| - The twist of Aetheria Epics is that it relies on its community of readers to make important character and story decisions by way of a daily vote. Theoretically, these factor into the character's overall personality, gradually solidifying it until their story is complete and another one begins. The site launched in April of 2009, but daily updates are quickly cultivating an engrossing narrative as well as a decent-sized archive. Like all webcomics that reference RPGs, this one's rather trope-heavy. This webcomic provides examples of:
* Abandoned Info Page - Averted. The cast page is kept quite current with all party members.
* Action Commands - VOTE! Aww, you missed the update? Too bad, the one you would have voted for lost.
* And Now for Someone Completely Different - After Allete finishes her business in Himmelburg, the viewpoint switches to Frey.
* Black and White Magic - The first party consists of a summoner, a black mage, and a white mage.
* Black Mage: Iris.
* Can't Drop the Hero - Averted.
* Character Customization - Every once in a while, a new outfit vote will crop up.
* Character Portrait - On the character page, obviously (Status).
* Check Point - Every single update.
* Dialogue Tree - A rare webcomic example.
* Direct Demographic
* Doomed Hometown
* Easing Into the Adventure
* Fetch Quest - The Mana Ore.
* Get on the Boat - To get out of Veil.
* Good Morning, Crono - For Allete, at least.
* Heroes Prefer Swords - Averted by vote, main character for the first arc is a caster.
* Hit Points - Possibly averted. The characters aren't aware of them if they do have them, and we haven't seen any floating damage numbers yet.
* Inn Security
* Interactive Comic
* In Universe Game Clock - Standard Day/Night cycles, it seems.
* Isometric Projection - The first couple of comics make homage to this method.
* Jerkass - Frey has shades of this.
* Late to the Party
* Limited Wardrobe - Averted. Characters in this comic change their outfits frequently and for when the situation calls for it.
* Love Bubbles - When the leader of the Dark Mage Gang meets Allete, she gets a flowery pink background.
* Multi Platform - Compatible with all known browsers!
* Party in My Pocket - Averted.
* Random Encounters - We all know where that snake really came from.
* Ridiculously Cute Critter - Mei, the feral slime.
* RPG Elements - A webcomic with these.
* Schedule Slip - Very minor, an occasional day missed.
* Science-Related Memetic Disorder - Pello. Possibly.
* Sidequest - Obtaining the Mana Ore, presumably.
* Soft Reset - You can always hit the New Game button at any time in the archives. The run won't change, though.
* Stupidity Is the Only Option - Can result from a sour vote.
* Visible Silence - !
* You Gotta Have Blue Hair