| - Friedrich Nietzsche byla údajně anglická striptérka německého původu žijící v 19. století.
- Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche was a human philosopher from the planet Earth. Based on his philosophies, a group of refugee humans at Ayn Rand Station created the Nietzschean people through extensive genetic modification. His philosophies were considered extreme, as they were eugenic and extremely Darwinistic. A common misconception is that he believed that a perfect human being could be created through relentless application of Darwin's philosophy of evolution, and that out of this a species would evolve that would be a better human. Drago Museveni, creator of the Nietzschean race, strongly believed in this and fled with his followers to an orbital habitat, where they worked to create the first Nietzschean.
- Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (/ˈniːtʃə/ German: ˈfʁiːdʁɪç ˈvɪlhɛlm ˈniːt͡sʃə; 15 October 1844 – 25 August 1900) was a German philosopher, cultural critic, poet, composer, and Latin and Greek scholar. He wrote several critical texts on religion, morality, contemporary culture, philosophy, and science, displaying a fondness for metaphor and irony.
- Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (15. Oktober 1844 – 25. August 1900) ist ein deutscher Philosoph. Von ihm stammt unter anderem die Theorie des „Übermenschen“, gegen den der normale Mensch nur wie ein Affe erscheinen werde. Diese Theorie wird sowohl von den Nazis als auch von den Schöpfern der Augments aufgegriffen. Allerdings bezweifelt Jonathan Archer, dass Nietzsche jemanden wie die Augments im Sinn gehabt hat (ENT: ).
- German philosoper, philologist, and psychologist. He was born on October 15, 1844 in Rocken bei Lutzen, Germany. He died on August 25, 1900.
- Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (15 October 1844–25 August 1900) was a Human who lived on Earth during the 19th century. Born in what would later become part of Germany, Nietzsche became one of the most influential philosophers in human history. Nietzsche developed the idea of the Übermensch, or a "super human." In the 22nd century, the Augment Malik likened himself to Nietzsche's ideal of the Übermensch. (ENT episode: "Borderland")
- Friedrich Nietzsche était un philosophe terrien du 19ème siècle. (Réalité extrapolée *) Nietzsche traita notamment du dépassement de l'humanité et de l'avènement du surhomme. En 2154, Malik se compara aux surhommes et cita Nietzche, en déclarant que l'humanité devait être surpassée. (ENT: "Borderland")
- Nietzsche var en italiensk psykolog som beviste at Gud er død. Problemet er at Nietzsche selv nå er død, mens Gud fortsatt lever. Den berømte Nietzschedebatten, som foregår mellom vår italienske venn og Gud, blir her gjenngitt (med forbehold om feil).
- Friedrich Nietzsche is a German philosopher who wrote about the Übermensch (German for Superman). Nietzche's writings are a frequent theme in Smallville. Lionel and his son Lex both read Nietzche extensively.
- Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (* 15. Oktober 1844 in Röcken bei Lützen; † 25. August 1900 in Weimar) war ein bedeutender Pessimist, Philosoph, Philologe, sowie Freigeist, Ehrenmitglied der Freien Akademie der Deutschen Denkelite, Drogenjunkie und wie die meisten seiner Art dem Zwang des Denkens und der Opiate erlegen. Als Übermensch bewegte er sich Jenseits von Gut und Böse und verdutzte so manchen mit der Aussage "Gott ist tot". Er war wie viele Philosophen ein wahrer Trenddirigent für die gesellschaftliche Entwicklung in den folgenden Jahrzehnten, wenn nicht sogar Jahrhunderten. Leider erlitt seine Karriere einen immensen Einbruch mit seinem Tod, der vermutlich durch seine bereits länger andauernde geistige Umnachtung hervorgerufen wurde.
- Friedrich Nietzsche was a Nazi philosopher, which also makes him a follower of Satan. He was alive during the crucifixion of Jesus (which is why he said that God is dead) but he lived long enough to fight for the Nazis in World War II.
- Friedrich Nietzsche (フリードリヒ・ニーチェ Furīdorihi Nīche) is one of the 100 historical figure spirits who resides in the Village of Heroes.
