| - Contrary to popular belief, the Earth was not created in a meager six days. For a good chunk of time the Earth was just a big boiling
* 20-hit combo
* adjective
* adverb
* ad
* aerodynamics
* age
* air conditioner
* air
* airplane
* alcohol
* alfalfa
* algorithm
* alpaca sandwich
* amplifier
* anchovies
* angel
* anger
* animal
* answer
* antibacterial
* antibody
* antidisestablishmentarianist
* anvil
* anything
* ape
* apple juice
* apple
* applesauce
* apples
* arcade
* archangel
* arc welder
* armpit hair
* arthritis
* article
* asparagus
* Aspergers
* attorney
* Audi
* autobiography
* automobile
* aviator
* ax murderer
* babboon butt
* baby
* bachelor
* balloon
* ballroom
* bamboo
* banana
* band
* bank robbery
* barn
* baseball bat
* bass guitar
* bathtub
* bat
* bazooka
* beach ball
* beagle
* beans
* bear
* belfry
* belt
* bestiality
* bevel
* bikini
* bimbo
* bingo
* bishop
* bistro
* blah
* blanket
* blasphemy
* blender
* blimp
* blow-up doll
* bluejay
* boardwalk
* boar
* boat
* bollocks
* bomb
* book
* bottle
* bowling ball
* brand
* bread knife
* brickbat
* brick wall
* bridge
* brisket
* broadsword
* broom
* buddy
* buffalo
* Buick
* bum
* bunny
* businessman
* button
* cabinet
* cable
* cadaver
* Cadillac
* cake
* cake
* calculator
* camera
* candlestick
* can opener
* cardboard box
* card game
* carriage
* cartilage
* cartoon
* cartridge
* castle
* caterer
* cat
* cauldron
* CD
* cellphone
* cellulite
* centrifuge
* cheeseburger with a large fries and a coke, plus a kids meal
* cheese
* chessboard
* cheval-de-frise
* Chevrolet
* chiffon
* chisel
* chorus
* chromosome
* Chuck Norris impersonator
* chump
* cigarette
* cinderblock
* claptrap
* classified document
* clavichord
* clavicle
* clever trick
* cliff
* clitoris
* clock
* cob
* cockgoblin
* cockroach
* cod
* codpeice
* codswallop
* comma
* communist
* computer
* conspiracy
* content
* contraband
* contradiction
* cookie cutter
* copyist
* copypasta
* corndog
* couch potato
* council of national reconstruction
* cowbell
* cow
* crab cake
* critter
* crusher
* crystal
* cubicle
* cucumber
* cuddly toy
* curry
* custard
* cutlass
* cutting board
* Daewoo
* daffodil
* daydream
* dead flounder
* death
* death plane
* deity of personal preference
* Democrat
* devaporiser
* deviant
* diamond
* dictator
* diesel engine
* diet coke
* diet mouthwash
* diet pill
* diode
* disaster
* discussion
* dishrag
* dishwasher
* DJ
* document
* dog house
* dog
* dollhouse
* dolly
* dominatrix
* domino
* dongle
* Doppelgänger
* dot
* drain cleaner
* driptray
* Dunmer
* dyslexia
* dystopia
* earlobe
* ectoplasm
* eel
* egg
* electric toothbrush
* electrified mocha chinchilla
* electron
* elephant
* elf
* encyclopedia
* engraving
* entropy
* equestrian
* escape pod
* espresso
* etch-a-sketch
* etching
* event
* Evil Illuminati Adolf Hitler Clone Society
* evil secret Canadian mind-control device
* excrement
* exhaust pipe
* exit sign
* extension cord
* facepalm
* faceplant
* factoid
* factory
* fantasy
* fat
* fealty
* feces
* feng shui
* fiasco
* fib
* fiddle
* fire hydrant
* fistula
* flagella
* flan
* flap
* flatulence
* flightdeck
* fluorescent light
* foible
* Ford Pinto
* forest
* fork
* fountain
* freedom fighter
* fritter
* frying pan
* funeral
* Furby
* furnace
* furry
* galleon
* Game Boy
* gamelan
* garbage bin
* gasoline
* gas tank
* Gatsby
* Geiger counter
* gelato
* General Tso's kitten
* glass orb
* glucose
* glue
* glycerin
* Goblin Glider
* goose egg
* gork
* governor
* graffiti
* Green Lantern ring
* grue
* guide
* guillotine
* guitar
* gun
* guru
* gymnasium
* gyroscope
* hadron
* hailstone
* hairball
* hallway
* handstand
* harpsichord
* helm
* heretic
* hero
* hideout
* high-powered laser rifle
* hitman
* hobgoblin
* holster
* Holy Martian Empire
* home theater system
* homology
* homotopy
* Honda
* horse
* hose
* hostel
* hot dog
* hotel
* houseplant
* hovel
* hub cap
* Hyakugojyuuichi!!
