| - Starfleet, also known as the Imperial Starfleet, was the Terran Empire's military organization in the mirror universe. Through Starfleet, the Empire conquered other planets and enforced its rule over those worlds (TOS: "Mirror, Mirror"). Spock later disarmed Starfleet, leaving the Empire vulnerable to the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance (DS9: "Crossover").
- Starfleet was the primary space force for the Terran Empire, and operated with the MACOs in the 22nd century to form the Terran Empire's military arm. It continued in its service through at least the 23rd century, where it would seemingly collapse, along with the rest of the Empire, thanks to the reforms that had been instituted by Spock. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly", "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II"; TOS: "Mirror, Mirror"; DS9: "Crossover")
- Starfleet acted as the iron fist to the Terran Empire, and often formed assault fleets to combat the enemy, such as in 2155 when the Terran Empire was fighting an ongoing war with a Rebellion. Officers within Starfleet would proclaim themselves as soldiers, and would serve long careers spanning most, if not all of their lives. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly", "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II") Starfleet later avoided an uprising of the Gorlan after Captain James T. Kirk, through his command of the ISS Enterprise NCC-1701, destroyed the rebel homeworld. (TOS: "Mirror, Mirror" )
- In the mirror universe, the Imperial Starfleet was the main military arm of the Terran Empire during the 22nd and 23rd centuries. Like its primary universe counterpart, the Imperial Starfleet was controlled by a group of admirals, but was overseen by a grand admiral. Amongst the people to serve in the role of grand admiral were Garth of Izar, Matthew Decker, and Spock. During the mid-22nd century, the main type of starships operated by Starfleet were NX-class battle cruisers, of which the prototype, the ISS Enterprise, served as the flagship. In the 2150s, Starfleet was involved in a long drawn out conflict against rebels, in which it became possible that the Empire could collapse. However, the capture of the USS Defiant from a Tholian base, gave Starfleet a tactical and psychological adva
| - Starfleet, also known as the Imperial Starfleet, was the Terran Empire's military organization in the mirror universe. Through Starfleet, the Empire conquered other planets and enforced its rule over those worlds (TOS: "Mirror, Mirror"). Spock later disarmed Starfleet, leaving the Empire vulnerable to the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance (DS9: "Crossover").
- In the mirror universe, the Imperial Starfleet was the main military arm of the Terran Empire during the 22nd and 23rd centuries. Like its primary universe counterpart, the Imperial Starfleet was controlled by a group of admirals, but was overseen by a grand admiral. Amongst the people to serve in the role of grand admiral were Garth of Izar, Matthew Decker, and Spock. During the mid-22nd century, the main type of starships operated by Starfleet were NX-class battle cruisers, of which the prototype, the ISS Enterprise, served as the flagship. In the 2150s, Starfleet was involved in a long drawn out conflict against rebels, in which it became possible that the Empire could collapse. However, the capture of the USS Defiant from a Tholian base, gave Starfleet a tactical and psychological advantage, when Empress Hoshi Sato I proclaimed that the Defiant was a Imperial Starfleet vessel from the future, instead of coming from the primary universe. (ENT episodes: "In a Mirror, Darkly", "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II"; ENT novel: Age of the Empress) By the late 23rd century, Starfleet was comparable in size and function to its primary universe counterpart. Following the assassination of Captain James T. Kirk in 2267, Spock rose to the captaincy of the ISS Enterprise, and soon became a very powerful force in Starfleet through the use of the Tantalus field. Recognizing the danger that Spock could cause, Empress Hoshi Sato III ordered Grand Admiral Garth of Izar, and later Matthew Decker to try and assassinate Spock and remove the threat. Following the third failed attempt in 2277, Sato III was forced to appoint Spock as the new grand admiral of Starfleet. By the 2290s, the Imperial Starfleet had been starved of proper resources and was but a shadow of its former self, due to the radical reforms of now Emperor, Spock. Because of this, the fleet was unable to survive the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance invasion of the Terran Republic in 2297. (TOS novel: The Sorrows of Empire)
- Starfleet was the primary space force for the Terran Empire, and operated with the MACOs in the 22nd century to form the Terran Empire's military arm. It continued in its service through at least the 23rd century, where it would seemingly collapse, along with the rest of the Empire, thanks to the reforms that had been instituted by Spock. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly", "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II"; TOS: "Mirror, Mirror"; DS9: "Crossover") Starfleet acted as the iron fist to the Terran Empire, and often formed assault fleets to combat the enemy, such as in 2155 when the Terran Empire was fighting an ongoing war with a Rebellion. Officers within Starfleet would proclaim themselves as soldiers, and would serve long careers spanning most, if not all of their lives. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly", "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II") Alien species that had been subjugated by the Empire, were able to serve in Starfleet, and were able to advance through the ranks, such as Lieutenant Commanders T'Pol and Spock had done. Others would serve in the enlisted ranks, or even serve as bodyguards to certain officers who had trusted them in such a position. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly", "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II"; TOS: "Mirror, Mirror") The ISS Enterprise NX-01 served as the Terran flagship during it's operation, until it had been destroyed by Tholian forces in 2155. Enterprise had also been under the jurisdiction of Admiral Black, who also held similar power over the ISS Avenger. Enterprise would see combat many times throughout it's service, and as such, Commander Jonathan Archer was of the opinion that none other had been tested more in combat. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly", "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II") Starfleet had been fighting a war with a rebellion by the beginning of 2155, and despite the propaganda that said otherwise, was not faring well. In a battle at Tau Ceti, Starfleet lost a total of twelve starships, (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly", "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II") Starfleet would later avoid an uprising through the Gorlan after Captain James T. Kirk, through his command of the ISS Enterprise NCC-1701, destroyed the rebel homeworld.Starfleet was later defeated, destroyed or simply collapsed due to the reforms of Spock, and therefore was not able to stand up to the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance. (DS9: "Crossover"
- Starfleet acted as the iron fist to the Terran Empire, and often formed assault fleets to combat the enemy, such as in 2155 when the Terran Empire was fighting an ongoing war with a Rebellion. Officers within Starfleet would proclaim themselves as soldiers, and would serve long careers spanning most, if not all of their lives. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly", "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II") Commander Archer once claimed that he had been a soldier all of his life. This could either mean that he started service at a young age, perhaps in his teens, or that he simply meant his career covered most of his adult life. Alien species that had been subjugated by the Empire were able to serve in Starfleet and were able to advance through the ranks, such as Commanders T'Pol and Spock had done. Others served in the enlisted ranks, or even served as bodyguards to certain officers who had trusted them in such a position. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly", "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II"; TOS: "Mirror, Mirror" ) The ISS Enterprise NX-01 served as the Terran flagship until it was destroyed by Tholian forces in 2155. Enterprise had been under the jurisdiction of Admiral Black, who also held similar power over the ISS Avenger. Enterprise saw combat many times throughout its service, and as such, Commander Jonathan Archer was of the opinion that no other ship had been tested more in combat. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly", "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II") Starfleet had been fighting a war against a rebellion by the beginning of 2155, and despite the propaganda that said otherwise, was not faring well. In a battle at Tau Ceti, Starfleet lost a total of twelve starships. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly", "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II") Starfleet later avoided an uprising of the Gorlan after Captain James T. Kirk, through his command of the ISS Enterprise NCC-1701, destroyed the rebel homeworld. (TOS: "Mirror, Mirror" ) Starfleet was later defeated, destroyed, or simply collapsed due to the reforms of Spock, and therefore was not able to stand up to the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance. (DS9: "Crossover")