| - The Glabetovan Aerial Training School, known by the acronym GATS, was a training base ostensibly created for the Glabetovan Air Service during its first years under Victorian Independent Air Force Major Philip Quinn. GATS was also secretly designated in a deal between the Glabetovan People's Republic and Victorian Independent State to be the base for the latter's government in case the UNSC retook Victoria. However, this never came to be, as most VIS government officials were killed before they could evacuate off-world. GATS's flight training for its students was composed almost entirely of flights in confiscated or captured civil aircraft, as most of the Air Service's military-grade aircraft that had been procured from the Victorian Independent State were in use aiding militia units across the colony. Little emphasis was placed on ground attack or air-to-air combat, with most of the curriculum composed of learning to fly, as well as how to aid militia via aerial spotting and how to make landings on unprepared fields, with the training course lasting about a year. Once the Air Service had reached its maximum useful number of pilots, GATS was also opened to militia units, who would send candidates, who would be tested for general aptitude before being admitted. In 2554, with the UNSC's return to Glabetov, the students and personnel at GATS demolished its buildings and resources, before loading into the base's aircraft and escaping to the frontier.