| - Fantastic is a man working at HELIOS One as a technician for the NCR in 2281. It is obvious, however, that his technical expertise is severely lacking.
- Has also been used by the Doctor on occasion, particularly Nine. It's a bit like being based really. And not at all like being absolutely disgusting.
- Fantastic wurde von der RNK angeheuert, nachdem sie technische Fachkräfte brauchten, um das Solar-Kraftwerk HELIOS-One wieder zum Laufen zu bringen. Er sagt, dass er sowohl das Wissen über Solarenergie wie auch die theoretische Erfahrung in Physik hatte, um den Job zu bekommen.
- Chercher "fantastic" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
- Fantastic was a weekly superhero comic published by Odhams from 1967 to 1968. Fantastic was the fourth title in Odhams' "Power Comics" line, the first three being Wham!, Smash! and Pow!. But while those contained a mixture of traditional British humour strips and reprints of American superhero comics (mostly from Marvel), Fantastic consisted almost entirely of Marvel material: in particular, Thor, Iron Man and X-Men.