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- Shifter was the only female member of the Ultimen, and the twin sister to Downpour.
- Shifter is a Class 5 ghost that was the sidekick to Poso.
- The Shifter virus also known as Shifter Objective was one of the most unique viruses in the DOS operating system. Here's the breakdown of how the assembly language works. After writing the user's assembly code, the user saves it as a .asm file. It is then compiled by TASM or MASM or similar programs into a .OBJ file. This .OBJ file could then be processed by a program known as a linker to turn it into a .COM or .EXE file, which could then be run by the user.It was made by Stormbringer.
- Shifters are descended from humans and lycanthropes.Although they cannot fully change to animal form, they can take on animalistic features by a process they call shifting.As a shifter, you have the following racial traits.
- Shifter is the primary Titan of Ryder.
- There are two types of shifters, longtooth shifters and razorclaw shifters. Longtooth shifters are more suited to primary combat, whereas razorclaw shifters are more suited to stealthier roles.
- este alien no fue desbloqueado en el infinitrix
- Shifters carry a touch of lycanthropic blood in their veins. In the heat of battle, they tap into the power of the beast within, unleashing the savagery that lurks beneath their surface. They are predators by nature, defining the world in terms of hunter and prey.
- For some reason shifters are some of the few monsters that can attack at a diagonal. Other than ranged monsters, most single squared beasts will align with the player to attack. They also seem to hit the knight from a distance while teleporting around him/her. They also appear in both Quiet Before the Swarm and The Void Stares Back.
- Shifters can temporarily shift patterns of light on any object to create illusions to the naked eye. They work mostly on a touch basis, but once the illusion is established, it remains with the object for short periods of time. For example, a Shifter could momentarily touch a one dollar bill, altering its light pattern to appear as a one hundred dollar bill for hours until the effect expires. In order to shift something, the object to be shifted must have roughly the same dimensions as what it will be shifted into. The length of the shift is based on experience and ability.
- File:Shifter Ultimen CA.gif Write the text of your article here!
- Shifter 01.jpg|Shifter by greatwhite Shifter 02.jpg|Shifter by Victor Kraven Shifter 03.jpg|Shifter by Glassman Shifter 04.jpg|Shifter by 37Customs Shifter 05.jpg|Shifter by jorgealzate Shifter 07.jpg|Shifter by dirtysouth Shifter 08.jpg|Shifter by bizarroinc Shifter 09.jpg|Shifter by 37Customs
- <default>Shifter</default> Real NameUnknown What groups/people are they affilated with?Unknown What are their abilities?Unknown Which user created them?Unknown Shifter is a member of the InFamous 6. She later falls in love with Red Eagle.
- A shifter is a general term for any person who can change their shape.
- Hit die: d8 Proficiencies: No additional proficiencies are gained. Skill points: 4 + int modifier Skills: animal empathy, concentration, craft armor, craft trap, craft weapon, heal, hide, listen, lore, persuade, spot Unavailable feats: curse song, divine might, divine shield, extra music, extra turning, lingering song, quicken spell, spell focus, two-weapon fighting, weapon proficiency (exotic), weapon proficiency (martial), weapon proficiency (simple), weapon specialization These general feats cannot be selected when taking a level of shifter. Primary saving throw(s): fortitude, reflex
- Shifter was a precursor project to Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver: a video game proposal conceived circa 1997 by Amy Hennig, Seth Carus, and Arnold Ayala of Crystal Dynamics. Though originally envisioned as a standalone concept, Shifter became associated with Legacy of Kain soon after Crystal Dynamics (later with Eidos Interactive) secured rights to continue the series. Before production on the game began, Hennig's management asked her team to adapt the proposal into a sequel to Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain. The existence of the Shifter project, and its relation to Soul Reaver, did not publicly come to light until 2002.
- A young boy clings for dear life to the high branch of a tree. His older sister calls out for someone to help them, and a caped figure emerges from the shadows. But then who should come to help but a brash, blonde-haired, perfectly ordinary 15 year old boy. Who promptly turns into a ladder. Granted, the artwork's nothing special, but the writing is worth a look. The first page can be found here.
- Shifters, also known as the weretouched, were an exclusive race in the Eberron campaign setting first featured in the 3.5 edition Eberron Campaign Setting in 2004 however, shifters were featured in the 4th edition's Player's Handbook 2 in 2009 ending their exclusivity to the Eberron setting. Shifters are one of the intelligent races inhabiting Eberron. With both humans and lycanthropes among their distant ancestors, shifters posses just a small portion of their forefathers' shape-shifting abilities. They cannot transform wholly into an animal but can instead shift parts of their body to become animal-like for short periods of time. In 832 YK the Church of the Silver Flame led an inquisition to wipe out all lycanthropes in Khorvaire, Shifters included. The inquisition lasted fifty years kil
- SHIFTER - Standard NWN Prestige class, renamed to Master of Many Forms in 3.5 A master of many forms has no shape that e calls eir own. Instead, e occupies whatever body is most expedient for em at the time. While others base their identities largely on their external forms, a master of many forms actually comes closer to eir true self through eir transformations. Of necessity, eir sense of self is based not on eir outward form, but on eir soul, which is truly the only constant about em. It is the inner strength of that soul that enables em to take on any shape and remain emself within. Level 1
- Shifters are creatures in the Pest Control minigame that excel in melee combat and can teleport across the island and even pass through walls. For this reason, they are very dangerous for those on defence since they can teleport right next to the Void Knight and attack him or her. They appear to have the bottom half of a spider with the scythes of a praying mantis (similar to the Abyssal demon). Their colouring varies, depending on their combat levels. Although it has the ability to teleport other monsters, such as Ravagers and Torchers (even up on to towers), they can only teleport others a very short distance. Unlike other pests, shifters are immune to the effects of poison.
- Shifter InformationSpecies: Metahuman (genetically engineered)Hair:WhiteEyes:PinkRelatives:Downpour (brother)Affiliations:Ultimen, Project Cadmus,Justice League, Global GuardiansAbilities:Shape-shifting Shifter was the only female member of the Ultimen, and the twin sister to Downpour. History Though they were created as twins, Downpour saw himself more as the big brother. Shifter constantly argued with him, but would do anything to protect him. When the Ultimen found out they were clones, she and Downpour attacked and were defeated by Aquaman. After their arrest, they were taken to Cadmus where they are assumed to have died in captivity.Later cured by Lex Luthor and subjected to brainwashing and allUltimen he was released on J'onn Jonn'zz who used the mental linkbetween Ultimen created by
- [[Файл:Shifter.jpg|thumb|Шифтерша-монах из Eberron Campaign Setting]]Шифтеры, иногда оборотцы (1.
* перенаправление или 2.
* перенаправление ) — опциональная раса персонажей сеттинга Эберрон, гуманоиды-дикари, бегающие на всех четырёх конечностях и дерущиеся голыми руками. Считается, что шифтеры произошли от скрещивания людей и ликантропов, но эволюционировали в полноценную расу, способную к самовоспроизводству. Шифтеры описаны в книгах «Eberron Campaign Setting», «Races of Eberron» и «Monster Manual III» для третьей редакции и в «Monster Manual» для четвёртой, они также были включены в плейтест D&D Next