le PvE, ou joueur contre environnement, est un style de jeu où les joueurs jouent ensemble (en composant une équipe pouvant contenir jusqu'à 8 personnes) contre l'ordinateur (qui contrôle les créatures). Il est le contraire du PvP, où les joueurs jouent les uns contre les autres. Le PvE dans Guild Wars s'apparente a un jeu de rôle.
  • PVE servers (also known as normal servers), refer to servers that follow a special set of rules that do not allow Player vs Player combat, even in contested zones. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • PvE (Player Vs Environment, referred to as Special Ops (Co-Op PvE) in-game) missions pit a small team of players against computer controlled NPC's that populate the mission area. There are many different types of enemies, but the mission generally starts with the weaker minions, followed by a few stronger ones and concludes with a powerful boss. Players start inside a shielded drop-ship for a short time, while a cool-down timer depletes and are able to change their equipment while they are on board. There is a respawn beacon located on the ship, but it is only activated once the team reaches the checkpoint on the current map. Players using the teleport, once active, will teleport to the checkpoint location. Once the drop-ship opens, the players are able to begin the mission. Players have fifteen minutes to destroy the mission's boss, thus completing the mission. If a player dies during the mission, they are forced to wait a short time before being re-spawned on the starting drop ship. While there is no limit to the number of deaths that can be incurred, dying should be avoided as much as possible due to the time limit and the Challenge Bonus. If a team reaches the boss with less than four minutes, there is extra time added to ensure a reasonable amount of time to engage the boss. (Time added has been known to not be the same every time) There are several different difficulties for PvE, but all are made for teams of 4 (with the exception of Double Agent, where 2 additional players fight for the Commonwealth). Teams are able to enter missions with fewer than 4 players, however they will not be directly compensated for the increased difficulty.
  • Аббревиатура от Player versus Environment. Означает Игрок против Окружающей среды. Применяется как обозначение сервера, где игроки могут нападать друг на друга только по договорённости или в специально отведённых для этого местах. Противоположность PvP. Категория:Сокращения
  • Player versus Enviroment. Pelaaja suorittaa tehtäviä, joita antaa pelin hahmot, jotka eivät ole oikeitten ihmisten ohjaamia. Luokka:Termit
  • Player vs Environment (PvE), czyli gracz kontra środowisko. Termin znany w wielu grach, oznacza sytuację, gdy postać kontrolowana przez gracza walczy z postacią sterowaną w grze przez komputer. Jest to przeciwieństwo Player vs. Player (PvP). PvE potrafi być większym wyzwaniem niż walka z innymi graczami - zwłaszcza gdy walczy się z bossami w jakiejś instancji. System PvE opiera się na wielu skryptach. Walka z przeciwnikami to tak naprawdę sens całej gry w poziomach 1-60 (World of Warcraft), 1-70 (World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade), 1-80 (World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King), ponieważ zdobywa się przez to ekwipunek, doświadczenie, przedmioty, pieniądze. Po zdobyciu maksymalnego poziomu PvE staje się jedną z opcji rozwijania swoich umiejętności i postaci, ponieważ duże znaczenie zaczyna także odgrywać tryb Player vs. Player (PvP). Gracz skupieni stricte na grze PvE znajdują przyjemność w grze zespołowej na wszelkiego rodzaju Instancjach i Raidach, walcząc przeciwko jednostkom sterowanym przez serwer.
  • Le PvE signifie Player Versus Environnement. Le PvE désigne le fait de combattre seul ou en groupe des monstres dirigés par l'ordinateur. (On utilise parfois en français les termes JcE/JcJ pour Joueur Contre Environnement/Joueur contre Joueur) Dans World of Warcraft, le PvE est le seul moyen de gagner de l'expérience. Le JcE/PvE est l'inverse du JcJ/PvP, ou des joueurs combattent d'autres joueurs. Aujourd'hui, on associe PvE a deux type d'exploration : - le PvE simple : Cela concerne l'ensemble des actions réalisable seul ou en petit groupe: Quêter, explorer les diverses zones et donjons, et monter ses métiers. - le PvE HL : Le PvE HL (High Level = Haut niveau), signifie explorer les donjons et tuer les World Boss de World of Warcraft. Cela se fait en groupe de raid, par 10 ou 25 (40 pour certains raid pre-BC) et demande un esprit d'équipe, une bonne réactivité et pas mal de temps de jeu.
  • Acronym for Player versus Environment
  • Darkfall has also a large number of quests for players to complete, they mainly consist in killing a certain number of NPC's or even player characters, harvesting certain resources or crafting determined items, etc.. It has been stated that as of September 2007 there were 706 complex quests implemented in the game.
  • PvE means Player versus environment. PvP means Player versus player. Sometimes reference is made to PvE system or PvE/PvP system.
  • PvE, Player versus Environment heißt auf deutsch übersetzt Spieler gegen Umgebung. Es bezeichnet die Spielart, in der Spieler miteinander gegen Nicht-Spieler-Charaktere, wie Monster oder Computergesteuerte Gegner (NSC's) antreten. * Quest & Storyline * Kreaturen
  • PvE stands for Player versus Environment. PvE means fighting mobs/monsters (everything other than other live players).
  • PvE ( Player versus Environment , zu Deutsch: Spieler gegen Umwelt) beschreibt das bestreiten von Einzel-oder-Mehrspielermissionen, gegen NPC's ( z.B.: das Zwielicht ) .
  • PvE is the abbreviation for Player vs Environment in MMORPGs and other games. PvE pretty much includes fighting monsters, questing, interacting with NPCs, anything that is part of the game's environment, rather than competing against other players. Competing against other players in game is called PvP (Player vs Player).
  • PVE stands for "Player vs Environment". It typically denotes any game play that involves players competing against the game itself (the "environment"). It is in contrast to "PVP" which is "player vs player", which involves game play where players compete against each other. As per the description of Civony on its online forums by the game developers, Civony is considered a PvP game. There are some elements of the game that can be considered PvE, mainly due to the inclusion of barbarian towns.
  • PvE- gra fabularna polegająca na robieniu zadań, questów i misji. Nazwa pochodzi od angielskiego Player versus Enviroment czyli Gracz kontra Otoczenie. W przeciwieństwie do trybu PvP (Player versus Player - Gracz kontra Gracz) przeciwnikiem nie są tu inni gracze lecz potwory i inne przeciwności generowane przez samą grę.
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