| - Flaming Hearts was a resistance movement formed in 2558 by those Victorian Independent State and United Nations Space Command personnel who survived the Created's attack on Victoria during that same year. Without an artificial intelligence of their own to aid them in their fight against the AI hegemony, the group was forced to attempt to find ways to loosen the hold on the planet. This resistance came in many forms, including paper literature distributed to the populace, sabotage of computer networks on the colony that the AI could use, and, as the years dragged on, terrorist attacks designed to sow chaos, with the intent of destroying the order that was key to the Created's plans. The years also marked the growing of groups that rallied under the banner of Flaming Hearts. Some were former UNSC or VIS personnel, like the group's founders, others civilians who wanted to free Victoria, and some were fanatical neo-Koslovics. Despite the Created mounting multiple campaigns against the Flaming Hearts group, with the intent of wiping them out, the faction quickly became independent of technology, making it nearly impossible for the AI group to effectively track them. When the Created did manage to catch a group of fighters, it was generally small groups, with almost none allowing themselves to be captured.