| - Kiskatia Silamon Tenesh, commonly known as Kiska, was an inhabitant of Malaz City on Malaz Island. Her sailor father died at sea and her mother was a seamstress. Growing up in the city's Mouse Quarter she was desperate to escape its squalor and dreamed of becoming a part of the Imperial service. She spent her days practicing the spycraft and intelligence gathering she assumed would be impressive to the Claw. Kiska knew the city's streets and alleys like few others and kept careful tabs on the local criminal element for Sub-Fist Pell. Early in her youth she broke into the shop of Agayla. The witch caught her in the act, but instead of punishing her became her mentor. Kiska called Agayla "Auntie", and the witch often had her hands full trying to protect the impetuous and head-strong young woman. Although she claimed to have no magical talent, she did admit to the latent ability to sense when it was being employed by others. Additionally, the mage Corinn noted that Kiska's resistance to magic was "unusually strong" and thought her naturally receptive to Thyr, the Path of Light. During her Malaz City days she carried a hilted long-knife, throwing spikes, daggers, and a crossbow. Her specialized equipment included cord-soled slippers, a length of cord, needles, and cloths soaked in unguents. Later in her career, she dressed in a loose cloak and travelling jacket over her shirt, vest, trousers, and armour. Her weapon of choice was a long black metal staff with a retractable blade designed and built for her by the Moranth. When not in use it could be broken down into smaller sections and hidden on her person. She also carried multiple throwing knives hidden throughout her clothing. Kiska had a heart-shaped face and short black hair.