* hybrid engine
* Hyundai
* ice skate
* icicle
* idiot
* igloo
* igneous protrusion
* imitation fake vomit
* impetus
* infinity
* insanity
* iPod
* jeans
* jellybean
* jelly
* Juffo-Wup
* juice
* jungle
* kakistocracy
* kamikaze
* katzenjammer
* keyboard
* killer whale
* Kirby
* kitten chow mein
* kitten
* kitten piccata
* kitten pot pie<
* knickknack
* Kodak
* Kremling
* kumquat
* l33t h4x0r
* lasagna
* lava
* lawnmower
* league
* leaking roof
* leash
* lemming
* lemon
* lens
* lentil soup
* leukemia
* library
* liger
* lighting
* limited edition, gold plated, autographed rabbi
* lint
* linux
* lipmusic
* liquidation
* liquid goo
* lisp
* lithium
* llama
* lobby
* lobster
* lockpick
* lollipop
* loser
* love
* lowbrow
* lubricant
* lucky bastard
* luggage
* lumber
* lunch
* mad axe-murderer
* magma
* mammary gland
* mandate
* marshmallow
* Mazda
* melanoma
* memo
* mesothelioma
* Mexican wave
* microcosm
* microscope
* microwave
* MIDI controller
* milk
* milquetoast
* minecart
* minefield
* Minolta
* Mitsubishi
* mitten
* mongoose
* monkey
* monoclonal antibody
* monorail
* monster
* mop
* mountain
* mouse
* mouth
* muffinface
* muffin
* muff
* mug
* muskrat
* mycobacterium
* neck
* needle
* neurotoxin
* neverland
* newspaper
* nexus
* ninja
* Nintendo
* nitrogen
* nob
* noseblower
* nostalgia
* nostril
* noun
* nuclear reactor
* nuke
* number
* nystagmus
* ocean
* octohedron
* octopus
* oddball
* okra
* Oldsmobile
* ooze
* operating system
* operating theater
* option
* orc
* osmosis
* osteoporosis
* ostrich egg
* ovary
* oven
* ox
* oxygen
* Pac-Man
* padlock
* paedophile
* page
* pantleg
* paperclip
* paper
* pastry
* paycheck
* peach
* peacock
* peanut
* pea soup
* peat moss
* pedophile
* pencil
* penis
* pen
* period
* person
* pervert
* petroglyph
* philanthropist
* philosopher
* pie
* pile of flaming horse feces
* pill
* pillow
* piñata
* pine cone
* pizzle
* plague
* plasma cannon
* plastic
* plate
* PlayStation
* Pokémon
* politician
* polyethylene
* Pontiac
* poodle
* pool table
* pork chop
* possibility
* potato masher
* potato
* president-for-life
* prostate
* prostitute
* pumpkin
* Pyrex
* queen
* queer
* question mark
* quetzal
* quickloader
* quote
* rabbit
* raccoon
* racket
* raid
* railing
* rain meter
* rake
* ramen noodle
* rape>
* read-only memory
* redwood
* reindeer
* Republican
* respiratory system
* ribaldry
* ricer
* Rick James
* rickroll
* riddle
* riffraff
* rifle
* ripple
* riverbank
* road
* rocket
* rock
* rollerblade
* rope
* roundhouse kick
* round house
* rubber duck
* rucksack
* sacrifice
* salad fork
* sarcoma
* sarcophagus
* sceptre
* scroll
* sea bass
* search engine
* Sega
* shank
* shark
* sheep
* showdown
* skull
* snake
* snowflake
* Soliton radar
* Sony
* soundboard
* space
* Sparta
* speaker
* spermicide
* spoon
* spork
* squibble
* squid
* stampede
* stamp
* stapler
* station wagon
* statue
* steak dinner
* steak knife
* stick
* stool sample
* street sign
* stripper
* Subaru
* suicidal lemming
* suicide bomber
* Suzuki
* sweet and sour chicken
* Swiss cheese
* Taahgaarxian
* tadpole
* tank
* Tanner Thompson
* teabag
* telephone
* tempest
* temple
* ten-foot pole
* tennis racket
* terracotta
* terrorist
* Texas toast
* thong
* thumbtack
* tire
* tit
* titty
* toaster
* toboggan
* tofu
* tomato
* tong
* tooth
* toothpick
* Toyota
* tractor
* treehouse
* treetop
* truffle
* t-shirt
* tube
* Turing machine
* turkey sandwich
* tuxedo
* tyrant
* US Navy aircraft carrier
* Utility Muffin Research Kitchen
* vector field
* verb
* vertigo
* virus
* Volkswagen
* Volvo
* vomit
* vortex
* vulva
* waffle
* wall
* waterfall
* watermelon
* Weltschmerz
* whereabouts
* whip
* Wii
* xanthochroi
* Xbox
* xenomorph
* xylophone
* yellow submarine
* YouTube Poop
* zebra
* Zelda
* zipper
* zoot suit
* Zork
* zygote . Several billion years later, it finally got cool enough for water to form. After another billion years the most very basic plants appeared, followed by the animals another hundred-thousand years later. But these creatures just got so big and cocky that God felt like being anti-productive, so he sent a big rock into the Earth and those animals died. Then things got biblical. God took his favorite swine and proceeded to slaughter it. From the dead body, he took some ribs and turned them into dust. Miraculously (and against all scientific principles), that dust somehow managed to form the first human beings. However, the female was not too bright, and fell victim to a sly serpent who told her, of all things, to eat an apple. As a punishment, God decided to take away humans’ immortality, along with their ability to go super-saiyan. After this incident, life went on as normal, aside from the massive accounts of incest. Things got so disgusting, God sent a flood to wipe out all of the sinners and their inbreed offspring, leaving only eight to survive (little did he know that doing this would only trigger another massive wave of incest).