| - Commander Zilyana is in the Godwars Dungeon and the only way to get there is via using the Boss Teleport, If you choose to fight this boss you will need 20 Killcount, for the Donators you shall click Here and find your rank in there, to figure out what kill count you will require. Use Melee Attacks Against This Boss!
- thumbSaradomin est le dieu de l`ordre et de la sagesse, il est le dieu le plus adoré (pour les PNJ) dans Gélinor. Plusieurs de ses adorateurs croix qu`il est le dieu du bien et de la lumière, mais il apparaît parfois d`être hypocrite et avide de pouvoir. Catégorie:RS3
- There are various Saradomin-related items in the game, including:
* Holy Symbol of saradomin
* Saradomin Cape
* Saradomin Staff
* Holy grail
* Holy table napkin
- Saradomin is the Elemental Lord of Light.
- Saradomin is the God of Wisdom and Order.
- FunOrb žaidime „Arcanists“ Saradomin statulos gali būti aptinkamos Sky Castle etape. thumb|left|Saradomin simbolis
- Saradomin is said to have come to the realm of Gielinor whilst Guthix slept during the Second Age, along with Bandos, Zaros, Armadyl and about a dozen other deities. He was initially not nearly as influential as he is now; there is much to suggest that he was in fact less powerful than Armadyl. His power did however increase tremendously during and after the God Wars, and he is now one of the most worshipped gods in Gielinor.
- One of the more popular Gods, Saradomin has gained a good amount of followers, most, if not all of which are human. However, it is arguable that being the God of "Order" is not necessarily the same as being the God of "Good", as his followers would kill for the greater maintenance of Order, rather than for the "greater good". Furthermore, the Church of Saradomin is somewhat corrupt, throwing suspicion onto Saradomin's beliefs, or, at least, his followers' interpretations of them. Many clans have centered their philosophies/ways around Saradomin.
- Saradomin är guden av visdom och ordning och ät trodd att vara gud som flest personer dyrkar i Gielinor. En känd rival till Saradomin är Zamorak.
- left|x150px Saradomin (coloquialmente Sara) es el Dios del Orden y la Sabiduría, y es uno de los Dioses mas populares del juego. Muy poco se conoce sobre su pasado, pero cuenta con un gran numero de seguidores, la mayoría humanos. Su símbolo consiste en una estrella de cuatro lados, proveniente del Artefacto Antiguo que posee (la Corona de Saradomin). Aparece en las misiones siguientes:
* El ritual de los mahjarrat (durante un flashback)
* El despertar del mundo
* La muerte de la caballería
* Desaparecido y dado por muerto
- Fil:60px-Saradomin symbol gold.svg.png Saradomin (kjent som Sara) er guden for "godhet, orden og visdom" og er en av de mest populære gudene. Lite er kjent om hans fortid, men han har svært mange tilhengere, og det er langt flere kirker viet til Saradomin enn Zamorak. De fleste av hans etterfølgere bor i Misthalin, Asgarnia, Kandarin og Entrana, men det finnes flere grupper utenfor disse områdene. I motsetning til Zamorak eller Guthix består etterfølgerene hans nesten utelukkende av mennesker. Saradomins symbol er en fire-spisset stjerne (som vanligvis er farget gull eller sølv). Full Saradomin armour er sett på som: Saradomin platelegs / Saradomin plateskirt, Saradomin platebody, Saradomin full helm, og Saradomin kiteshield.
- Presently, Saradomin has a vast number of followers, most of whom believe him to be the god of good, and there are far more churches dedicated to him than to other gods. Most of his modern followers reside in Misthalin, Asgarnia, Kandarin and Entrana, but there are several groups outside these areas. Unlike those of Zamorak or Guthix, his followers consist almost entirely of humans, though that was not always the case. Saradomin's symbol is a four-pointed star (that is usually coloured gold or silver), which he likely took from his crown. Saradomin was the first god to return to Gielinor in the Sixth Age, after Guthix's death.
- Saradomin is de god van wijsheid en orde en is vermoedelijk de god met de meeste volgelingen in Gielinor. Zijn volgelingen zijn voornamelijk mensen en het grootste deel daarvan woont in de koninkrijken Misthalin, Asgarnia en Kandarin. Ook ver daarbuiten wonen volgelingen en staan er talrijke tempels gewijd aan Saradomin. Het symbool van Saradomin is een vier-puntige ster, meestal goud of zilver van kleur, een symbool dat hij waarschijnlijk van zijn kroon heeft overgenomen.
- Saradomin (pronounced /ˌsærəˈdoʊ̯mɪn/) is the god of order and wisdom, and is believed to be the most worshipped god on Gielinor. Additionally, he appears to be strongly associated with light as well, with various attributes, such as the Book of Light, referring to him as such. In the Third Age, he founded the Temple Knights, a highly secretive, military and espionage organisation from Falador. He is even said to give direct orders in person to their current head of operations and second-in-command (after Saradomin himself) - Sir Vey Lance.
- Categoria:Divindadesen:Saradominleft|50px Saradomin (chamado por Sara pelos jogadores, como abreviação), é o deus da ordem, da sabedoria e da luz e é um dos deuses mais populares de RuneScape. Embora muitos acreditem que ele seja o deus do "bem", isto não é necessariamente correto, já que ele é o deus da ordem, na verdade, e suas ações, por vezes, podem ser consideradas tanto boas quanto más, a depender do ponto de vista do jogador, mesmo assim ele alega defender o bem, aparentemente por motivos muito profundos que o fazem acreditar que o que ele prega seja o bem para o mundo. Na O Despertar do Mundo, quando é revelado que Saradomin, indiretamente, causou a guerra que levou a extinção dos Naragi, a raça de Guthix, sendo também culpados por tal os deuses Tuska e Skargaroth. Saradomin afirma
- Saradomin on yksi RuneScapen pääjumalista, toisten thumb|Kuva Saradoministaollessa Guthix ja Zamorak. Saradomin on viisauden, hyvyyden ja järjestyksen jumala. Saradomin haluaa rauhaa. Saradomin on Zamorakin arkkivihollinen. Saradomin patsaan voi löytää mm. Faladorin keskustasta ja puistosta. Toisin, kuten Guthixilla Hänen kannattajansa ovat ihmisiä. Saradominin symboli on nelisakarainen tähti. Saradominin motto on "Strength through wisdom". Saradominin kannattajia ovat mm
* Valkoinen Ritari
* Velho
* Munkki
* King Tyras