| - Amaunator (pronounced ah-MAWN-ah-tor ) was the Netherese solar deity of order, the sun, law, and time. He was viewed as a harsh but fair deity, revered by many rulers, soldiers, and powerful wizards. It was eventually claimed, following the Spellplague, that Lathander, the Faerûnian god of the sun, was an aspect of the long-dormant Amaunator. By the Year of the Ageless One, 1479 DR, Amaunator was worshiped both as Lathander and by his own name.
- Amaunator, also known as the Yellow God and the Keeper of the Eternal Sun, is a lawful neutral dead deity of law and the sun. He was worshipped in ancient Netheril and faded with it. The Bedine of Anauroch worshipped him as At'ar the Merciless, who was female.
- Amaunator (Ah-MAWN-ah-tor) is a fictional solar deity of the Forgotten Realms Dungeons & Dragons campaign setting devised by Ed Greenwood. Gamewise, he is considered to be a deceased deity.
- Amaunator is selectable as a patron diety for player characters. Worshippers of Amaunator are referred to as Amaunatorans.
- Amaunator war in archaischen Zeiten eine sehr wichtige Gottheit, die allerdings in der Gegenwart fast vergessen ist. Er war der Gott der Sonne und des Befehls, aber er wurde auch als ein Gott des Gesetzes und der Zeit verehrt. Er war zu dem ein geduldiger und gewissenhafter Gott. Nachdem Nesseril untergegangen war, wurde er weitgehend vom Volk aufgegeben, das der Ansicht war, dass Amaunator nichts mehr für sie tue. Einige Leute sehen den Gott Lathander als eine Art "Wiedergeburt" Amaunators an.
- thumb|200px|left|Symbol Amaunatora Amaunator to Untheryjskie Bóstwo Słońca - jego reinkarnacją jest Lathander, co zostało potwierdzone w czwartej edycji.