Nobuchika Ginoza is a supporting protagonist in both seasons of the anime series Psycho-Pass. He is an Inspector for the MWPSB, the son of Tomomi Masaoka and a high-school friend of Shinya Kogami. He takes his last name from his mother, due to his father's demotion to Enforcer. He looks down on the Enforcers, considering them to be nothing more than 'hunting dogs'. He also warns his partner, Akane Tsunemori not to get friendly with the Enforcers, believing that it would lead to the same fate as his father and best friend.
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| - Nobuchika Ginoza is a supporting protagonist in both seasons of the anime series Psycho-Pass. He is an Inspector for the MWPSB, the son of Tomomi Masaoka and a high-school friend of Shinya Kogami. He takes his last name from his mother, due to his father's demotion to Enforcer. He looks down on the Enforcers, considering them to be nothing more than 'hunting dogs'. He also warns his partner, Akane Tsunemori not to get friendly with the Enforcers, believing that it would lead to the same fate as his father and best friend.
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type of hero
| - Tragic Detective, Wise Hero, Good Hearted Bastard
| - Stop Shogo Makishima, Ensure Akane doesn't become an Enforcer like Kogami and Masaoka
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| - Collecting coins, taking care of decorative plants
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| - Nobuchika Ginoza is a supporting protagonist in both seasons of the anime series Psycho-Pass. He is an Inspector for the MWPSB, the son of Tomomi Masaoka and a high-school friend of Shinya Kogami. He takes his last name from his mother, due to his father's demotion to Enforcer. He looks down on the Enforcers, considering them to be nothing more than 'hunting dogs'. He also warns his partner, Akane Tsunemori not to get friendly with the Enforcers, believing that it would lead to the same fate as his father and best friend. He is voiced by Kenji Nojima in the Japanese version and Josh Grelle in the English version, the latter of whom also voices Yukiteru Amano, Yuuji Sakai and Shido Itsuka.