| - The Fall of Avalon, also referred to as the Battle for Avalon, was one of the bloodiest battles in the Human-Covenant war, taking place on the Unified Earth Government super-colony of Avalon during the early months of 2552. It's destruction had severe economic implications for the Post-war UEG, with large benefactors based in Avalon's economic capital, Camelot, losing much of their capital and wealth.
| - The Fall of Avalon, also referred to as the Battle for Avalon, was one of the bloodiest battles in the Human-Covenant war, taking place on the Unified Earth Government super-colony of Avalon during the early months of 2552. It's destruction had severe economic implications for the Post-war UEG, with large benefactors based in Avalon's economic capital, Camelot, losing much of their capital and wealth. Close to 60% of the civilian population were killed with almost 90% of defending UNSC, ADF and reserve forces being erradicated by the Covenant invaders. Imran Sachin managed to preserve hundreds of surviving personnel trapped in the Ironhill by secreting them in the Ironhill's Retreat, a hidden bunker located a kilometre below sea level. These survivors were cryogenically frozen and recovered in 2557 during recolonization efforts. Battlegroup Aeolus made a blind slipspace jump from the battle and are marked as lost with all hands missing, though wreckage of the UNSC Rhea was recovered in 2558, floating near a large and previously uncategorised world. The death toll reached just under the Fall of Reach's 700,000,000 and all UNSC remnants were swiftly crushed following the battle. Much of the surface was left intact as a reminder to Sangheili officers for their quick underestimation of the UNSC capabilities