| - Whotchoo saying ta me
- Email-Worm.Win32.Badass is an email worm that runs on Microsoft Windows.
- Leader of the Trollkin Warriors of the Sazdorf Clan
* He has one eye.
* He is cold and vicious
* He does not fear humans.
* He has a retinue of five trollkin warriors. Source: Sartar Companion
- Rule of Cool personified. Badass is an adjective used to describe a character who gets away with outright insane stunts (defusing a bomb with their teeth, conning a mob boss, getting into a firefight with the entire army, etc.) that would be very hard to pull off in Real Life, or would get the person trying it killed several times over. A badass is a fantasy figure whom the audience roots for precisely because of how prone they are to awesome moments, to the point where they stretch or break the Willing Suspension of Disbelief. Of course, Willing Suspension of Disbelief may still be maintained depending on the mechanics of the universe. It's notable that fans are more likely to tolerate a violent monster of a "hero" than a befuddled, cowardly Classical Antihero. Most attempts to parody or deconstruct the badass have turned into Misaimed Fandom -- no matter how nutty the character gets (like Rorschach from Watchmen), the fans just cheer on how badass the character is. This has led to a new Trope: the Sociopathic Hero. Writers beware: Take it too far and either God Mode Sue or Jerk Sue will stride Out of the Inferno of your work. For a child-friendly version of the badass whose badassery is somewhat diminished by the limitations of the work, see Badbutt. For a not so complete list of badasses, see Badass of the Week. This Trope is not what you say to a Stubborn Mule. Characters that are Badass are often said to have Brass Balls.
* Action Fashionista: When they're not searching for the latest trends, they're kicking ass.
* Action Girl: She kicks ass.
* Action Girlfriend: When she's your girlfriend
* Violently Protective Girlfriend: You hurt her lover. Nice knowing you, pal.
* Amazon Chaser: Someone sees a girl kick ass and thinks "that's hot."
* Pregnant Badass: She's carrying a child. Don't think she can't terminate your ability to create them.
* Action Mom: Mom kicks ass.
* Action Hero: He kicks ass.
* Action Pet: Your pet kicks ass.
* Action Survivor: An everyday guy with no Action Hero qualities who is actually forced to be a badass.
* Adaptational Badass: Maybe they weren't so badass in the manga or the TV show, but they really started cracking skulls in the anime and movies.
* Ambadassador: They represent their hometown or home country and they plan to export a beating to those who mess with them.
* Agent Peacock: Rule of Glamorous meets Rule of Cool in a effeminate guy who kicks butt.
* Almighty Janitor: He may have the lowest rank but can kick more ass than his superiors.
* Asskicking Pose: Exactly What It Says on the Tin.
* Badass Arm-Fold: A particularly badass pose.
* Awesome Aussie: The coolest thing to come from down under.
* Badass Adorable: Okay, they're cute. Don't think they can't turn you into a pool of your blood.
* Cute Bruiser: Little kids with big strength.
* Killer Rabbit: Small, cute, dangerous as all hell.
* Badass and Baby: They kick ass. Doesn't mean they can't go into battle and take care of an infant at the same time.
* Badass and Child Duo: Badass has a child following him around. And woe betide anyone who tries to target that kid.
* Badass Automaton: It clanks, it grinds, or it whirs when it moves. Doesn't mean that it can't beat the shit out of you.
* Badass Back: When someone is so badass, they drop a foe without even turning around.
* Offhand Backhand: Bonus points if they didn't even notice you were there.
* Badass Bandolier: A utilitarian accessory worn so a badass can keep their tools of the trade handy.
* Badass Baritone: Nothing says intimidating like a deep voice.
* Badass Beard: Their facial hair is shorthand for "Don't mess with me."
* Badass Biker: Nothing says badass better than a Cool Bike.
* Biker Babe: Distaff Counterpart
* Badass Boast/Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner: Every good badass needs a cool line about how dead you're gonna be after they're done.
* My Name Is Inigo Montoya: Isn't it nice for a badass to introduce themselves before they kick your ass?
* Pre-Mortem One-Liner: A badass quip made to the foe you just killed.
* Badass Bookworm: Reads the encyclopedia for fun. Is also quite capable of using it to beat your face in.