- <default><i>Unknown</i></default> ProfessionUnknown Youtube ChannelNone AgeUnknown ReligionUnknown BornUnknown ResidenceUnknown StatusUnknown Eye ColorUnknown Hair ColorUnknown Friedrich Nietzsche was a philosopher extraordinaire who is among TJ's favorites, having read some Nietzsche when he was a teenager. Nietzsche is considered to be one the most important thinkers of western hisotry. His ideas were to do with transcending our social conditioning by pursuing our truths to become the Übermensch (what all humans should strive to be: to be more than themselves and to be beyond conventional morality). He was extremely critical of Christianity in particular, as he felt it stifled people with overbearing and neurotically repressive mandates in the name of a false righteousness.
- The statement God is dead, occurring in several of Nietzsche's works and most notably The Gay Science (note: "gay" in Nietzche's time simply meant happy and the word didn't have its present meaning), has become one of his best-known remarks. On the basis of this statement, most commentatorsregard Nietzsche as an atheist; others (such as Kaufmann) suggest that this statement reflects a more subtle understanding of divinity. Recent developments in modern science and the increasing secularization of European society had effectively 'killed' the Abrahamic God, who had served as the basis for meaning and value in the West for more than a thousand years. The death of God may lead beyond bare perspectivism to outright nihilism, the belief that nothing has any inherent importance and that life lac
- Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, meglio noto al pubblico a casa come Nice, (Jägermeister, 5 ottobre 1844 – Gotham City, 8 bre 1900, comunque dopo Dio), è stato uno scrittore e predicatore germano. Secondo alcuni addirittura un "filosofo", ma sarebbe come considerare Bigazzi un grande chef. Coerente a se stesso, Friedrich Nietzsche fu anche filologo, filobus, Filippo e poeta dilettante (vale ricordare "Poesia alla mia mamma" e "Il fiore dell'amore sul cuore del motore" in rima baciata), anche se i critici, calunniatori bastardi, sembrano non apprezzare molto le sue opere.
- Friedrich Nietzsche was a 19th century Human philosopher who stressed the importance of the unique and autonomous individual. One of Nietzsche's ideas was to affirm the superiority of the Übermensch (homo superior or 'super-human'). Nietzsche explains the steps through which man can become an Übermensch:
* By his will to power, manifested destructively in the rejection of, and rebellion against, old ideals and moral codes
* By his will to power, manifested creatively in overcoming nihilism and re-evaluating old ideals or creating new ones
* By a continual process of self-overcoming
- 200px|rightFriedrich Nietzsche la Freneza, estis freneza filozofo kaj bohemia komponisto. Li naskiĝis 1644 en Röcken kaj mortis 1900 en Vajmaro. Li tamen ne prezentiĝis kiel germano, sed kiel brazila esperantisto, kaŭze ia malameco kaj aversio de tiu nacio. Li mem skribis en epistoloj kaj en "Ecce homo" ke liaj patroj (jes, ne GEpatroj) estis polaj nobeluloj. Władysław Tatarkiewicz mem skribas en dua volumo de "Historio de filozofio": Li estis germano sed pri pola deveneco de pola familio Nicki. Poste oni esploris ke lia familio de 19-a ĝis 16-a jarcento estis tute germana.300px|right
- Widely considered the greatest German philosopher, psychologist, classical philologist and Übermensch of his age by authors of incoherent novels about wandering homeless men and tightrope-walkers, Nietzsche is credited overturning nineteenth-century morality of custom and setting new standards for the kind of angry rant about Jews treated as serious philosophizing, paving the way for both a century of bitchy French post-structuralist philosophers and a further century of Stormfront comments.
- Friedrich Nietzsche, aussi appelé "Nieutseucheu" par ses amis proches, philosophe au nom imprononçable, devrait ce nom de famille à son arrière-arrière-arrière-arrière-grand-père qui éternua lorsque le bureaucrate lui demanda comment il s'appelait. Nietzsche naquit au 19e siècle de l'autre côté du Rhin, ce qui explique qu'il souffrait de dysplasie étant enfant et était atteint d'énurésie. Ce qui fut corrigé par un excellent chirurgien, le Docteur Jeckill. Ce qui explique aussi son goût immodéré pour les femmes aux chutes de Rhein remarquables telles que Loulou von Salopé. Musicien raté