| - The first phase of the final battle of Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia, this monstrosity is a Song Magic construct made by Mir, which embodies all of her hatred, sadness and despair; and considered by many as the hardest enemy in the game. The battle strategies for it change significantly depending on if you're fighting against it for the Bad Ending or (any of the three variations of) the True Ending. Each one of Shadow Mir's parts has a different set of attacks, although they all share innate regen, status immunity and use the Circling Soul skill upon attacking, which takes one of them out of the battlefield (can't be damaged or targeted) to be replaced with other of the parts, in the following order: Head -> Body -> Arms -> Head. The parts are still affected by the regen when they are out of the battlefield, so you have to be fast and powerful to outdamage their regen if you don't want your attacks to become mere wastes of turns. The attacks used by each one of these parts are as follows:
* Head: has the least number of attack and skills, although the ones it has are extremely dangerous. Can use Light , which deals extremely large physical damage to a single target; and Howl , which lowers the Speed of all your party members and dispels all buffs and debuffs inflicted upon everyone.
* Body: it's the middle point in the number of skills. It can use Sonata , which deals a random number of physical hits to all vanguards; Destruction , which causes large physical damage to all vanguards in addition to delaying their turns; and Embrace , which Curses all vanguards and deals damage ignoring their defenses.
* Arms: Have the largest number of available skills, and a few of them can be quite a danger. It can use Burst Crush , which hits for all the elements and can cause a random status ailment to a single target ; Burst Crush , which causes large physical damage to a single target; Burst Crush , which deals a random number of hits to all vanguards; and Suction , which reduces the MP of your Reyvateil.