| - Jacen Solo, later known as Lord Caedus, is the eldest son of Han and Leia Organa Solo, twin brother to Jaina Solo, and older brother of Anakin Solo. He spent much of his youth training alongside his sister, receiving lessons from their uncle, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, at the praxeum on Yavin 4. There, he developed his skills as a Jedi Consular, seeking to use the Force for the benefit of others and striving to better understand its mysterious nature.
| - Jacen Solo, later known as Lord Caedus, is the eldest son of Han and Leia Organa Solo, twin brother to Jaina Solo, and older brother of Anakin Solo. He spent much of his youth training alongside his sister, receiving lessons from their uncle, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, at the praxeum on Yavin 4. There, he developed his skills as a Jedi Consular, seeking to use the Force for the benefit of others and striving to better understand its mysterious nature. With the outbreak of war against the Yuuzhan Vong, Jacen became more concerned about the aggression of the Jedi mandate than the actual invaders, though he was disabused of such concerns after his capture by the enemy during a Jedi strike at Myrkyr. There, he found a companion and enigmatic mentor in the form of Vergere, a Jedi Knight of the Old Republic who helped him realize his true potential while his understanding of the Yuuzhan Vong grew. Using his natural empathy, Jacen was able to link himself to the dhuryam that governed the reshaping of Coruscant and sabotage the master plan of the alien invaders before making his escape back to the New Republic. Jacen became a great hero of the war, helping the Jedi and the New Republic drive back the Yuuzhan Vong offensive and retake Coruscant. After the war, he committed himself to strengthening the Jedi Order from within, improving its curriculum and establishing a series of safe houses and hidden temples throughout the galaxy in the event of another Purge. Jacen also went on to deepen his relationship with Tenel Ka Djo and father a child with her, whom they named Allana. However, Jacen fell prey to the influence of the Sith Lady Lumiya, who attempted to turn him against his family and engineer the collapse of the New Republic in favor of an Imperial resurgence. For a time, her machinations were working and Jacen came to believe his own reputation as the savior of the galaxy, while alienating his family and friends. Yet it was through the love of his sister Jaina and concern for his daughter Allana's well-being that Jacen was able to renounce such a twisted path and