| - With all the peaceful events that have taken place within the Land of Rivers, who have strived to keep themselves out of the battle between the world and the Jashinists. But its Daimyō believes that war is inevitable. And the second spirit within him, an ancient samurai warrior, believes the same. But despite this, Kisui keeps himself occupied with the most important things in his life; His wife, and his daughter. As he prepares a meal for the family, using his enhanced feelings of touch and smell to determine when the food is done and where it is, he wraps up the cooking, finishing with a specialized curry rice recipe he had made some time ago, and serves the rice among him and his wife and daughter. As he eats his meal, he stops. With a frown among his face, he detects the energy of an i
| - With all the peaceful events that have taken place within the Land of Rivers, who have strived to keep themselves out of the battle between the world and the Jashinists. But its Daimyō believes that war is inevitable. And the second spirit within him, an ancient samurai warrior, believes the same. But despite this, Kisui keeps himself occupied with the most important things in his life; His wife, and his daughter. As he prepares a meal for the family, using his enhanced feelings of touch and smell to determine when the food is done and where it is, he wraps up the cooking, finishing with a specialized curry rice recipe he had made some time ago, and serves the rice among him and his wife and daughter. As he eats his meal, he stops. With a frown among his face, he detects the energy of an individual in his midst, someone he does not recognize, knowing the spiritual essence of every person who has made the Land of Rivers their home. Getting up from the table, he steps outside, a blind owl perching against his shoulder. Using its gaze, Kisui unravels the blindfold around his eyes, peering throughout the Land of Rivers, observing this spiritual anomaly that has appeared within his domain. Within a couple of minutes, the cloaked Uzumaki saw a man standing right outside of one of the, if not the largest house in the land. Without even a moment wasted, Shenron knew this was the man, he had come to see. "Large house associated to the money of a Daimyo, large and potent chakra, an owl as a companion, blind" Shenron was certain this man was Kisui. "He-" Before he could say anything, he was interrupted by his menacing companion. "You seem to have forgotten one thing, he also has an awfully large soul.....large enough to keep me full for a while." Revealing himself to only the eyes of Shenron, the God of Death was hungry for a soul. "Silence, you fiend, I am busy" he responded. "Shenron Uzumaki, am I correct? You wish to speak to me, then? Well, feel free. I've got time before I resume dinner." Kisui's calm personality has always gave the people within the Land of Rivers hope; Hope for a new day, for peace. Even when faced with the threat of the Jashinists potentially knocking on their backdoor, the people remain confident in Kisui's abilities to lead. And they have every reason to; Kisui has helped stop endless skirmishes within the Land of Rivers over his five years of ruling over the land. It had got to the point where most marauders stopped trying to invade the Land of Rivers out of respect, and fear of, Kisui's power. None of them bothered to realize that all that time, Kisui had been holding back his full strength during every confrontation. But not that they cared. They were only thankful they all escaped alive, thanks to Kisui's restraint. Even now, Kisui's smile shows his capabilities of restraint. Jumping from the balcony of the house, he meets at Shenron's level, slight cracks in the ground from where he landed, Kisui himself showing no injury thanks to his resilience. "Of course. Sensitive details should be offered only to sensitive ears." Looking up to his wife and daughter who look down from above the balcony, he waves towards them. "I won't be long. Just need to take care of something." He speaks out to them. Touching Shenron's hand, the two teleport away from the village to Shenron's chosen location. "They keep the Shinigami within you at bay. I can sense its presence within you, like a stain you can't quite get out of your clothes. Regardless, I am sure we're not here to discuss your spiritual "friend". There is some business you wished to conduct with me, Shenron?" Kisui asks, using his footsteps to determine the shell of the house he was in, feeling the presence of the chair before him as he sits down. Though he couldn't see his surroundings, the acoustics of the interior belied a high class room with many different adornments. Such things did not surprise Kisui, as he was quite aware of Shenron's.... extravagant lifestyle. "Strategically, it's a valid plan. Proximity, sizable military, and the only country with direct access to gold, the Land of Rivers makes for a rather obvious point of conquest for Konohagakure. As much as I have tried to strengthen ties with Konohagakure and the surrounding countries, the ever-growing Jashinist threat has made political meetings difficult, if not impossible. It's just not possible to tell whether or not there may be a Jashinist in the midst. Very few people are able to detect their presence, and even fewer know what to do about it. Because of this, I've been shoring up my defenses, with a great amount of help from my daughter. Brilliant genius that she is, she's helped immensely in not just efforts to improve the land's economy, but its defenses as well." With a smile, Kisui readjusts himself in the chair before clearing his throat, getting back to the task at hand. "The Jashinist threat grows every day. I've heard reports of Iwagakure falling to them. But thanks to the Tsuchikage's efforts, they managed to minimize casualties significantly. Everyone's hanging by a thread that's struggling to support itself. If the weight gets anymore heavier, that thread's going to break, and everything will fall apart."