| - "I suppose I could remain a few days and see to some final chores of bookkeeping, but this is nothing the new maester could not do..."
- "Perhaps after a few days we shall see if you're truly fixed upon leaving."
- "Are you leaving us permanently, Maester Lucas?"
- "Thank you, my [lord/lady], but my plans are set. I'll always feel incomplete and less of a maester in some way until I've earned the Valyrian link."
- "I am very sorry to hear that, Maester Lucas. Are you certain I cannot change your mind?"
- "We can only hope that your replacement is half as able as you."
- "My [lady/lord], I must return to Oldtown to earn my Valyrian link. This may take years, so the Citadel will be sending [Your Holding] a new maester for a time."
- "You're needed very badly, Maester Lucas. Could you delay your departure by a month?"
- "No doubt you've given this plenty of thought, but [Your Holding] will be the worse for it."
- "No, my [lord/lady], I shall someday return, if it is your wish. For the near future I will continue my studies as a maester, to find the deeper learning."