* Genius Bruiser: Kicks ass, but is also intelligent.
* Badass Bureaucrat: Master of paper shuffling and the dreaded red tape. Capable of screwing with your life in many ways.
* Badass Bystander: They were minding their own business until your turned their world upside down. Now they're gonna make you regret that mistake.
* Badass Cape: Long flowing capes are the traditional accessory of certain breeds of badasses.
* Badass in Charge: Pretty much speaks for itself.
* Authority Equals Asskicking/Asskicking Equals Authority: The higher your rank and/or number of victories respectively, especially against Worthy Opponents, the more badass you are.
* Badass Creed: A philosophy that espouses badass as a central tenet.
* Badass Damsel: She's not as helpless as she looks.
* Badass Driver: Give them a vehicle and they'll do some hardcore stuff with it.
* Car Fu
* Badass Finger-Snap: A badass snaps his fingers and something cool happens.
* Badass Gay: Just because they're gay doesn't mean that they're not a bonafide badass.
* Badass Grandpa: He might have grandchildren who see him as a teddy bear, but don't think he won't make you fear him if you cross him.
* Never Mess with Granny: Genderflipped Badass Grandpa.
* Badass in a Nice Suit: A badass needs nice clothes, don't you think?
* Hot Chick in a Badass Suit: When women wear badass apparel.
* Badass in Distress: When a badass is temporarily out of action in a way that does not diminish their badass rating.
* Badass Israeli: An Israeli who's a badass.
* Badass Longcoat: A great way to look is to wear an imposing overcoat.
* Badass Long Robe: The wizard version of the Badass Longcoat.
* Coat Cape: If you don't have a Badass Cape, try the next best thing.
* The Coats Are Off: Sometimes you get even more badass when you take the coat off.
* Trench Coat Warfare: A very specific type of Badass Longcoat.
* Badass Long Hair: A badass who has long hair.
* Badass Mustache: Like Badass Beard, but above the lip.
* Badass Native: When the natives are restless and scrotum crushingly badass.
* Badass Normal: The non-powered character in a group with superpowers, but who kicks just as much ass.
* Badass Abnormal: When said ordinary, already badass person gains superpowers.
* Badass on Paper: A rare breed where the character can do badass things with out being badass.
* Badass Pacifist: Will try to find a peaceful way out, but when push comes to shove, they will kick your ass.
* Badass Preacher: He will minister to his flock and break you in half with his shepherd's crook if you think about hurting them.
* Badass Princess: She is not one to get kidnapped. Instead, she breaks kidnappers in half.
* Badass Santa: Santa kicks ass.
* Badass Teacher: Teaches kids and brutally schools the fools who take them on.
* Badass Transplant: When someone becomes a badass via a prosthetic of some kind.
* Badass Unintentional: Didn't plan to be a badass.
* Badbutt: As badass as a kid-friendly show will allow.
* Bald of Awesome: A lack of hair does not diminish the badassery at all.
* Battle Strip: When clothing is removed for the convenience of the badass in question.
* Beat Them At Their Own Game: When a badass beats you with your own special move.
* Beware the Nice Ones: They're the nicest people you'll ever meet. But if you piss them off, they won't hesitate to make you regret it.
* Beware the Quiet Ones: They don't talk much. However, they will kick your ass if you take that as a sign of weakness.
* Beware the Silly Ones: They're always goofing off. However, push the wrong button and they will destroy you, no questions asked.
* Big Badass Bird of Prey: Birds of prey can be scary as hell, especially when they're large enough to flay your face off.
* Big Badass Wolf: Wolves are known for being badass. Big ones even more so.
* Boisterous Bruiser: He's loud, but you should never question his skill in kicking ass.
* Born Winner: That automatically makes you a loser.
* Brave Scot: Heroic Scottish Badass.
* Break the Badass: This person scares the crap out of everybody, including the Badass.
* Brought Down to Badass: Had superpowers, lost them, but even afterwards, they can still kick ass.
* The Captain: Who has the balls to run the coolest Cool Ship? (or The Squad)? This guy, of course.
* Colonel Badass: Leads their troops in being badass by being one as well.
* Commanding Coolness: Same badassery with a naval twist.
* Cool Shades: A traditional visual accessory of a badass.
* Cowardly Lion: They may be cowardly, but when the going gets tough, they'll kick your ass.
* The So-Called Coward: They're faking.
* Cultured Badass: Enjoys the finer things in life... and beating the tar out of foes with their fancy cane.
* Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Acts like an idiot or non badass, either on purpose or not, but it's just to hide how capable they are at wreaking their opponents.
* Dare to Be Badass: When someone decides to quit being normal and be a badass instead.
* Dark Action Girl: She's evil and she kicks ass.
* Deadly Doctor: Can cause the same hideous agony they usually cure.
* Diagnosis From Dr. Badass: Will tell you in deep detail just how badly they're beating you while doing so.
* Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: If you actually manage to defeat something so far above your level, you're either lucky or badass.
* Determinator: He doesn't give up. Ever.
* Plucky Girl: Neither does she.
* Dying Moment of Awesome: How a badass dies.
* Died Standing Up: An alternative to the above.
* Dynamic Entry: How a badass says hello.
* Eyepatch of Power: A great way for a badass to say "even with one eye, I'm still gonna kick your ass."
* Fedora of Asskicking: A great hat to wear when kicking ass.
* Fighting Irish: When the resident Badass happens to be Irish.
* The Fighting Narcissist: A badass who knows just how good looking he really is.
* Fights Like a Normal: Has superpowers, but fights like a Badass Normal.
* Four-Star Badass: Has a general's rank and a long list of wrecked faces to their name.
* Future Badass: That goofy, gawky character from the present day? In the Bad Future, that character's a hardcore badass.
* Glowing Eyes of Doom: 'Nuff said/
* Handicapped Badass: Don't mistake them for a cripple or they will crush you with what limbs they still have.
* Blind Weaponmaster: Just because they're blind doesn't mean that they can't kick your ass.
* Harbinger of Asskicking: The sign of Badassery is upon us.
* Heartbroken Badass: You murdered their lover or family. They can and will do the same to you.
* Hero-Killer: When this guy gets involved, you might wanna run.
* Heroic Comedic Sociopath: Crazy as hell and jerkish to boot, but funny (at least to the audience).
* Hidden Badass: They're badass, you just don't notice it at first glance.
* Historical Badass Upgrade: A historical figure becomes more badass in fiction.
* I Just Want to Be Badass: When a non-badass aspires to be one.
* Intimidation Demonstration: For when the badass decides to show off their skills before combat.
* Iron Woobie: Their life sucks, but instead of angsting and kicking ass, they go straight to the second part.
* Kicking Ass and Taking Names: Mowing down waves of bad guys.
* Kicking Ass in All Her Finery: A lady being badass in the most elegant clothes.
* Kung Fu Jesus: When a Messianic Archetype decides to be badass.
* Lady of War: She is known for her grace and poise even while she's cutting you to pieces.
* Officer and a Gentleman: Spear Counterpart.
* Lantern Jaw of Justice: That square jaw is the calling card of the one who will make you understand the meaning of the words "You will pay for your sins."
* Large and In Charge: Size does matter.
* Lamarck Was Right: When badass is genetic.
* Let's Get Dangerous: 'Nuff said.
* Lightning Bruiser: Quick, strong and badass.
* Like a Badass Out of Hell: When a badass walks into Hell or a reasonable alternative and leaves with a lot of kicked asses in their wake.
* Little Miss Badass: Short of stature, but not of the ability to make you die horribly for underestimating her.
* Minored in Asskicking: A much more subdued version of the Badass Bookworm who doesn't actively practice their badass status, but can be if need be.
* Majorly Awesome: Okay, so they're not a Colonel Badass or a Four-Star Badass. Do not mistake their relative lack of rank for a lack of asskicking.
* Major Injury Underreaction: You ripped off their arm, but they didn't even flinch.
* Mama Bear: Mess with her kids and die. Your choice.
* Papa Wolf: Mess with his kids and Mama Bear is the least of your problems.
* Memetic Badass: While their actual badass credentials may or may not be justified, their reputation as a badass is considered Off the Scale.
* Mighty Lumberjack: Monty Python's Flying Circus He's a lumberjack and he's badass, he sleeps all night and chops trees/kicks asses all day!]]
* More Deadly Than the Male: She makes up for her lack of (obvious) strength by being more ruthless than you and her boyfriend combined.
* Mother Russia Makes You Strong: and it isn't a healthy environment for wussies.
* No Badass to His Valet: No matter how badass the character is, there is always one person who just isn't intimidated.
* Oh Crap: The classic reaction when you realized you're about to get your ass kicked.
* Once Killed a Man with A Noodle Implement: Badass enough to kill someone with strange implements.
* One-Man Army: They don't need reinforcements. They are the reinforcements.
* Person of Mass Destruction: They are the nuclear bomb.
* One Riot, One Ranger: When the choice is to send in the army or send in one man, they send in one man. This man.
* Conservation of Ninjutsu: You will realize that your numbers mean nothing against them.
* Mass "Oh Crap" The general reaction when it happens.
* Panthera Awesome: Cats are awesome, especially big ones.
* Pint-Sized Powerhouse: They may be small, but they pack quite a punch.
* Pop-Cultured Badass: They kick ass while listening to some rock music after having seen their favorite sitcom.
* Ragin Cajun: What Cajuns become when your face needs wrecking.
* Rated "M" for Manly: Badass taken Up to Eleven.
* Red Baron: Because every badass needs a nickname to go with the reputation.
* Retired Badass: They hung up their asskicking credentials. Doesn't mean they forgot how.
* Samus Is a Girl: When an Action Girl's badass status is established before her gender is revealed.
* Scarf of Asskicking: A badass scarf.
* Sealed Badass in a Can: When a badass of some type is temporarily put in some sort of stasis so they can later be unleashed.
* Shut UP, Hannibal: How a badass lets you know that you talk too much.
* Talk to the Fist: With his fist.
* Killed Mid-Sentence: Self-explanatory.
* Sociopathic Hero: They fight for good, but that doesn't mean they're good themselves.
* Specs of Awesome: A badass pair of glasses.
* Staring Down Cthulhu: What it says -- and you can bet a character has to be badass to do that.
* Submissive Badass: When a badass is a follower, not a leader, but don't make the mistake that they can't break your face as a result.
* Testosterone Poisoning: A parody of Rated "M" for Manly.
* Took a Level In Badass: When a non badass or a minor badass gets better at it.
* Trampled Underfoot: What very large badasses do to show that they mean business.
* Tranquil Fury: Being badass while being angry in a calm, ice-cold way.
* Underestimating Badassery: When a badass is underestimated by those who should know better than to.
* Unflinching Walk: They won't even stop to look at how much they just wrecked you.
* Out of the Inferno: Did they just walk through fire? Well, you're screwed.
* Waif Fu: Petite, yes, but that doesn't stop her from kicking your ass.
* Warrior Prince: He will lead his people to victory on the front lines.
* What Measure Is a Non-Badass?: When a badass isn't considered badass enough for the setting in question.
* Worthy Opponent: They may be an enemy, but they are still a badass. Plural forms:
* Action Duo: An Action Hero and an Action Survivor team up and kick ass.
* Amazon Brigade: A Badass Crew of Action Girls.
* Back-to-Back Badasses: When two badass characters back each other up. Two badasses are better than one.
* Badass Army: An entire army of badass.
* Badass Crew: An entire team of badass.
* Badass Minds Think Alike: Two badasses go into battle together without any plans at all. They somehow survive.
* Badass Family: An entire family of badasses. Because badass is hereditary.
* Bash Brothers: A pair of action heroes team up and kick ass.
* Lovely Angels: A pair of Action Girls team up and kick ass.
* Battle Couple: Badass Lovers.
* Retired Badass Roundup: For when the Retired Badasses all team up again for One Last Job/to come out of retirement.
* World of Action Girls: Every girl is badass here.
* World of Badass: An entire world of badassery. If an example can be placed in these previous tropes, please put them there. For many outstanding examples of badassness, see Moment of Awesome. Considering almost every hero of ancient myth was Badass Incarnate?, this trope is Older Than Dirt.