Attributes | Values |
| - The New Jedi Order: Edge of Victory II: Rebirth
- The New Jedi Order: Edge of Victory II: Rebirth
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dramatis personae
| - *Anakin Solo; Jedi Knight
*Booster Terrik; captain, Errant Venture
*Cilghal; Jedi healer
*Corran Horn; Jedi Knight / Hul Lah
*Colonel Gavin Darklighter; Rogue Squadron
*Han Solo; captain, Millennium Falcon
*Jacen Solo; Jedi Knight
*Jaina Solo; Jedi Knight / Sticks
*Kae Kwaad; Master Shaper
*Kam Solusar; Jedi Master
*Kyp Durron; Jedi Master
*Leia Organa Solo; former New Republic diplomat / Lady Vader
*Luke Skywalker; Jedi Master
*Mara Jade Skywalker; Jedi Master
*Nen Yim; Shaper Adept / Nen Tsup
*Nom Anor; executor
*Onimi; Supreme Overlord Shimrra's jester / Kae Kwaad
*Qurang Lah; warleader
*Tahiri Veila; Jedi student
*Talon Karrde; independent information broker
*Traest Kre'fey; admiral, New Republic
*Tsavong Lah; warmaster
*Vergere; familiar to the deceased Yuuzhan Vong priestess, Elan
| - *Amphistaff
**Feral bantha
*Capillary platform
*Ceremonial robe
*Cloaker "Oozhith", "Ooglith" , "Gablith"
*Coomb spore
*Dovin basal
*Emergency membrane
*Endocrine cloister
*Grutchin germ plasm
*Inner torus
*Krayt dragon
*Maw luur
*Ore mite
*Osmotic membrane
*Outrider ganglia
*Phosphorescent fungi
*Plaeryin bol
*Qang qahsa
*Rainbow qaana
*Sensing nodule
*Thud bug
*Transport enveloper
**Gnullith-villip hybrid
*Yammosk "War coordinator"
*Yorik coral
Book name
| - Edge of Victory II: Rebirth
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| - *Acceleration couch
*Artificial gravity generator
*Bacta tank
*Blaster rifle
*Cargo pod
*Cloaking device
*Cloaking shadow
*Comm unit
*Comm ID
*Concussion grenade
*Concussion missile
*Crash webbing
*Darth Vader's armor
*Deflector shield
*DL-44 heavy blaster pistol
*Etheric rudder
*Emergency beacon
*Encryption key
*Glow stick
**Concussion grenade
*Haar vhinic
*Hau polyp
*Hyperwave dampener
*Inertial compensator
*Ion drive
*Life support
**Dual-phase lightsaber
*Long-range sensors
*Mass-shadow generator
*Military-grade shield
*Oqa membrane
*Planetary defense laser
*Portable power source
*Portable sensor sweep
*Proton torpedo
*Power core
*Power coupling
*Quad laser cannon
**AG-2G quad laser cannon
*Recham fortep
*Repair arm
*Repulsor pad
*Saline jetter
*Shaper hand
*Shaper headdress
*Short-range sensors
*Signal emitter
*Stun baton
*Stun cuffs
*Survival kit
*Tall-Yor "Cognition hood"
*Tight-beam system
*Training amphistaff
*Transponder code
*Vac suit
*Visual communications array
*Vonduun Skerr Kyrric "Vonduun crab armor"
*Wrist comm
*Yaret-Kor "Plasma cannon"
| - *Funeral of Chewbacca
*Galactic Civil War "War against the Empire"
**Bacta War
**Battle of Yavin
**Destruction of Carida
**Rescue of Princess Leia
*Yuuzhan Vong War
**Battle of Garqi
**Battle of Ithor
**Invasion of Yavin 4
**Destruction of Sernpidal
**Battle of Yag'Dhul
**Destruction of Sernpidal
**Battle of Duro
**Battle of Dubrillion
*Pellaeon–Gavrisom Treaty
*Skirmish on Eriadu
| |
Release Date
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| - Father and Son -- Rebirth Excerpt
- Preview and Review Rebirth
