A common occurrence in children's stories and comics is having a character be lifted off his feet and into the air by a bunch of helium balloons. A variation is to have him achieve lift with plain air balloons, even though that's even less plausible. This is a Trope Examined by the Mythbusters. See under "Real Life examples" below. See also All Balloons Have Helium when a character simply blows up a balloon with his/her breath and it automatically floats. Not to be mistaken for Balloon Belly. Examples of Balloonacy include:
A common occurrence in children's stories and comics is having a character be lifted off his feet and into the air by a bunch of helium balloons. A variation is to have him achieve lift with plain air balloons, even though that's even less plausible. This is a Trope Examined by the Mythbusters. See under "Real Life examples" below. See also All Balloons Have Helium when a character simply blows up a balloon with his/her breath and it automatically floats. Not to be mistaken for Balloon Belly. Examples of Balloonacy include: