| - As Sonic and Scourge stare down their "metal" counterparts, Metal Sonic and Scourge attack their organic counterparts, leaving them in the dirt. After making a brief complaint about his less than successful start, Sonic asks if he will re-think his truce proposition in order to beat the "metals", but Scourge points out that Sonic has yet to answer him on teaming up to conquer the Multiverse, but Sonic tells him he is preoccupied, which Scourge takes as a "yes".
| - As Sonic and Scourge stare down their "metal" counterparts, Metal Sonic and Scourge attack their organic counterparts, leaving them in the dirt. After making a brief complaint about his less than successful start, Sonic asks if he will re-think his truce proposition in order to beat the "metals", but Scourge points out that Sonic has yet to answer him on teaming up to conquer the Multiverse, but Sonic tells him he is preoccupied, which Scourge takes as a "yes". Meanwhile in New Megaopolis's Eggdome, Dr. Eggman sits and watches the battle between the Hedgehogs and robots while cheering the latter two on. Dimitri then comes in say that he is impressed with how quickly the doctor was able to make two robot doppelgangers within mere hours, but had yet been able to make a new robot army to reinforce the Dark Egg Legion. Eggman waves him away unconcerned, but Dimitri quickly wraps one tentacle around the doctor's arm to get his attention and says he will not allow the Echidnas to be used so carelessly, but Eggman says that he plans on using all of the Echidnas until there are none left, and says that if he has any further complaints, Dimitri can take it up with the bombs he installed in the Dark Legion's new cybernetics. Realizing his place, Dimitri then walks off while Eggman gives orders to prepare the troops, and Dimitri silently agrees that they must be ready for the next threat. Back at Freedom HQ, Sonic narrowly misses being hit by Metal Sonic and suggests to Scourge they retreat into the Great Wastes to stop Freedom HQ from getting destroyed, but Scourge isn't about to give the "metals" an inch. Fiona then pops her head outside Freedom HQ's door offering Scourge the Suppression Squad's assistance, but Scourge refuses and yells at Fiona, which gave Metal Scourge the opportunity to sneak up on Scourge before being kicked back by Sonic, who agrees with Fiona that Scourge could use help. Scourge then thanks Sonic for saving him, but neglects to return the favor when Metal Sonic slams into Sonic's back. Meanwhile, Miles and Boomer engage in conversation while watching the battle, and Miles notes that Sonic is willing to help or save anyone as long as it's for the greater good. Princess Alicia warns him of what he says while Fiona looks on at Scourge, oblivious to their conversation. Alicia then says that Miles has seen it, and how they don't want to cross Scourge for what he might do, like how he made Patch's eye-patch more than for just show. Miles then says that he is merely observing that with Sonic, it wouldn't take much for them to tip the scales in their direction. Meanwhile at the Dark Egg Legion's barracks in the Eggdome, Dimitri quickly grabs Lien-Da while she's giving a legionnaire instructions, and uses the sensors in his tentacles to search for a bomb inside her, which he does, and then reveals what he learned. Lien-Da accuses this development as being his fault as he went to Eggman first, but Dimitri countered rather violently that he came to Eggman to fight the new Enerjak while she sold herself out to restore the legion's cybernetics. Lien-Da then asks what they are to do now while nursing an injured wrist thanks to Dimitri's tentacles, and says he surely isn't going to go to Knuckles yet, and he agrees and tells her that the legion are his people and that she is his only family and that he will think of a way out of this. Back outside Freedom HQ, the "metals" are circling their organic counterparts while Sonic discussed tactics to defeat them. He thinks back to when he was last matched "blow-for-blow" by the Egg Beater and suggests bringing someone in who the robots weren't built to fight like last time. Scourge then reluctantly orders his Suppression Squad to attack the "metals". Sonic, Miles, and Fiona easily take care of Metal Sonic while Scourge, Patch, and Alicia deal with Metal Scourge, and the two are then blasted until only pieces remain by Boomer's sonic-cannons. Miles is quick to tell Sonic that he and the Suppression Squad seemed to have worked well together, and Scourge then reminds Sonic of his offer, which Sonic stated that Scourge was "sick" if he thought he would ever even consider teaming up with him. Scourge asks if Sonic will be continuing his fight for Freedom HQ, but he declines saying he's had enough for one day and heads back to New Mobotropolis. Once back home, Sonic is lectured by King Elias Acorn about disregarding the Council of Acorn's decision, and Sonic says that nobody is going to stop him from doing anything if he is in the right, to which Elias tells his sister Sally how amazed he is for their romantic relationship lasting so long. Sally then takes Sonic to the Science Center for his "punishment" where Rotor, Tails and Sir Charles Hedgehog are working on a new pair of Star Posts, and Sally informs Sonic that they've decided to take a page out of Scourge's book and counter-invade Moebius.