- Rebirth & Saboteur Update
- Rebirth Reviews
- Rebirth Winners
| - Edge of Victory II: Rebirth
Cover Artist
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media type
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| - *Acid
*Amino acid
*Anti-Jedi sentiment
*Asteroid field
*Bait and switch
*Bakuran fever bump
*Black hole
*Business smock
*Carbon dioxide
*Cargo lifter
*Corellian Run
*Corellian Trade Spine
*Corusca gem
**Imperial credit
*Darklighter family
*Deck fever
*Dermal shelf
*Docking bay
*Double viol
*Electromagnetic pulse
*Emperor's black bones
*The Force
**Dark side of the Force
**Disturbance in the Force
**Force Jump
**Force sense
**Force vision
**Hibernation trance
**Mind trick
***Force persuasion
***Force Push
**Sphere of responsibility
*The galaxy
*Garbage-ejection tube
*Gas giant
*Gas siever
*Hapan paper lamp
*Ice crystal
*Intrasystem channel
*Jedi robe
*Jedi training
*Ju Simma's theorem
*Kitchen midden
*Kneading chair
*Lightsaber duel
**Sai cha "Decapitation"
*Liquid hydrogen
*Mass shadow
*Massassi tree
*May the Force be with you
*Medical tape
*Naboo tile
*Neutron star
*Paaloc incense
*Polymer cell
*Rainbow qaana
*Refresher "'fresher"
*Rimma Trade Route
*Selonian marble
*Shaping protocol
**Protocol of Hon Akua
**Protocol of Qah
**Fifth cortex
**Seventh cortex
**Eighth cortex
*Storage pod
*Survival kit
*Tintolive trees
*Trash-exhaust tube
*Trash sweeper
*Vaping Moffs
*Vergere's tears
*Vorth cage
*White dwarf
*Yim creche
*Yun-Harla "Trickster goddess"
*Yuuzhan Vong
**Belek tiu
**Do-ro'ik vong pratte!
*Yuuzhan Vong sacrifice
Food and beverages
*Corellian ale
*Corellian whiskey
**Whyren's Reserve
*Frill syrup
*Giju stew
*Grilled Nylog
*Mineral water
*Lekku / Head-tail
| - Ostrze zwycięstwa II: Odrodzenie
Preceded By
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| - *Airspeeder
*Bulk freighter
*Cargo tank
*Coruscant Security Force interceptor
*Death Star
*E-wing escort starfighter "E-wing"
*Escape pod
*Heavy cruiser
*Immobilizer-class Interdictor
*Imperial-class Star Destroyer
**Errant Venture
*Jade Shadow
*Koros-Strohna "Worldship"
**Baanu Miir
***Phuur arm
***Toohi sector
*Luxury barge
*Marl-class heavy freighter
*Matalok "Heavy cruiser analog"
*Millennium Falcon / Princess of Blood
*No Luck Required
*Ro'ik chuun m'arh "Frigate analog"
*Space station
*RZ-1 A-wing interceptor "A-wing"
*T-65XJ X-wing starfighter "X-wing"
*Supply transport
*Vua'spar interdictor
*Wampa (Yuuzhan Vong warship)
*Yorik-et "Coralskipper"
**Stalking Moon
*Yorik-trema "Transport analog"
| |
| - *Bothan
*Mon Calamari
*Tusken Raider "Sand People"
*Yuuzhan Vong
| |
| |
| - На грани победы II: Возрождение
| - The New Jedi Order: Edge of Victory II: Rebirth
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| - Edge of Victory II: Rebirth
| - Al Filo de la Victoria II: Renacimiento
| - eu/lit/novel/news20010303.html
- eu/lit/novel/f20010730/index.html
- eu/lit/novel/f20010731/index.html
- eu/lit/novel/news20010703.html
- eu/lit/novel/news20010713.html
| - *Alliance to Restore the Republic "Rebels"
*Body Calculus
*Coalition of Factors
*Corellian Security Force "CorSec"
