Little Red Walking Hood is a 1937 Merrie Melodies cartoon directed by Tex Avery. Instead of watercolors, the backgrounds for this cartoon were rendered in colored pencil. The cartoon marks the second appearance of Egghead.
Little Red Walking Hood is a 1937 Merrie Melodies cartoon directed by Tex Avery. Instead of watercolors, the backgrounds for this cartoon were rendered in colored pencil. The cartoon marks the second appearance of Egghead.
The cartoon features the basic plot of Little Red Riding Hood, with a few twists and oddball Tex Avery-like gags, such as Red displaying a Katharine Hepburn persona, or Grandma ordering a case of gin, while the wolf waits impatiently for her to get off the phone so he can chase her again. The cartoon marks the second appearance of Egghead (the prototype of Elmer Fudd), who is a running gag throughout the cartoon, and in the end, mentions he's the hero and knocks the wolf out with a mallet.