| - Reformed after his villainous encounters with the Flash , Sargon the Sorcerer offers to help the JLA in the struggle against Starbreaker. He sends Aquaman and Black Canary, Batman and Hawkman to locate two duplicates of his own mystic Ruby of Life. The three rubies are then linked with Green Lantern's power ring and the combined energy of weaponry from Hawk-man's spaceship, Superman's Fortress of Solitude, and the JLA satellite to form a protective glow around the super-heroes as they battle the cosmic vampire. Splitting their forces by means of a time warp, Star-breaker battles first Green Lantern, Hawkman, and Black Canary, then Flash, Aquaman, and Green Arrow, and finally Superman and Batman, but is defeated in each en-counter. Forced into this strategy by the Atom, who had influenced Starbreaker by entering his brain at microscopic size, he is now captured and drained of power by Sargon.
- reprinted from Adventure Comics Vol 1 92
- reprinted from Sensation Comics Vol 1 70