*Coruscant Security Force "Planetary security"
*Covert security
*Dark Jedi
*Deception sect
*Domain Kwaad
*Domain Lah
*Domain Shai
*Domain Yim
*Domain Zun-qin
*Dread Lord
*Eriadu Customs and Immigration
*Galactic Empire
**Galactic Emperor
**Grand Moff
*Galactic Republic "Old Republic"
*Great River
*Hutt underground "Hutt resistance"
*Imperial Remnant
*Intendant caste
*Jedi Order
**Jedi Master
*Jeedai heresy
*Jin'ri trade syndicate
*Kuat Drive Yards
*Kuat Photonics
*Kyp's Dozen
*New Jedi Order
**Jedi healer
**Jedi Knight
**Jedi Master
**Radical party
*New Plympto resistance
*New Republic
**Chief of State
**Coruscant Security Force
**New Republic military
***Rogue Squadron
****Rogue Leader
****Rogue Two
****Rogue Three
****Rogue Four
****Rogue Seven
****Rogue Eight
****Rogue Nine
****Rogue Ten
****Rogue Eleven
****Rogue Twelve
**New Republic Intelligence Service
***Internal Security
**New Republic Senate
***Senatorial Oversight Committee
*Peace Brigade
*Praetorite Vong
*Priest caste
**Deception sect
*Shamed Ones
*Shaper caste
**Master Shaper
**Shaper Adept
**Shaper Initiate "Novice"
*Supreme Overlord
*Warrior caste
*Codru-Ji sword dancer
| |
| - *Assassin droid
*Astromech droid
**R2-series astromech droid
**R7-series astromech droid
*Duelist Elite
*Medical droid "MD droid", "Emdee"
**MD-series medical specialist droid
***MD-10 medical droid
*Probe droid
*Protocol droid
**3PO-series protocol droid
*SE-6 domestic
*Sharper droid
*Training droid
*Worker drone
| - *Bimmisaari
***Organa estate
***Silver Sea
**Chandrila (star)
**Corellian sector
***New Plympto
***Skywalker apartment
***Western Sea
**Coruscant Prime
*Dalonbian sector
**Julevian system
***Julevia "Sernpidal's sun"
*Deep Core
**Eriadu Spaceport
*Hutt Space
**Cha Raaba system
**Nal Hutta
*Corellian Run
*Kathol sector
*The Maw
**Maw Installation
*Shimrra's Citadel
**Jabba's Palace
**Mos Eisley
***Berth 15
***Berth 16
***Berth 17
***Berth 18
***Chalmun's Cantina
***Shalo's Cantina
*Tatoo I
*Tatoo II
*Thyferra system
*Yag'Dhul system
**Yag-prime "Yag'Dhul Station"
***Ring 1-C
****Docking Port 12 Berth 13
*Yavin 4
**Great Temple
***Jedi Praxeum
Followed By
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| - Nový řád Jedi: Hranice vítězství II: Přerod
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Other Characters
| - *Adarakh
*Wedge Antilles
*Suung Aruh
*C-3PO "Threepio"
*Lando Calrissian
*Tendra Calrissian
*Anni Capstan
*Chewbacca "Chewie"
*Shok Choka
*Natasi Daala
*Sera Faleur Darklighter
*Bana Besadii Diori
*Randa Besadii Diori
*Shada D'ukal
*Tomla El
*Borsk Fey'lya
*Kenth Hamner
*Jysella Horn
*Mirax Terrik Horn
*Valin Horn
*Ysanne Isard
*Shimrra Jamaane
*Obi-Wan Kenobi
*Mezhan Kwaad
*Tjulan Kwaad
*Hul Lah
*Qau Lah
*Owen Lars
*Beru Whitesun Lars
*Selong Lian
*Swori Mdimu
*Opeli Mors
*Kelbis Nu
*Ism Oolos
*Tih Qiqah
*R2-D2 "Artoo"
*Vua Rapuung
*Numa Rar
*Ona Shai
*Sakanga Shai
*Shedao Shai
*Viqi Shesh
*Ju Simma
*Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader
*Ben Skywalker
*Tionne Solusar
*Durga Besadii Tai
*Wilhuff Tarkin
*Jabba Desilijic Tiure
*Alinn Varth
*Qwi Xux
*Kotaa Zun-qin
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