| - Yumemitchi's is the pink one, and Kiraritchi's is the blue one. However the bags come with one consequence, one rule. If they do not fulfil and complete their dream (The reason why they transform), they will be stuck in the form they transformed forever until it is completed. Once compeleted, they dash off from sight, both girls start glowing white and their costumes, confidence, and part of their talent disappear. The bags then reappear in front of them and drop into their arms.
| - Yumemitchi's is the pink one, and Kiraritchi's is the blue one. However the bags come with one consequence, one rule. If they do not fulfil and complete their dream (The reason why they transform), they will be stuck in the form they transformed forever until it is completed. Once compeleted, they dash off from sight, both girls start glowing white and their costumes, confidence, and part of their talent disappear. The bags then reappear in front of them and drop into their arms. Yumemitchi named the bags after their first idol performance at the Dream Festival, which they won. However, when called back on stage, no one recognizes they are the idols from the performance. Now when anyone does not recognizes them, they just say they are "just passing by..." (通りすがりの~tōrisugari no).