This movie was created for Beginning Filmmaking in the spring of 2007.
Apprently this was a page then it was deleted XD, but oh well, this is a songfic not a story, and there also might be fore-shadowing in here And if you want to get the full experience of the song you should listen to it <--thar Anyways, To explain this songfic, this is near the time where everything started going down-hill for the clan. Mainly a while before Cold Heart.
Jang Mi Ran es una mujer soltera que cuida de sus cuatro hijos sola tras perder a su marido en un accidente. Mientras que se enfrenta a los problemas con la sociedad por ser madre soltera, encuentra el amor con la reaparición de su compañero de instituto Jo Yi Han.
My heart so true My heart so true Baby Baby Baby I love you too much (ist! that is ist!) Only you I want to make you smile
This movie was created for Beginning Filmmaking in the spring of 2007.
Apprently this was a page then it was deleted XD, but oh well, this is a songfic not a story, and there also might be fore-shadowing in here And if you want to get the full experience of the song you should listen to it <--thar Anyways, To explain this songfic, this is near the time where everything started going down-hill for the clan. Mainly a while before Cold Heart.
Jang Mi Ran es una mujer soltera que cuida de sus cuatro hijos sola tras perder a su marido en un accidente. Mientras que se enfrenta a los problemas con la sociedad por ser madre soltera, encuentra el amor con la reaparición de su compañero de instituto Jo Yi Han.
My heart so true My heart so true Baby Baby Baby I love you too much (ist! that is ist!) Only you I want to make you smile