| - USS Wellington (menc.)
- In the soft wind I was watching while the flower petals danced and made up my mind I’ll let the past be the past No longer scared to reach out ’cause It’s time I became someone Time to catch something So I took one step forward (What they say never matters) What will I see, and who will I meet? (What they say never matters) What could I become? All that want to The blue sky breathed in the flowers Please remember me Even if it’s not everyday
- Betazoid; chocolade; communicator; Crusher, Jack; Delos IV; Durenia IV; Federatie; Ferengi; Hill, Cara; Hill, Richard; jazz; Kansas; Kenda II; Kosinski; poker; Quaice, Patricia; Selar; Starfleet; Sterrenbasis 133; sterrenkaart; Tau Alpha C; Troi, Lwaxana; Wellington, USS.
- "Remember Me" was the 79th episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation.
- This week, Zero Punctuation reviews Remember Me.
- W Bazie Gwiezdnej 133 USS Enterprise przebywa w celu wymiany załogi. W tym czasie Wesley przeprowadza eksperyment z nowym polem warp. Na pokład przybywa stary znajomy Dr Crusher, Dr Dalen Quaice. Kiedy nie przybywa na umówione śniadanie Dr Crusher odkrywa, że nikt taki nie istniał. Wkrótce zaczynają znikać inni członkowie okrętu. To jest jedynie zalążek artykułu. Pomóż Memory Alpha rozszerzając go.
- Remember Me is the fourth episode of the fifth season and the 80th overall episode of Private Practice.
- The game received mixed to positive reviews upon release, with general praise going to the story concept, some of the gameplay elements and the general setting while the main criticisms being laid against other aspects of the story, weak platforming, poor design choices and formulaic combat.
- A high school girl discovers that her teachers, friends, and acquaintences no longer seem to recognize her. Later, even her own family members claim they don't know who she is, causing her to question her own sanity.
- Remember Me is a song performed by Zendaya and appears in the season 3 and series finale of Shake It Up in the episode, Remember Me.
- Remember Me is the first episode of the sixth series of Shameless. It focused on the life of Ian Gallagher and saw him temporarily leave Chatsworth.
- thumb |} Remember Me (pol. Pamietaj o mnie (prawdopodobnie)) jest to dwudziesty szósty i zarazem ostatni odcinek odcinek trzeciego sezonu serialu Taniec rządzi. Jest to także ostatni odcinek tego serialu.
- Remember Me is the ninth episode of the second season of The 100. It is the twenty-second episode of the series overall.
- Remember Me is a 2010 drama film starring Robert Pattinson, Pierce Brosnan and Emilie de Ravin. It follows the lives of two families in New York city. Tyler (Pattinson) is a typical screw up young college student who only seems to care about his little sister Caroline as his home life is fairly screwed up since his parents are divorced and the father (Brosnan) has remained distant ever since the eldest brother killed himself. Tyler meets Allie (De Ravin) who has issues of her own, her mother being murdered on the subway in front of her when she was eleven and her father being an overprotective fireman.
- A tunnel. A cave? Dark, damp, and warm. Scale-Song ran toward the hazy light, hearing his footsteps echo in the narrow passage, sinking deeper into the mud. "How can I sink in this?" he asked aloud. "I am of parents born in Black Marsh." When he could no longer move, Scale-Song bowed his head, listening to the moisture dripping from the roots twisted above him. Soon, it would be over. He would return to the Hist. How embarrassing, though, for an Argonian to suffocate in mud. "Are you trying to tell me something?" he asked aloud. "I am dead." "Dead? Who are you?" "It? What is it?"
- It's a glorious morning as I wake up and go downstairs, ready to have breakfast. My mom comes down shortly after with my dad, and we all sit down ready to have breakfast, and we make general small talk. Before long, as usual, my dad leaves for work, which always bugs me in the morning. I wish he could spend some more time at home, but I guess I get to see him later on after school. Please, try and remember me. Remember me...