A world gone mad!—"God's Gauntlet" was the 20th issue of DC Comics's second ongoing series of Star Trek comics. The issue consists of a story written by Howard Weinstein. Pencil and ink art was by Gordon Purcell and Arne Starr, respectively.
A world gone mad!—"God's Gauntlet" was the 20th issue of DC Comics's second ongoing series of Star Trek comics. The issue consists of a story written by Howard Weinstein. Pencil and ink art was by Gordon Purcell and Arne Starr, respectively.
A world gone mad!—"God's Gauntlet" was the 20th issue of DC Comics's second ongoing series of Star Trek comics. The issue consists of a story written by Howard Weinstein. Pencil and ink art was by Gordon Purcell and Arne Starr, respectively.