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- thumb|270px|Tales of TMNT Vol.2 #55Day in the Life ("Ein Tag im Leben") ist der Titel einer Geschichte aus der Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles-Reihe der Mirage Studios.
- A Day in the Life, to komiks wydany w 2002 roku w magazynie Star Wars Tales 12.
- A Day in the Life es una canción de Murphy's Law que se puede escuchar en la emisora L.C.H.C de GTA IV. CategorÃa:Canciones de Liberty City Hardcore Rock
- A Day in the Life was a short comic in Star Wars Tales 12 and was collected in Star Wars Tales Volume 3 and Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: The New Republic Volume 2. The story was written by Brett Matthews, colors by Guy Major and letters by Steve Dutro. It takes place three days after the Battle of Endor.
- The comic revolves around three characters called Noel, Flesh and Dave and the various escapades they get into.
- Xena has 24 hours to prevent a warlord from plundering one village and the world's biggest giant from destroying another. Ah, all in a day's work.
- A Day In the Life is the first episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer the Animated Series and Unaired Pilot Written by Jeph Loeb and Joss Whedon. It introudces the voice talents of the original cast of the live action television series as well as Buffy Summers voice Giselle Loren. It chronicles the first vampire slain by Buffy Summers as well as the loss of friend Jessie of Sunnydale California and confrontation with a spurned lover vampire seeking atonement in Buffy.
- "We could go anywhere with this song; it was definitely going to go to big places." -Paul McCartney, The Beatles Anthology
- Summary: in which, Edward kidnaps Ezio. Ezio seduces Edward. Federico shows up and kills some people. Then everyone has sex again. Notes: i can't even explain this to you. but it was fun to write. Work Text:
- Here I am. Sitting on the Zamorakian castle in Castle Wars. Holding a new sniper rifle. Waiting for my target. The drums are rolling. The hordes of people waiting to slice at each others throats. And they are off. Yet one of them is an alien metamorph. I hold the trigger, and aim for the head. Its pulled. And how did I get into this mess? It started two days ago, the year 188 of the Fifth Age. My name is Link Orach. I'm in Varrock, when a strange man walks up to me. He identifies as... "Captain Torack Joblar, CEO of Torchwood Gielinor. You know about our secret little group, don't ya?"
- A Day in the Life is a song by The Beatles which a 41 piece orchestra played on this. The musicians were told to attend the session dressed formally. When they got there, they were presented with party novelties (false noses, party hats, gorilla-paw glove) to wear, which made it clear this was not going to be a typical session. The orchestra was conducted by Paul McCartney, who told them to start with the lowest note of their instruments and gradually play to the highest. (thanks, Jes - Mason City, IA) McCartney's middle section (Woke up, got out of bed...) was intended for another song.
- Plot Survivor Count: 41,398 It has been over a month since the fleet last encountered the Cylons and the crew of the Galactica begins the tedious job of conducting repairs and maintenance to their battered ship. In his quarters, Admiral Adama reflects upon his wedding anniversary, dreaming of his estranged wife Carolanne. Adama is awakened when Colonel Tigh arrives to have him sign off on papers. Tigh reports that since most of the Vipers are out of dry-dock, Chief Galen Tyrol will be checking the servos on Airlock 12. Admiral Adama continues to fantasize of Carolanne, but it is quickly revealed that their relationship wasn't perfect. Carolanne accuses him of putting duty before family which is why she divorced him.
- A tired looking Ryan is sitting is sitting at the command station. His eyes focussed on the reports flowing across his screen. The mess from earlier has mainly been cleaned up, but there's still the smell of burnt plastic, fabric and metal. Jeff Ryan also has a small cut above his head with some dried blood. Urfkgar kind of ambles with his tongue flicking out a few times as he gives the place the once over. He meanders over to where the general is seated. Ryan glances up the lizard, "Don't start. Could have been worse." Urfkgar shrugs and says, "When will the cannons be installed?"