| - The Dr. Pete Company was founded in 2050 by Peter Watson, a former vice-president of marketing from the Nuka-Cola Corporation. Whether or not the development of Watson’s product was corporate espionage is a matter of debate, as the lawsuits between the two companies were never resolved before the Great War. Regardless if he stole and modified the secret Nuka-Cola formula or not, he developed a beverage that, it was claimed, had “two times the amount of flavor as Nuka-Cola”. Whereas Nuka-Cola claimed to have the essence of seventeen different fruit flavors, Dr. Pete claimed to have thirty-five different flavors.
| - The Dr. Pete Company was founded in 2050 by Peter Watson, a former vice-president of marketing from the Nuka-Cola Corporation. Whether or not the development of Watson’s product was corporate espionage is a matter of debate, as the lawsuits between the two companies were never resolved before the Great War. Regardless if he stole and modified the secret Nuka-Cola formula or not, he developed a beverage that, it was claimed, had “two times the amount of flavor as Nuka-Cola”. Whereas Nuka-Cola claimed to have the essence of seventeen different fruit flavors, Dr. Pete claimed to have thirty-five different flavors. Watson leased a factory outside of Cincinatti, Ohio and began production that year. He moved the factory to New Haven, Connecticut in 2055, partially because of tax rebate reasons and partially because, for whatever reason, Dr. Pete sold best in the northeast. File:Dr. Pete Factory.jpg New Haven was struck by a nuclear weapon during the Great War. The Dr. Pete factory was not directly hit, but it was damaged in the nuclear catastrophe. The nuclear fallout and radioactive aftermath of the bombing did more damage to the facility than the explosions themselves. The radiation in the air mixed with the chemicals inside the facility to create a highly toxic environment. In the years since the Great War, wastelanders have periofically infiltrated the facility, looking for uncontaminated bottles of Dr. Pete, bottle caps and shipping manifests and other valuables. The protection system that was installed inside the facility- various auto-turrets and protectron robots- are still active and are a major deterrent to those looking to slip in and steal the Pre-War valuables within.