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- 5400.0
- Before teleporting to safety, Professor Echo told you:
"Be very cautious. Dr. Aeon is up to his neck in more things that you know. Pay heed to Ms. Vines' investigations into the Power Transfer System. You could learn more than you may want to know."
- After you got him out of the Clockwork attack, the PTS Foreman named Carl told you something interesting:
"That was weird, but I have worked for Doc Aeon for a couple a' years, so I have seen weird. You wanna see weird? You should see the control room for the PTS. I been there once, and I still have trouble sleepin' when I think about it. You want to check it out, you go ahead. I'll even tell you where it is. Just, ah, don't tell anyone you heard about it from me. Don't wanna get in trouble the boss-man, you understand. Sure, weird metal things sometimes try to kill me, but at least it's a union job, so I'm gonna get comp time for this."
- This file contains Arachnos' records of the notorius mad scientist Dr. Egon. His pursuit, trial and capture are all matters of public record, known to most people living in the Rogue Isles. Where these files disagree is in Dr. Egon's final fate. While he was shown to be executed on live television, these files continue on, detailing his negotiations with Arachnos to work for them in exchange for a new identity. An identity called Dr. Aeon.
- As you rushed her out of the PTS control center, Amanda Vines made a strange offer to you:
"Okay, I know that you're working with Marshal Brass. I've interviewed him. He's not that bad a guy, but it's impossible to get more that ten words out of him at a time. I've figured out that I'm living under his protection for some reason. I think it's because he, or someone above him in Arachnos, thinks I'm useful. I can live with that. I'll be a tool in their internal squabbles, if it gives me a chance to get the truth out and help the people who have to live here.
And that's what I want to ask you about. Look, I found the evidence I need. I have proof that Dr. Egon wasn't executed by Arachnos, that they altered his looks and came up with Dr. Aeon. I know Arachnos probably doesn't want that information out, but the people need to know they're being ruled by a maniac. So we're going to try to tell them. I'm pretty sure they're going to send you to make sure we don't get a chance.
So that's what I'm going to ask you. We've hired guards from Wyvern to help us, and maybe they'll be able to keep us on the air long enough. But I've seen you fight. If you help Arachnos, there's a good chance we'll be shut down before we can broadcast. So I'd like to ask you not to interfere. Take the mission, and just do nothing. Let us tell the truth, and warn the people of Cap Au Diable. I'm not asking for charity or appealing to your higher ideals. I've been around long enough people like you to know that it probably won't work. All I can offer you is enough money to match whatever the Marshal will pay you, and my thanks.
That's the offer. I hope you take me up on it, but I know it's a long shot. Anyway, thanks for the rescue, again. I'll see you in the papers.
- Before Dr. Flammond left, he told you something:
"I tought those rocket-packs looked familiar. They're based on an old Arachnos prototype I was working on years ago. However, they've been modified rather heavily, and greatly improved. The nature of the modifications are quite unique. The only one who could have done this work would be Dr. Aeon himself!"
- The device in this box is missing and has probably been taken by Wyvern agents under Professor Echo's orders, but some of the notes were left behind. Apparently this device was a left-over remnant from some of Dr. Aeon's old experiments in time travel. The Temporal Deflector could disrupt the energy of a time traveler, changing the traveler's destination point in space and time. Aeon shelved it as useless because you needed to know the exact destination point the time traveler originally intended.
- After you rescued her, ace reporter Amanda Vines told you:
"I came her looking for some information for a report on the Power Transfer System. It's putting out too much power, more power than it should be capable of, and I wanted to know why and how. According to my informants, Dr. Aeon was working here back when he began designing the PTS, so I figured that there might be some clues. I snuck in to check it out, and I got more than I bargained for.
You did me a good turn, so I'll pass one on to you. Information is power, you know. I found out that Dr. Aeon has been continuing the work of Dr. Egon, the mad scientist executed by Arachnos several years ago. In fact, I suspect that they may be the same person!
I still don't know what's going on with the PTS, but if I'm right about Dr. Aeon, this could be big. Hope you can profit by that. And thanks."
- You found this note discarded in a pool of slime. It says:
To do:
- As you skim the files on the Power Transfer System, words and sentences spring up at you from the hundreds of pages. Even in fragments, they lay out a strange picture indeed.
"Geothermal power output still too low. Recluse will have my head! Brass wanting to give it to him.
Must drill farther down. Inner Volcano far hotter. Hotter than it should be.
Power output off charts! Must study further.
Piles of Clockwork bought for scrap-iron are reanimating before being melted down. Too far for Clockwork King. Attacking workers. What could it be?
Circle of Thorns seen around powerlines. Wonder why?
Entering Volcano tunnel tomorrow. With this much geothermal heat, island should have exploded by now. Must know what's going on!
WHAT WAS IT? Was it alive? Pure accident we drilled into it. I think it's still alive...
Found an old local legend, about a Demon sealed in mountain by priest? Bat'Zul?
Of course! It's animating them! The Clockwork here are it's response. And the Circle is interested in demons. Must tighten security. Get Brass off my back.
Now that I understand, power output is rising. It can be tapped, like any resource. It's power is immense and it can be harnessed. I am a genius!"
The final image shows the complete layout of the PTS as it is now. The geothermal lines are almost completely ignored; bypassed for a new kind of power: Eldritch energy transformed into electricity, collected by conduits of cold iron connected to the heart of a fiend.